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Lets See How Long We Can Keep This Going...

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353. i'm looking forward eveytime i see "KH" LOL and in sora reply: "no, 'cause jelous is darkness... i must fight the darkness within me...." not really a quote i'm just messing around with riku way to think (or ex- way to think ) xD

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360 xD thank u.

Roxas: another dream about him...

edit: had to edit because of slow tying

Edited by TB298

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EDIT: LOL and yes the genius are you....  i'm a little gentle bastard XDD

364. here's a little late better i go or i awate in the afternoon LOL and come sora, when not even at 1000 xP

Edited by Aros

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EDIT: LOL and yes the genius are you....  i'm a little gentle bastard XDD

364. here's a little late better i go or i awate in the afternoon LOL and come sora, when not even at 1000

367: We better get going then

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368. all worlds begin in ______, and all so end. The heart is no different. ______ sprouts within it, it grows, consumes it. such is its nature. In the end, every Heart returns to the ______ whence it came! You see, ______ is the Heart's true essence...>:)  what's the missing word? xP (i hope in a random answer :D )

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371. You see, pizza rolls is the Heart's true essence... yeah, sounds good LOL (sssh, don't say pizza rolls too much or sora ending to feel like eating them xP)

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368. all worlds begin in ______, and all so end. The heart is no different. ______ sprouts within it, it grows, consumes it. such is its nature. In the end, every Heart returns to the ______ whence it came! You see, ______ is the Heart's true essence....  > :)  what's the missing word? xP (i hope in a random answer :D )

373. It's pie

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