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Ruby Rose

Team Awesome (1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1)

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It's good

I need to finish it though lol

That reminds me, ive been forgetting to ask: what episode of Berserk did you make it to? And Fate? And Rwby?

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Lol listening to Francis rage about xbox e3


I'm glad I'm not the only one who, when seeing Anthem, thought 'this is what Destiny was supposed to be'


Other than Anthem which I'm like 20% interested in, this E3 is shaping up to be as boring as the last one to me


We'll see if Sony can do anything tomorrow and if the Nintendo Direct can make my 3DS playable again or a Switch worth it on Tuesday

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Lol you probably broke Emiya's heart with that response

Wat no. Mythys a gamer. I was just curious. Theres a sig I wanted to use when im Emiya but it has "that" spoiler about him on it.

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Wat no. Mythys a gamer. I was just curious. Theres a sig I wanted to use when im Emiya but it has "that" spoiler about him on it.

Yush, I'm a gamer owo

You prolly already know, but 1.5+2.5 has been patched

The fixed the save crash and a bunch of other things

And people seem to forgive Square now lol

Guess people are happy that they even acknowledged the problem

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I don't forgive square for this one cool move of theirs


Just like with star wars battlefront the new one looks cool and promises free dlc


But the disgusting mess that is battlefront 2015 will not be forgiven by me any time soon


Square did good today which I'll commend them for but all my critiques about how they're handling khiii and ffviir stand

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So hey I'm working a long shift today so if anyone is watching E3 can they make a list of all the things in Sonys press conference? If not I guess I can look it up but if you can.

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Their press conference starts an hour before i go to work

6pm pacific time i think unless i read the wrong thing

You're one hour off twin xD

5pm Pacific time

That's 10am for me

So hey I'm working a long shift today so if anyone is watching E3 can they make a list of all the things in Sonys press conference? If not I guess I can look it up but if you can.

I'm on break, so if nothing pops up tomorrow, I'll try

But I'll prolly be shopping tomorrow morning so I can't guarantee anything

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Awwwww yissssss


I've only seen a Let's Play of TEW (I used to watch horror games but I can't play them lol) but I really liked what I saw so hopefully this is good too

Edited by Xiro

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You're one hour off twin xD

5pm Pacific time

That's 10am for me

I'm on break, so if nothing pops up tomorrow, I'll try

But I'll prolly be shopping tomorrow morning so I can't guarantee anything

Oh sweet thats 7pm for me. Im already back home. This works out. I needed good news. Today was a load of horsebird crap

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