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Ruby Rose

Team Awesome (1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1)

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Burn that garbage one man's lie fwoosh

I have 1-2 ps1, 4 on gba, 5-6 ps1, had 3 and 4 on ds but sold them for money need them again

Video games suck lately I'm off to bed to go work at gamestop tomorrow and tell everyone not to buy anything

Sounds like our edgelord is back to being edgy xD

Night Frisky owo

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I'm still mad that SWERY left Access Games and there won't be any more episodes of D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die. It ended with such a cliffhanger and now nobody will ever know who/what D is and what exactly happened to Little Peggy. DAMN IT. I hate you 2016.

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Lol,I caught a tiny fish in FFXV and Galdio full on says "Puny, just like yours"

Despite this game's flaws, it excels at some points, especially the interaction between the four boys.


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I should upload some of the photos I got sometime

I wanna upload my photos sometime too. Dx So manyyyy and so many more to come. It's a neat little feature. o.o


Umio's back


Time for work, later people and fish

Catch ya' later alligator.

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No Mans sky got an update? Is it a good game now?

I wouldn't say 'good' per se, but it is definitely an improvement and the right step forward for the game.

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Thankfully I know the games plot inside out so I wont have a chance to be disappointed even though I kinda enjoy it for what it is. I can focus on exploitation which from a playthrough im watching the world looks huge  

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