Sora96 17,256 Posted September 23, 2014 Final Fantasy has never been short of characters burdened with saving the world, but there's something different about its new breed of heroes. When Naoki Yoshida was tasked with salvaging the mess that was the original release of Final Fantasy 14, the challenge seemed insurmountable. With A Realm Reborn, it's a feat he pulled off, and with some style: the rebirth of the once troubled game has done more than rescue an expensive, wayward project. It's restored faith in Square Enix, and in a series that for too many years seems to have drifted away from its audience. Now, a similarly herculean task has fallen at the feat of another employee of Square Enix. Hajime Tabata, the director who previously worked on Final Fantasy 7 offshoots Before Crisis and Crisis Core as well as, most recently, Type 0, has been given responsibility to deliver the project that's haunted Square Enix for over eight years. It's fallen to Tabata to deliver Final Fantasy 15, the game born from the development hell that enshrouded Final Fantasy Versus 13, with former director Tetsuya Nomura having been moved aside to focus on Kingdom Hearts 3. Having sat down with Tabata for an hour-long roundtable at Square Enix's Shinjuku headquarters, it seems he is the perfect man for the job. Like Yoshida, Tabata cuts a contrasting figure to the directors who have immediately preceded him. The Final Fantasy 13 era that staggered throughout the entirety of the last generation, though not without its own moments, felt defined by a stuffiness that, by the time of the second sequel, almost bordered on arrogance, the likes of Yoshinori Kitase and Motomu Toriyama seemingly deaf to Final Fantasy's many fans. Elements of Nomura's Final Fantasy Versus 13, last seen in full three years ago, remain in Final Fantasy 15 - but the project was reset when Tabata joined two years ago. Tabata couldn't be any more different. Warm, embracing and with a gentle curiosity, his eagerness to please the fans of Final Fantasy can be disarming. Maybe it's because, like Yoshida before him, he's aware that it's the fans that can make the difference, that they're the ones key to the game's reception and that they're the greatest tool in his arsenal - something Tabata knows first-hand after pressure from Final Fantasy fans in the west led to the HD remaster of Type 0 getting a global release next March. "With Type 0, it was literally the demand from the fans that tipped the scales," he says. "The players are very important to us in the development. If I could, I'd love to go and thank each and every person who voiced their opinion, and wanted it to come to the western markets." "We're definitely sorry - we want to apologise for keeping the fans waiting for a very long time." It's that deference to fans that persuaded Square Enix to release a playable Final Fantasy 15 demo alongside Type 0 next March, too. "I joined about two years ago, and since then we have changed platform and we've also had a staff change in the team as well as revisiting what content and mechanics would be included in 15," says Tabata. "We're definitely sorry - we want to apologise for keeping the fans waiting for a very long time. The current status [of the full game] is at about 55 per cent at this point, and while we'd love to continue polishing and raising the quality as much as we can, because fans have been waiting for such a long time, we wanted to bring it in a playable form as a demo attached to Type 0 so people could see there is progress being made." 1 Type-0 HD makes the most of the new generation of consoles with improved controls and graphics, the action-orientated PSP original getting a handsome makeover. A teaser shown at last week's Tokyo Game Show helped showcase some of that progress, and it's looking delicious so far. After the long corridors of Final Fantasy 13, 15 makes a break for an open world, explorable in a squat caricature of a car and with combat that flows freely. There are elements that remain from Nomura's take on the project - the characters and world are retained, of course, and the combat bears a resemblance to the last time we properly saw Versus 13 back in 2011 - but much of it is new, and carries the stamp of Tabata. What exactly is Tabata's style? Despite his previous games having been on portable platforms, he's certainly got an affinity with more traditional console fare. "In Japan, more and more gamers lean towards games that can be played very casually," he says. "I personally like and grew up with those core-centric games, those substantial standalone games. I want to preserve the integrity of them, and leave a legacy of those standalone games in the best form possible." "With Final Fantasy 15, I do want to make it more casual." There's a physicality to Tabata's games - something seen in the more grounded fantasy of Type 0 and in the more direct combat of Crisis Core - that's retained and underlined in Final Fantasy 15. "When we were making the transition, we sat down and I discussed with Nomura the game," he says. "I felt that I wanted to shift it more to be more realistic. For example, when you're battling a really strong boss like a behemoth, if you go at it from just the front you're going to get hit with his counter-attacks. You have to think about baiting it to attack forward, but then break its stance and attack it from the side. I wanted to make it so you're fighting a real animal, but with easy-to-manipulate controls as well as dramatic effects. My basis was to keep it grounded in reality." Other elements seem to have crept into Tabata's Final Fantasy 15, too. Open worlds aren't exclusive to western games - an expansive overworld to explore has been at the backbone