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Ruby Rose

Team Awesome (1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1)

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He's used to swimming around in the darkness he's not used to walking like a normal human yet :|


There was a part two to that gif but i lost it ;-;

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The same person who makes abominations like this



i say abomination but me, Sky, Neos, Bit and Jav used to secretly watch this on tinychat back in 2013


Edit: I forgot Xiro ;-;

Edited by Sora

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I pay Xiro less than minimum wage tho. No one else would work for that price ;-;


Well except Rox who was my manager, he got payed negative 10 dollars an hour


Happy May btw 8D

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Just a reminder that on UnApril 17th I have a surprised planned that attendance is mandatory for for you -3-


UnApril I like it owo time to pull a bunch of pranks and say "UnApril fools!" After >:]

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You have permission to pass out if you want, I won't wait up owo


edit: tfw she actually passed out on me ;-;

Edited by Sora

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