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Ruby Rose

Team Awesome (1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1)

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Fine. Guess I'll keep FFXV talk for my status updates. Sorry for being happy about my new favorite game.


No one's complaining about you liking it or being happy or whatever.

And it's not like we dislike the game.

It's just... honestly, it just makes me feel left out of the discussion. That's all. And I admit, I kinda overreacted the other day. I could've -- and should've -- just ignored it if it was bugging me. But if the conversation starts being entirely in spoiler tabs (kind of a general point since I don't see you doing it on this page, Emiya), how am I supposed to "try to talk about those things with them because I care about their interests"? What am I supposed to do when Myth's like "Oooh Chapter 9" and Boss is like "Oooh Chapter 13"? Run out and by the game and a system? And isn't point of this thread for everyone to be able to talk together about whatever?




So yeah. My feelz. Probably being a shellfish tbh but hopefully no harms done


Rebecca Black 4 DLC Party Member let's gooooooooooooooo

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No one's complaining about you liking it or being happy or whatever.

And it's not like we dislike the game.

It's just... honestly, it just makes me feel left out of the discussion. That's all. And I admit, I kinda overreacted the other day. I could've -- and should've -- just ignored it if it was bugging me. But if the conversation starts being entirely in spoiler tabs (kind of a general point since I don't see you doing it on this page, Emiya), how am I supposed to "try to talk about those things with them because I care about their interests"? What am I supposed to do when Myth's like "Oooh Chapter 9" and Boss is like "Oooh Chapter 13"? Run out and by the game and a system? And isn't point of this thread for everyone to be able to talk together about whatever?




So yeah. My feelz. Probably being a shellfish tbh but hopefully no harms done

Rebecca Black 4 DLC Party Member let's gooooooooooooooo

DLC hype!!!

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I wonder what would happen if Carbuncle were replaced with Meow Wow for Noctis's spirit animal....

That would be interesting. Make it a DLC plox.

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FFXV finally arrived *Amazon you late buttheads*


Really loving it sword. 


But on a unrelated note


Ive been watching lost pause so I know of the Ayaya

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I knew someone would appear it's like some form of universal reverse psychology


Welcome Duck


Lol dunno what but I do know I wanna switch to something else, I guess I'll go search xD

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Thank you

When the time comes we should have a FF7 squad owo

I know Frisky will take Cloud so dibs on Vincent uwu


I choose you!

And then bae disappeared for ten years in search of new avy's

She will return on the 6th of December 2026

Please understand and please be excited.

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