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Ruby Rose

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  On 11/16/2016 at 3:55 PM, Frisk said:

There's some sort of goblin man to the left

Gravity Falls references aside, time for work

Here's a gif of an angry gremlintumblr_nqfulz98CR1s9qgboo3_r1_400.gif

Later ya'll

that's Larry king. Boruto IS a gremlin. Let the series die already


Heroic Spirit EMIYA is gonna be in the new Fate game and his gameplay looks epic. Much hype

Whoops. Idk why that didn't merge with my last post like it usually does. Mythy could you merge my posts there?


Edited by MythrilMagician

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Duckle Stan use your magic to merge his posts before he gets in trouble owo


DIPPER I finally caved and bought Corpse Party for the 3DS since it's the definitive edition of the first game owo


Spooky retro style horror game fun fun owo


If my hype got real enough I'd be Ayumi and you'd be Yoshiki trust me on this uwu



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  On 11/16/2016 at 10:55 PM, Frisk said:

Duckle Stan use your magic to merge his posts before he gets in trouble owo


DIPPER I finally caved and bought Corpse Party for the 3DS since it's the definitive edition of the first game owo


Spooky retro style horror game fun fun owo


If my hype got real enough I'd be Ayumi and you'd be Yoshiki trust me on this uwu





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It came out last month before Halloween, Phil


I tried holding off but after waiting almost a month I finally caved and bought one of our two copies


Yes I'm just grateful to anyone that takes the time to make food so pretend I will xD


There there, Archer

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If Rinze comes back due to the power of bull$hit in TG volume 5, I give up. She's on the cover. 

  On 11/16/2016 at 11:22 PM, Frisk said:


It came out last month before Halloween, Phil

I tried holding off but after waiting almost a month I finally caved and bought one of our two copies

Yes I'm just grateful to anyone that takes the time to make food so pretend I will xD

There there, Archer

*strings of four letter words tied together creatively with slurs about Gamestop's mother smelling like elderberries*

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  On 11/16/2016 at 11:25 PM, MythrilMagician said:

You should still be able to get it digitally Phil.

*looks in wallet*

*Doesn't have wallet or money to put in it*


I guess not. 

Plus, I never download things: too risky. I'll live without it. I only waited five months after release for my store to get it, and hoped it'd be marked down, no biggie T _ T 

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  On 11/16/2016 at 11:29 PM, Frisk said:

Amazon has it too for whenever you get money


NOW time to actually play it while Yoshiki picks an avy owo

I don't get money. 

Plus, I can't buy online. 


I can probably get the manga, though, when I go back to Tallhassee, so it's the same thing in the end, I guess. 

A little advanced warning on these f$%king releases would be nice... how are you supposed to save up for games with releases listed as "Soon"? 

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The whole gaming scene is insane and oversaturated these days


Haha take that quota owo




Now we're ready to play pokemon owo


Welp time to play the game here we go spooks




I'll be hiding at our usual place from all the scares

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  On 11/16/2016 at 11:47 PM, Frisk said:

The whole gaming scene is insane and oversaturated these days


Haha take that quota owo




Now we're ready to play pokemon owo


Welp time to play the game here we go spooks




I'll be hiding at our usual place from all the scares

Hide in the school's cafeteria uwu

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