of the very best Final Fantasy games - but its implementation in Final Fantasy 15, where characters traverse epic plains in an automobile, seems to have some deference to the open worlds of Grand Theft Auto and its like. Tabata's happy to acknowledge those influences. Final Fantasy 15's Tokyo Game Show trailer offered a glimpse of the open world, as well as at next March's demo. "Ever since I took a central position for the Xbox One and PS4 Final Fantasy 15, I would make the judgement call based on my personal taste, which did lean towards western games, and then tweak the visual aspects as well as the combat aspects," he says. "Rather than it being influenced by western games, it's more my personal taste. I like that style, and I wanted it incorporated in the game." Tabata's also in pursuit of a Final Fantasy that's not as overwhelming as its predecessors, and one that can be enjoyed by a broader audience. "With Final Fantasy 15, I do want to make it more casual," he says. "Of course the depth of the game is going to be there, but I want to make it so players can easily experience the satisfaction of the depth of the game." There's an option to set that car to drive itself, allowing players to sit back and take in the sights - although there is also an option to drive it manually, should they want to engage more fully with the world. "Another example is in the combat," explains Tabata. "With the hardware specifications of the newer consoles, it's possible to set it up so you have different enemies and different choices of attacks you can enter in, but I want to simplify that. It'll basically be a one-button action, and the AI intuitively outputs an action that kind of satisfies, gives you that instant gratification, and it connects with the simple touch of a button. I myself am not getting any younger. I don't want to be frantically pushing buttons. I also want to utilise the intelligence of the hardware spec, and not have to go through too much hassle or trouble in order to execute moves." A more streamlined Final Fantasy might be anathema to some fans, but Tabata seems keen to push in some areas while trimming away others, restoring a sense of grand adventure to the series that's been absent for nearly an entire generation. More importantly for Square Enix, he has a proven ability to ship games, which, after what will likely be a decade when its launch finally comes, is what Final Fantasy 15 needs above all else. And, despite his relative lack of experience when it comes to mainline Final Fantasy games, Tabata's not short on ambition either. "Personally, I'm working on 15 to make it the most emotional Final Fantasy title that I've worked on," he says as our hour comes to an end. "My goal is to have people play Final Fantasy 15, and for them to think this is the best Final Fantasy they've ever played." Thanks to 4 Anti-SOLDIER, WakelessDream, Alicia Maddox and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RobertOrri 202 Posted September 23, 2014 I want Nomura back on this project. I don't care if KH3 gets delayed more. The more I hear from Tabata the more I worry. 2 Nora Valkyrie and PrinceNoctis reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora96 17,256 Posted September 23, 2014 I want Nomura back on this project. I don't care if KH3 gets delayed more. The more I hear from Tabata the more I worry. Nomura's work on this game is already done. 2 Alicia Maddox and RoxasXIIIK reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Soravids 1,056 Posted September 23, 2014 Tabata does worry me... 1 PrinceNoctis reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clouded Sun 1,232 Posted September 23, 2014 I like Tabata better... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanitasTheBest 196 Posted September 23, 2014 So basically he's the reason it was reset to become FFXV? Nice to know.But that one-button thing sounds weird. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sorarocks93 678 Posted September 23, 2014 What? Please don't be what I think it is....... What does he mean? Does he mean it's going to be like KH where you just press X to deliver combos or are you just going to press X once and he is going to deliver a combo or something? If it's the latter... This isn't a movie FFS. What are these guys thinking? This is worrying...... Oh no no no NO NO! Suddenly my expectation fell from heaven to earth and all the way down to hell and beyond. 1 Dio Brando reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cucco 1,907 Posted September 23, 2014 How about no. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingdom Of Me 171 Posted September 23, 2014 (edited) How about no. How about HELL NO! I've been telling my friends how great this game is going to be, and how awesome the fighting system will be... and now this?! "I'm too old to be pressing buttons to make my character do stuff... I want the AI to play for me...ow my back" Shut up Tabata some people actually have skill in games! Some people want to you know... "Play" the game, which I know is so hard to understand as a video game director! Some people have the coordination of someone older than three to press a series of buttons to do something! One Button?! One...ONE, this is FFXIII all over again! The stupid Auto Button crap! What the hell, Just because you are old and like everything done for you! I mean for... come on we don't need Devil may Cry Level of combos (which I'm sure Tabata played then immediately cried to his mother because it was too complicated) but [XXXXXXXXXXX] is a little... stupid! and you can say I'm slightly hypocritical but Kingdom Hearts still has more going for it than just X, Days had a combo exstender with a well timed Y BBS had a deck