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Alphabetical Improv!

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'Cause you would really look like that if you sleep on it xD. But oh well..wanna sleep too geez X_x

Edited by Sei

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destati! destati! è giunta l'ora! xD (just fo rhe info: "destati" means "awake" )

Edited by Aros

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*Gasp* (no strange comments here pelase I'm begging you >.<) *reach your hand* You want it, take it ~~ 0/* but only one, I need the other one xD

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*Gasp* (no strange comments here pelase I'm begging you >.<) *reach your hand* You want it, take it ~~ 0/* but only one, I need the other one xD


jeez, it was the continue of the song.... xP anyway *take an axe* i'm gonna take take your hand like you wished ^^

Edited by Aros

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Light protect me ! O.O Don't come near me with this axe you psycho ! >:( *take her frying pan* I know how to defend myself, and you know that xD

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Light protect me ! O.O Don't come near me with this axe you psycho ! >:( *take her frying pan* I know how to defend myself, and you know that xD


must be the darkness if you need light xD

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Most of my posts now have to do with food... xD Should I stop? :/


Edit: aros keeps posting when im posting ;/

Edited by TB298

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Oh boy, you're always posting in the same time guys with double same letter xD !! nyahaha And you already know that Vanitas is in you, and plus you're m'shadow huhuhu :3 (And TB you're just maybe certainly hunfry everytime you speak with us xD)

Edited by Sei

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Question: is it normal for notification boxes to ve broken, I think mine is broken :O


Edit: (since when did I start worrying about the notifications)

Edited by TB298

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reply with another question: could be the problem is related at the fact that is need some sec before receving a notification?

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Sorry to desapointed ya but I guess the problem isn't really the notifications here...but most likely ...us xD

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Sorry to desapointed ya but I guess the problem isn't really the notifications here...but most likely ...us xD


Sometimes I can get off topic, must be the darkness xP


TWO?! this topic is full of doubles xD

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Xgrgrgrg ( xD...TB seriously ! He already know that and he loves that xD ) Wait ! OBJECTION !!! I guess you have the wrong Sei here >.< ! Me and Vexen that's not love but the eprfect opposite xP. Gosh seriously..you're giving me the frying pan here for hitting ya xD. *punch you on the top of your head* But this time no pan 0/*

Edited by Sei

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