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Lets See How Long We Can Keep This Going...

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926. Of course I know it xD the last time you take me to Destiny Island we finished to Agrabah O.O'...the worst !! xP

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928. Yeah~~ with the Paopu who taste like Marzipan right ?? nyahaha ^^ So TB.. you'll lead our way this time xD

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930 dang, you guys.went.to.destiny.island.to.agrabah..WITHOUT ME :O is there any other journeys I need to know about?


Edit: no weed, im captain this.time xP

Edited by TB298

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931. @Weed : Hai hai Cap'tain !! >.< But why Nippon~~ Randomnia is better xD

@TB ; that's been awhile TB since those journeys ^^ so we can go again together if you wanna ^^

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933. I said you can show us the road TB *give you a card* You're the Card man of this ship~~ *put a firm hand on your shoulder* We're counting on you ! Lead us to Cap'tain Nippon *whisper* Or he'll kill us >.<

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938. leave it to me! go underground.... but there's no ground so i go under the ship and.............. drow x.x

Edited by Aros

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939. *empty a bottle of rum on Weed* No smoking onboard Cap'tain Weed Sparrow ! You'll make the ship burn xD

EDIT : OMG xD 3 posts at the same time yaha ^^

Edited by Sei

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942. Aros !! >< *jump in the water with a rope, put the rope around ya and try swimming to the surface* Blblbllblbulbuubbuuuuuuuuuuuh !! >< (traduction : Damn it Aros you're heavy help me !!! xD)


(As if nobody..xD..*I'm a nobody* ><)

Edited by Sei

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945. Do something you're the CAPTAIN HERE !!! :O Aros..and me...? T.T


*reach the surface with Aros and grab the ship* TB help~~ !

Edited by Sei

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