command. hell even two had a roulette system for bosses like Unknown and that dumb card gambler guy! I mean FFXV had a chance! It had hope to recover after FFXIII, also ********* the mainstream and ******** casual market for tainting my games with your grime! I don't even know what Grime is but don't touch me with it!!! Get Tabata and his COD fanboys, and his Farmville directors, and his dumb new I idea for a controller that is just a round pad with one red button on it! (you know he thought of that!!) and get them out of my games that were once innovative and new and complex because some people can't stand what the mainstream market has become!!!! Who the Hell does he think he is?! He has never played a FF game?! where is it tht he says... "With the hardware specifications of the newer consoles, it's possible to set it up so you have different enemies and different choices of attacks you can enter in," That sounds Awesome! All the battle choices, all the combos and stuff and how cool does that sound! "but I want to simplify that." What the! I want to simplify your face! Simplify your job to you being a bustboy were you could give your uncoordinated fingers some use! Why would you Simpliy that?! Why would you take away choice?! Isn't Choice like the number one rule in Gaming 101?! Or has the COD fans and the "Pay to win" developers and their ****ing mico-transactions that ruined gaming changed that rule to: Make your all your games the exact same thing as the last one, and make sure it is and dumbfoundly simple as possible! Edited September 23, 2014 by Jilly Shears 3 PrinceNoctis, Dio Brando and Clouded Sun reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora96 17,256 Posted September 23, 2014 Restart of Rant! Who the Hell does he think he is?! He has never played a FF game?! where is it tht he says... "With the hardware specifications of the newer consoles, it's possible to set it up so you have different enemies and different choices of attacks you can enter in," That sounds Awesome! All the battle choices, all the combos and stuff and how cool does that sound! "but I want to simplify that." What the! I want to simplify your face! Simplify your job to you being a bustboy were you could give your uncoordinated fingers some use! Why would you Simpliy that?! Why would you take away choice?! Isn't Choice like the number one rule in Gaming 101?! Or has the COD fans and the "Pay to win" developers and their ****ing mico-transactions that ruined gaming changed that rule to: Make your all your games the exact same thing as the last one, and make sure it is and dumbfoundly simple as possible! He directed Before Crisis, Crisis Core and Type-0. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alicia Maddox 2,141 Posted September 23, 2014 I for one am ok with this. You see, I'm not that great of a gamer to begin with. I don't mind a little bit of strategy in my games, ReCOM for one, but it is somewhat of a distraction for me to figure out and have to remember different button combinations for maneuvers and special combos. I'm all for a battle system more reminiscent of the KH series in FF15. I know this may be because I haven't been exposed to a lot of games yet, but anyway, I know I'm not the only one out there who thinks this. I know some may hate it, but others, like me, will love it. But regardless of how the gameplay will actually go when all is said and done, I'll buy FF15 and enjoy it anyway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demyx. 10,064 Posted September 23, 2014 This sounds bad... 4 Kingdom Of Me, Jilly Shears, Jim and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dave 5,715 Posted September 23, 2014 U casul? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joker 1,560 Posted September 23, 2014 im not sure how to feel about the one button press thing. I was kinda hoping for gameplay simalir to Type Zero. since I love it while playing on my psp right now Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hardrada 117 Posted September 23, 2014 It's going to be good visuals with crappy gameplay; much like XIII. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mysterious Figure 353 Posted September 23, 2014 This doesn't really sound great, but we could be surprised, I guess we should wait for the demo.....then complain 1 PrinceNoctis reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingdom Of Me 171 Posted September 23, 2014 I for one am ok with this. You see, I'm not that great of a gamer to begin with. I don't mind a little bit of strategy in my games, ReCOM for one, but it is somewhat of a distraction for me to figure out and have to remember different button combinations for maneuvers and special combos. I'm all for a battle system more reminiscent of the KH series in FF15. I know this may be because I haven't been exposed to a lot of games yet, but anyway, I know I'm not the only one out there who thinks this. I know some may hate it, but others, like me, will love it. But regardless of how the gameplay will actually go when all is said and done, I'll buy FF15 and enjoy it anyway. Now I'm not saying that people who aren't good at playing games shouldn't be able to play, enjoy and beat them. I'm not saying that, that is what Easy, Medium, and Hard modes are for. But making the core gameplay simpler and therefore easier shouldn't be... a thing that happens. Save the one button thing for the Easy mode, and save medium and hard for the Combos and the dodge rolls or whatever. The thing is you don't play games and you like the idea, and that is fine, but gamers, people who've played games for years and countless of them as well, who've played FFVI and FFX FFIX even if they weren't born with them, like me I've played them... those gamers don't want a simple game, they want a game that will challenge them, and test them, but also has a place for the newer gamers or the not so good. It shouldn't be at its core... Final Fantasy was never a casual market, and making it one now is just a money grab, because the casual is the largest market. 