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Ruby Rose

Team Awesome (1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1)

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In the anime/manga they have the sound effects flying around whenever something dramatic happens or whatnot.

Thats what I figured it was. Had to check.

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There should be a sale coming up. It's almost Christmas after all




Corpse Party ended on a total bummer

Still haven't downloaded 3D x.x

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I meant the anime, but I assume the games does, as well.

The manga is up in the air: volume 3 just ends with an ad for the Feb 2017 volume 4 release. 

I figured you were talking about the anime xP

At least for the games you can have slightly better endings (and by extension you can have slightly worse endings, probably).

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I figured you were talking about the anime xP

At least for the games you can have slightly better endings (and by extension you can have slightly worse endings, probably).

The anime kills off a lot of people who live in the games, and...weirdly vise versa, with the manga.

Miss Yui lives in the game, and dies in the manga and anime, but differently.

Seiko's death is much worse in the manga and anime, and the wall death is only implied, not shown, in both the game and manga.

It's weird how three versions of the same thing are nearly completely different. 

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The anime kills off a lot of people who live in the games, and...weirdly vise versa, with the manga.

Miss Yui lives in the game, and dies in the manga and anime, but differently.

Seiko's death is much worse in the manga and anime, and the wall death is only implied, not shown, in both the game and manga.

It's weird how three versions of the same thing are nearly completely different. 

.... Yaaaaay some amount of creative freedom among different mediums?

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.... Yaaaaay some amount of creative freedom among different mediums?

I guess. It seems like the manga is doing whatever, plotwise: only a few things match the anime, and from the game playthrough I watched, NOTHING matches the game completely. 

Too bad Book of Shadows isn't out in English.. 

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