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KH Days: Secret Report, day 23

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maybe it mean something, maybe not but just for curiosity, here the report from kh wikia:


Author: Vexen

The Program is largely on target. No. i, my finest Replica, has proven an even greater success than anticipated. I intend to take the other vessel - judged unfit for number status - to Castle Oblivion, where I will subject it to further testing. One thing is clear: could these Replicas not be classified as a special sort of Nobody?


No. i (1) like we know and it said here too is xion but vexen is talking about other replicas.

so the questions is: where are this replicas now? their working or can be operating with the neccessary thinks? replica from who? and can their appear in KH3 if vexen/even is returing and while go back at the laboratory in the castle and continuing his experiment? (be him good, evil or neutral)


let me know your thoughts about it :)

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you fight deformed copies of Xion. 


you mean other then one riku replica, vexen have only created xion's copy without even finish one properly before starts another? that geezer it was a genius for sure, but it wasn't very serious at work, ah? >.>


well, seriously i was thinking about other keyblade wielder but i don't think he have enought data about venus, aqua terra or even eraqus....

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you mean other then one riku replica, vexen have only created xion's copy without even finish one properly before starts another? that geezer it was a genius for sure, but it wasn't very serious at work, ah? >.>


well, seriously i was thinking about other keyblade wielder but i don't think he have enought data about venus, aqua terra or even eraqus....

I was kidding, but Xion was the last creation Vexen made before he died, right? And also how hard is it for him to make a replica? It took him only a few days to make Riku. He might have a replica of Sora or even Roxas... I mean he doesn't need a lot of data it seems.... he fights them once and that is it.

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The wording of it makes it sound like he is talking about about Repliku and Xion. While it is not impossible for him to be referring to other replicas the context clues imply him to be referring to No.i and the one he sent to Castle Oblvion aka Repliku

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I was kidding, but Xion was the last creation Vexen made before he died, right? And also how hard is it for him to make a replica? It took him only a few days to make Riku. He might have a replica of Sora or even Roxas... I mean he doesn't need a lot of data it seems.... he fights them once and that is it.


don't worry i know it wasn't serious, it's for that anfter i say "well, seriously...." ;)

he call her no.1, and could be the first of the series (maybe he has started before the riku's) or maybe is the only one working and the other are only failed experiment?

before i nominate the keyblade wielder for make it similar to the one in KH2FM... the replica in the cave of remembrace.... but their data from ansem the wise, if i'm not mistaken....

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The wording of it makes it sound like he is talking about about Repliku and Xion. While it is not impossible for him to be referring to other replicas the context clues imply him to be referring to No.i and the one he sent to Castle Oblvion aka Repliku


This is what I say as well. We also know the replica in CO is Repliku.  As for the manga, it has been confirmed by Nomura as not canon.

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In the manga, the other Replicas are all clones of Vexen, which actually makes sense from a character point of view. Prooooobably not canon in the games, but hey.


so vexen is a narcisist? :O  xD 

i begin the manga, then drop it (see the trickmaster being defeat by 1 shot of blizzard was a little poor for someone expection great things xD but for some time the desire of read it it's returned) so i didn't know about it. :)


This is what I say as well. We also know the replica in CO is Repliku.  As for the manga, it has been confirmed by Nomura as not canon.


well only one vexen is enought ;)  *imagine tons of vexen all together with their creeping laugh* :O


PS: thanks guys for saying so far this is helped resolve the think a little, of course this is all talk, is nomura the one having the final word xD

PS for lea: how come you know everythink, is the second time you respond at my doubt with something nomura confirmed.... xD is not that your're him relative? or collecting information about him in an album or something? :/

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so vexen is a narcisist? :O  xD

i begin the manga, then drop it (see the trickmaster being defeat by 1 shot of blizzard was a little poor for someone expection great things xD but for some time the desire of read it it's returned) so i didn't know about it. :)



well only one vexen is enought ;)  *imagine tons of vexen all together with their creeping laugh* :O


PS: thanks guys for saying so far this is helped resolve the think a little, of course this is all talk, is nomura the one having the final word xD

PS for lea: how come you know everythink, is the second time you respond at my doubt with something nomura confirmed.... xD is not that your're him relative? or collecting information about him in an album or something? :/

  Maybe I'm secretly Nomura ***laughs**** xD

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  Maybe I'm secretly Nomura ***laughs**** xD


nomura's.....a girl? :O cit. sora to mulan (more or less xD )

if is truth then stop with the mysterious announcement and trolling and go work on KH2.5 and 3  >:(  xD 

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