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KH2 What would happen if...[KH2 Axel]

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I don't think it would change, their goal would still be the same and the end should be the same. But remember that Sora confronts Roxas (I don't know how he gets there) and they fight. Axel should be in that battle in some sort and that would change something to the game but I think it would be the same.


And the boss battles, (Saix, Luxord etc.) they stay as it is. Like Sora would finish them off.

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I would say he would convince Roxas to team up with Sora and the gang to defeat Xemnas. Doing that, 4 keybladers would be there http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif


I can actually imagine that. @_@ LOL

I think though somehow in the end he would still die, probably from defending Roxas or something. D: that's what i imagine if that would happen.



T-T I almost cried when he died, I thought it was soooo sad!

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Well, i wont say i'm morbid but......

Axel would have to spend the rest of eternity without his compainions

and as the others grew older and eventually died, Axel would stay the same age and stay that way for ever.


That's a miserable exsistance.



of course i THOUGHT mabey Axel could have just fought the entire fight with Sora. but mabey he WANTED to go but DIDNT want to leave without a meaningful exsistance and he already lost everything (thus his EXTREMELY noticalbe desperation) so mabey he



Was that too depressing?

Im sorry if i caused anyone any greif cuz of wat i just wrote


Although it IS my thoughts on the subject...............depressing aint it?



BTW I REALLY think Axel liked Sora unlike how he is around everyone else (and he acted so casual around him)


It's like

Around the Org:

Vexen: I AM SUPERIOR!!!!

Larxene: hey big boy!

Axel: yeah. sure. whatever...


Around Sora:

Sora: AWNSER ME!!! *pulls up Keyblade*


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xD I agree with what someone said before , that I think he would have sacrificed himself at the end anyway...


I think they would have never pulled out of that fight though, even if they did team up.

They were already oh so tired xD

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This is about KH2, so it belongs in the Kingdom Hearts II section.


And yeah, if Axel didn't die, I guess he would've followed Sora into the Castle That Never Was. Then, I wonder, would he have tried to stop Roxas merging with Sora?

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Yeah, Axel being who it is, I guess would have tried to stop Roxas ;O


But I really love the scene where he dies xD Omg I know it sounds mean but,

it was so touching haha!

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i dun really think so. cuz after all being best friend he would want what was best for roxas...*shrugs* but tats just me


omigosh i cried so much!!!! my mom gave me a weird look...like one of her what the heck looks...but she pouted when i showed her the cutscene of him dying http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.gif but yah axels death was the most touching scene in kh/kh2/all the kh scenes ive seen in mah opinion....




I would say he would convince Roxas to team up with Sora and the gang to defeat Xemnas. Doing that, 4 keybladers would be there :D


I think though somehow in the end he would still die, probably from defending Roxas or something. D:


yeah...i can just imagine him being shot by xigbar or somethin like tat....and then i would hate xigbar...:P

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YUPPERZ i have a theory about Axel and Larxene....u see their appearance isnt how they seem

Larxene is beautful and innocent looking yet her personality is harsh and tempermental

Axel has a rough appearance which makes most people think of him as this really wild angry person


yet their appearances are COMPLETELY different (its like they wear a mask as though Larxene is trys to trap people with her cute appearance thus giving others the impression that she isnt a threat *like a wolf in sheep's clothing* as it seems Axel trys to give others the impression to stay away although he's so sociable that everyone is on good terms with him (with the exception of Vexen and Xemnas who barely like anyone xD)



is that too deep? awell i have another on their eye color but that is considered in ALL anime xD

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What if Sora healed Axl when he was ying after their tag-team battle in KH2.....would the game change?:-/


Mate, that's like asking "What would have happened if Cloud pulled his wits together and used a phoenix down on Aerith".

It just wouldn't happen. Simply didn't, wont, shan't, etc.

When all else fails, so does common sense, when it comes to Squenix characters.

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