1 Dio Brando reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PrinceNoctis 1,011 Posted September 23, 2014 This doesn't really sound great, but we could be surprised, I guess we should wait for the demo.....then complain That's what I've been telling myself...I've been waiting for this game for so long if Tabata ruins it I'll hate him forever! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfsinner 22 Posted September 23, 2014 (edited) Well, to be fair Kingdom Hearts is also a one-button game (in terms of attacking) for the most part. Maybe that's what he meant. Maybe it'll be similar. Hopefully. Really. Please don't screw it up. Edited September 23, 2014 by wolfsinner 2 Joker and Tigerruss reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora96 17,256 Posted September 24, 2014 Well, to be fair Kingdom Hearts is also a one-button game (in terms of attacking) for the most part. Maybe that's what he meant. Maybe it'll be similar. Hopefully. Really. Please don't screw it up. It's also got XII in it. 1 wolfsinner reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfsinner 22 Posted September 24, 2014 It's also got XII in it. True, although it seems more fast-paced than XII. If they pulled off a fluid battle system similar to XII's it'd be gold. XII was great. We'll have to wait and see I guess. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigerruss 576 Posted September 24, 2014 (edited) Well, to be fair Kingdom Hearts is also a one-button game (in terms of attacking) for the most part. Maybe that's what he meant. Maybe it'll be similar. Hopefully. Really. Please don't screw it up. And even if it wasn't exactly like Kingdom Hearts. I do know of plenty of old ARPGs that only had 1 attack button and were fun to play.Though it would suck if it basically was like Heavy Rain: Fantasy Button Mashing Edition.Edit: The Batman Arkham games, had only one attack button. Though arguably they truly had 4 (strike, counter, cape stun, and use gadget). So basically if it has an attack button and maybe a reaction button (not technically an attack button), its gameplay could be similar to the Batman Arkham games. Even if it was truly 1 button gameplay, it could be similar to the Batman Arkham games stripped down to only 1 button used. And honestly that probably wouldn't be a GREAT game, but it wouldn't be bad either. Edited September 24, 2014 by Tigerruss 1 wolfsinner reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snow 1,800 Posted September 24, 2014 (edited) Yeah... no.A "casual" mode isn't inherently bad, but it should be an option and it should limit the more rewarding features of the game. An action game isn't hard and your hands aren't going to be flying all over the controller.Let me break down a normal combo for Devil May Cry 4:Triangle/Y - Normal attack (Could pull your analog stick back, turn it into an air combo)Triangle/Y - Normal attackTriangle/Y - Normal attackCircle/B - Special AttackThat's it. No, really, that's it. And the game also had a feature where you could keep pressing a single attack button and the character would perform any variety of combos, but it also had a very big drop on your resulting grade.But there are also some more fundamentals, such as just-blocks, just-evades, and counter attacks. Those aren't too hard either, you hold a button and push your analog stick, and then hit an attack button if you want to counter, but I could understand these being too demanding for a casual gamer coupled with what combination of buttons do what. (Killer is Dead's easy mode also did just-blocks for you if you mashed the attack button.) But not everyone is a casual gamer who just wants to hold a button while the character flies around the screen. The reason people play games is to feel involved with the action, and the closest they'll get is controlling the person doing the action. Now you can't really even do that in FFXV.Tabata, change your ways. Make "Casual" and "Action-style" modes an option like how turn-based and action were in Dissidia. The reason I say it should be an option, is because Final Fantasy is known for how casual it can be, with strategized turn based combat. It's not Devil May Cry, but it's not a My Little Pony flash game either. If you're going to make a game more actionized, make the controls for it actionized too. Edited September 24, 2014 by Snow 2 Demyx. and Sendou Aichi reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mysterious Figure 353 Posted September 24, 2014 According to a combat patent Neogaf found there may be an alternative game mode Note that the game apparatus according to the present invention can cast various attacks based on the correspondence between positional conditions and attack methods set by the player even when the same operating button is pressed;however, it is also possible, for example, to switch, BY A PLAYER'S OPERATION, between a game mode to which the present invention is applied and in which various attacks can be cast based on the correspondence between positional conditions and attack methods set by the player, AND A NORMAL GAME MODE IN WHICH VARIOUS ATTACKS CAN BE CAST BY THE PLAYER BY PRESSING A PLURALITY Source: It also gives some more details on the auto system Not entirely sure of its validity though Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted September 27, 2014 Oh God no Oh god no Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites