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Ruby Rose

Team Awesome (1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1)

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If you get the dragon claw monster drop I highly recommend using it in elemency. My thunder spell turned into a spell called electron and the status called it a limit break . Used it in a level 120 Naglfar and it did 99999 damage

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If you get the dragon claw monster drop I highly recommend using it in elemency. My thunder spell turned into a spell called electron and the status called it a limit break . Used it in a level 120 Naglfar and it did 99999 damage

Fought the Neglfar without that. Didn't have a lot of trouble, but the fight was irritating nonetheless.

Ah Chancellor Izunia has come to spread the good word

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Just got a trophy

Two more until I earn the Platinum trophy


We should

Im just a curious old man. All I want is the best for us all. So please come here with me to Xam I beg of you

He sure seems to know a lot about nursery rhymes

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Humpty Dumpty went over the wall. He had a close friend, the friend made him fall. The son bid farewell to Humpty and his friend. A mistake he made.

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