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Naruto or Naruto Shippuden  

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How do you know how old the Masked Man was at that time? He very well could've been been 15 or 16.


Too tall. Obito and Kakashi were about the same height.

And I highly doubt Obito would master his powers and control the Nine-tails in, like, four years.

Edited by Number XV

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Too tall. Obito and Kakashi were about the same height.


Kakashi and Guy BOTH grew a lot by the time the Masked man attacked the Leaf Village. How do you know they weren't the same height? Do you know their heights? Did they ever stand next to each other at that point in time?

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obito uses TIME-SPACE jutsu. he might go to that other dimension which time might be way slower


Never proven, his eye is just connected to the same dimension as Kakashi's eye.


Kakashi and Guy BOTH grew a lot by the time the Masked man attacked the Leaf Village. How do you know they weren't the same height? Do you know their heights? Did they ever stand next to each other at that point in time?


Look at my new point. Edited by Number XV

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They might have grown a lot yes, but Obito COULD NOT have mastered his abilities that fast. It's impossible. Even Itachi wasn't that fast.


Well he did have Madara helping him, apparently. lol We still don't know the whole nature of their relationship.

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Obito COULD NOT have mastered his abilities that fast. It's impossible.


Obito just learned a few tricks. Most of them are just his Kamui which he could even use with no arms or legs attached to him xD

And Minato own'd him pretty much in their fight.

Edited by Henne

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Obito just learned a few tricks. Most of them are just his Kamui which he could even use with no arms or legs attached to him xD

And Minato own'd him pretty much in their fight.


Kamui is an extremely difficult jutsu to master. Kakashi couldn't use it until his late 20's, early 30's.

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Kamui is an extremely difficult jutsu to master. Kakashi couldn't use it until his late 20's, early 30's.


Kakashi is not an Uchiha, so, I guess, it was much more trouble for him.

Plus, he has low chakra. He had to use other fighting styles or else he would be out of chakra and could not fight anymore.

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Kakashi is not an Uchiha, so, I guess, it was much more trouble for him.

Plus, he has low chakra. He had to use other fighting styles or else he would be out of chakra and could not fight anymore.


Kamui is literally transporting something to another dimension. I don't imagine it only taking four years to use and master, which is about how long Obito had. And how did Obito know Rin died, which is the only way to recieve the Mangekyou Sharingan? Remember, to recieve the Magekyou Sharingan, someone close to you has to die, AND YOU HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT IT. How did Obito know?

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Remember, to recieve the Magekyou Sharingan, someone close to you has to die, AND YOU HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT IT. How did Obito know?


Someone could have told him that. I think, it is rather more about an "emotion" (his own "death"?), so maybe he could have had it since the boulder incident.

Edited by Henne

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What if the masked man that fought Minato is really Madara and Obito was just his sharingan to move him around

Edited by Neku

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I feel like its Kakashi's place to take Obito down, I mean even though Naruto is the main protagonist and usually automatically gets those rights, I feel like Kakashi's going to be the one to bring him down.

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I'd rather Kakashi handle Obito, and Naruto go straight at Madara. After all, aside from the possibility of Sasuke being so, Madara is strong enough to be the last fight Naruto faces. It would make sense, since Sasuke only wants to destroy Konoha, while Madara wants to basically take over the world.

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I've been fiddling this around in my head today....trying to find an answer....but I'm having problems to actually come up with something.


For those of you who are unfamiliar with the name I just typed up, Sakura Haruno is a fictional female character from the Naruto anime and manga series, and she has a reputation as....well.....just a sucky-ass character.


She's mean, she's crude, she's very unsupportive at times to the plot and/or the characters around her....and overall....she's a bitch. B-I-T-C-H. Bitch. The worst part? She's useless! She barely fights, most of the time just standin' around on the sidelines like a human from DragonBall....and the pontential she has at being better is complety ignored.....for the moment....for you see, there's a silver lining for Sakura...


You see, in the beginning, she pretty muched cemented her bad status right then and there. She was mean to Naruto for the dumbest ass reasons, she fangirled over Sasuke, she sat around, screamed, cried....I'm suprised that she didn't set women back a page. I hate that Sakura. Absolutly.....depise....that damned Sakura.....


