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Lets See How Long We Can Keep This Going...

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287. *hit the floor near sora with the whip* don't worry about that >:)  of course i'm joking, it's all ok, man xD

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289. i'm not so sure... that red writing.... :/xP  so how's going on the "begin of the xehanort on KH13 story"? xD

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291 oh, i was prepare for 200 imagines of dialogue LOL i'm curious about the plot and the new character appearing xP

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292: It will be a couple more days, but prepare for it to be longer. I will include a link to past entries due to the wait. It won't take this long every single time, my particular situation just happened to suck in recent days. Lol. I will say this, as you've seen it grow in Prologue I, II and the first part, it will grow, but to a greater extent this time. The story will get darker, the plots will get thicker and two very loyal KH13 members will co-star...  

Edited by soravids

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295. who....who's this guy? xD -sora quote at the computer while the image of ansem the wise appear LOL i prefer pizza the normal one not the snack xP (tonay for dinner i have pizza :P )

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