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Ruby Rose

Team Awesome (1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1)

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I'm completely ashamed to say that their shameless cup noodles ads worked. I got some when I went shopping yesterday utm3p.jpg

I think i've still got some cup noodles around here somewhere. Unsure.

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Neps make no sense but I'm okay with that



"We will make important characters that appear in the main story of the game available to use as playable characters. Also, we will consider adding an avatar system to create an original character to play the game.

Hell yes o_o I like this roadmap. Also invincible suits 8D

Having more party members is aight and all, but what's the point of adding an avatar system? .w.


Also, is it usual nowadays for updates to do so many changes to a game? Adding NG+, adjusting things to increase "gameplay satisfaction" and "presentation satisfaction" or whatever, and just adding more events and stuff?




Unrelated memage:




Still don't get the weird braid thing


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Neps make no sense but I'm okay with that



Having more party members is aight and all, but what's the point of adding an avatar system? .w.


Also, is it usual nowadays for updates to do so many changes to a game? Adding NG+, adjusting things to increase "gameplay satisfaction" and "presentation satisfaction" or whatever, and just adding more events and stuff?




Still don't get the weird braid thing


Creating your own character is like the whole mainstream gaming thing that people really like these days. And I appreciate it too. So if they found a way for it to make sense to have your own character then hell yeah. Besides they did say it was only being considered.


And yeah it's pretty usual. But the roadmap they have planned out sounds really great. o: And i'm glad they plan to support the game for a long while. Plus usually devs don't give a full roadmap of what they're planning, they just do and give news about it as they go along from what i've seen. So it's great that they have a lot of plans and know what they're doing at this point.







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