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Lets See How Long We Can Keep This Going...

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430 So random..that's awesome I would never thought about restart the game xD. Hmmm Let's take...the one..well.. *takes a white little stone and closes her eyes* I'll throw it randmoly and then we follow the path where it'll be, okay ? 0/*

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432. Okay~~ then here we go !! =D *moves her arms in every direction and throw the stone with all the strenght she has and opens her eyes* So where it is ?! =D .. hu...?...HUUU ??!! Why is it on the grass ? There're 5 damn roads so why the grass ?!! :O  Well then sweety.. We'll go this way ! *points the direction where the white stone fell : nowhere* Let's follow this hidden path of ours ! Yeaay !! 0/*

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435. the grass grow random tonight, not a road to be seen, a pact of incertations, and looks like..... she's the queen (of what? :O ) the wind is howling and my hair goes wild, gonna keep the wig, with a glue i try.... don't let them in, don't let them see, go forward like it has to be, conceal don't feel don't let me lost... well now i'm looooost >.<

let's go on, let's go on..... i could care less anymore let's go on, let's go on i don't what's that bwhind the doooooor (what door? :O )


and here i finished the spam LOL a random lyrics just invented for this journey xD

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438. I dooon't care what we will find, to the road ahead !! Random never bother me anyway~ 0/*

Hu ?? Why is it snowing ? :/  Hey.. Do you want to build a Kittymaaaan ?~~ It can also be a snowman xD

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439. a water-bender can be cool... for her sub-power: *spoiler*-bender  xP  *evil laught* anyway kitty or man,  just let's go out and play *.*

Edited by Aros

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443 Soon it will really snow if we keep singing Let i go like that nyahaha xD. So come on companions ! On the road ahead ! :3  (even if there's no road, just imagine xD)

Edited by Sei

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447. Don't fight guys, peace love & random <3  nyaha ^^. We have the road to the grass to follow now.

(But I really want to build a kittymaaaaan~ ! Well okay I stop.. fine : )

Edited by Sei

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