However, in Part 1, she's had a five bright spots....one being that the potential that she had as a great kunochi that mentioned earlierwas brought up, giving Sakura the possibility of being very skilled at chakra control and genjutsu. That potential, sadly, hasn't been unlocked even at the current point of time in the plot....buy hey, at least Kishimoto tried. Maybe she gets a moment in the sun before the very end? We'll have to wait.....the second bright spot was her run in with the sound ninja. When she cut off her hair to break free from Kin, she was monolouging to herself that "it was time for Sakura to blossom". (Sakura's name actually means "cherry blossom", just so you know. See the little pun they made? ;) ) From then on, she had a bit of time to show that she had some balls, getting Zaku down and even holding him there until Team Asuma came in to help. A little moment...but still very much improvement for her sake. The next moment came in the Chunin Exams, when she was paired off to fight Ino Yamanaka, and decided to prove herself against her rival. She showed even more balls then, landing some pretty sweet hits on Ino, and even threw in a couple of jutsus. Another tiny push, but definetly bigger than the last one....sure she was doing it over Sasuke (the main point of the rivalry in the first place (-__- again, SEXIST...)) but hell, she still kicked some ass, and showd that she can take care of her shit....to a certain extent. The fourth spot was FINALLY....finally seeing how much Naruto cared for her. Sure, she eventually stopped being a total bitch to the guy at that point (the hitting at that point actually made me laugh a little. lol), but before Naruto and the rest of the Sasuke Retrieval Team headed off, and after Sakura begged Naruto to bring back Sasuke, and after he promised he would...it finally clicked. "Wow, Naruto always had my back like this." NO SHIT, SHERLOCK. -__- But you know what, I still take it as a win. Yes, it took her too frickin long to figure out, but the fact that she did...eh, alright. At least NOW she gets it....anyways, the last spot on Sakura's few bright spots in Part 1 was becoming Tsunade's apprentice. What do you do when you're ninja skills are shit? Train under the Fifth Hokage/ member of the Legendary Sannin. Smart girl...


Anyways, eventuall, in Part 2, after a couple of years of training under Tsunade, Sakura gets a BIG ASS spike in character development...she's older, she's smarter, she's a bit nicer....well, kinda. lol. But overall, it was a big improvement. She knew her shit too, knowing about Naruto's Nine-Tails, and the Akatsuki's whereabouts and motives. She didn't even fangirl over Sasuke anymore...still concerned for the son of a bitch, but hey, it was at Naruto level, so I let it slide....eventually though,,,,ah, I'll get that later. First I gotta tell you the badass stuff she did: as it turns out, she's become a medical ninja, shown in her healing good ol' Kankuro, among others in the events of that time and throughout the rest of the series....and get this: SHE FRICKING BEAT THE HELL OUT OF AN AKATSUKI MEMBER...:D....just....ANNAILATED Sasori...whew...that was a good day for Sakura. After that, everyone in the fanbase was like "Aw, yeah, she's gonna be more usefull!" However....as the story went on, she got on a stand still, not fighting as much, more focused on the medical stuff...but THEN, oh-ho...then....in the Five Kage Summit Arc.....oh man.....she firetrucked up. BAD. She has the chance to kill Sasuke...but doesn't....cries.....and shows that she still wants to get in his pants.... (inhales)




From then one it was all downhill. She cried some more, she bitched some more....ugh...it was awful.....only NOW is she showing some goddamn quality, being a healer in the war....I just wished she fricking kicked that fricking emo to the curb already....


So, after that big ass review, let me once again ask you again, good people: is there any hope for Sakura Haruno?


She started off crappy, had a couple of good points, got awesome, then went back to crappy again.


At the point in time....she has a chance...I really think she does....she could show off some skills...she could fight someone....hell, she has the damn Slug Sage Mode, people! There's Toad, there's Snake, so there's gotta be a Slug form....come on Kishi, either her or Tsunade. Either way, I'll be pleased....even though if Sakura gets it, it'll be negative for Tsunade, kinda.....unless they both get it. :)


But moving on.....one action that'll surley help her seek ratification, in my own personal opinion, is if she does what I think she might do....which is, at the end of the series, when Naruto and Sasuke have their last fight (this is my interpretation of the end) when she has the choice....Naruto or Sasuke....and she chooses the right dude....gone. All of the bullshit just gone. Total redemption right there. That's one of the main beefs with Sakura anyway: she's a Sasuke fangirl that can't let go. So, for her to rectify that main flaw, in glorious ass fashion....I will say that I like Sakura Haruno....and when we look back on all the bullshit she's pulled, we'll just laugh it off and accept it, knowing that eventually, she pulled her head out of her tight ass....


So, KH13....help me out here. What do YOU think Sakura can do to redeem herself? Is she still worthy of holding the title of "main character"? If so, how? Jutsus. sacrifices. revelations, what? Post 'em down below.


{NOTE: To the Sakura fanbase - Please don't take this the wrong way. You guys are able to see past Sakura's massive amounts of failures and still consider her a good character...and I'm okay with that. Believe what you want. I recommend you not read this, as it is for Sakura critics / haters only.}

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Oh man, I really wanted to read this, but there's just so much...

I'm just going to say that I really hope Kishimoto makes her really useful to Naruto in the end, since he's been slacking with her lately.


Sorry...I couldn't help but ramble. :3

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Well, considering Kishimoto planned to have her not be a main character when he first thought of her then later changed his mind, I'd say take it or leave it. lol

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