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Naruto or Naruto Shippuden  

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I just have to say


I don't know how many of you watched it but I'm gonna post what I think of it anyway.



This is,without a doubt....the WORST Naruto movie I've ever seen so far,I almost watched all of Naruto's movies before and none of them were as bad and boring as this one....even some of the bad Naruto movies at least I had some guilty pleasure with them ....but this....THIS has barely anything good about it....if not at all


the movie is full of plot holes up the ass....even the opening of the movie is a plot hole in itself....at least with previous movies they're at least of what happened in the Canon events of the anime Despite being Non-Canon....but here...EVERYTHING IS JUST A MISH MASH OF HALF-ASSED SCENARIOS....I know that the movie is still occur before the 4th Ninja war and not too far after Pain's attack on the Leaf Village .....BUT HOW IN THE F.UCK ARE THE DEAD AKATSUKI MEMBERS ARE ALIVE AND WELL(except for Kisame who was still alive at that point in time)????They're not even revived by the edo tensei ....heck they didn't do anything and the whole fight was pointless...I know this is the opening but this is just the tip of the iceberg 



The Movie's story is all over the place and as I said before...the plot holes are jarring....many things that happened in the movie never explained or never mentioned again.....a lot of pointless cameos that were poorly implemented and was there just to drag the movie to be longer than it should be...and none of the cameos ever appeared again..not even at the end of the movie



And the last fight with Minma(Naruto's version of the fake dimension) is one of the most boring fights I ever seen in Naruto's history despite it included a battle between TWO NINETALES....TWO NINETALES(insert Pokemon reference here).....HOW DID THEY MANAGED TO MAKE THIS BORING IS BEYOND ME!!!


Not to mention the stupidest thing that happened at the end of the movie....Madara(or Tobi if you're keeping up with the Anime and Manga),after possessing Minma,TOTALLY HAD THE UPPER HAND AGAINST NARUTO....He could've taken not one,BUT TWO NINE TAILS....But nope....he didn't use a single jutsu after possessing Minma and he never used Minma's Nine Tails .....ever.


And then in the middle of the fight...F.UCKING AKATSUKI APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE TO HELP NARUTO AND SAVE SAKURA and they were hired by Tsunade....Keep in mind that those aren't from the fake world...THOSE ARE THE REAL ONES....How did they managed to get here in the first place???And if the fake world works in people's wishes as proved by Naruto and Sakura...WHY WOULD TSUNADE WOULD EVER WANT TO HIRE THE AKATSUKI???? Nothing in this movie makes sense


And when Madara(Tobi) totally had Naruto cornered......He just decided to leave.....Yep,despite that EVERYTHING was handed to him on a silver plate...He just decided to leave and said:You can keep your nine tails for a while......and then he left.....just like that.



I can go on and on about the entire movie and the rest of pointless things that happened,but that would waste my and yours time.


At least the other Naruto movies had their own plot,story and characters that can be sometimes interesting with the right mindset.


This movie on the other hand,has absolutely nothing going for it,the plot is unoriginal and boring,every character beside Naruto and Sakura are mostly pointless cameos that serves to drag the movie way longer that it needs to,the story is filled with plot holes and it's never clear in which time period the movie is occuring(Unlike the previous movies that explained their settings at least even the bad ones)...and overall it was not fun or entertaining to watch....this isn't even in the "so bad it's good category" this is just plain bad.


At least with the previous movie(The prison of Blood) the plot was entertaining enough for me to keep watching despite how average the movie was and the non-canonical state of the movies



Naruto Road to Ninja is just an empty void,,,where nothing happens and nothing matters.....even if you're the biggest Naruto fan in the world and still didn't see this movie....don't waste your time by watching it.


Watch any of the previous Naruto movies but don't you ever....EVER waste your time on this pile of shit


My answer to all of that is one word.





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It's so hilarious how some of the manga fanboys are taking the newest episode of Shippuden. xD I gotta give Pierrot a pat on the back for having the balls to integrate the Six Tails Arc into the interaction between Naruto and Ukatata at that point in the story. And I'm giving them another one for expanding the Itachi/Kisame VS Roshi fight on the next episode. lol These guys need to realize that the anime isn't gonna cut corners with this shit.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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This sums up the first half of shippuden pretty much


It's so hilarious how some of the manga fanboys are taking the newest episode of Shippuden. xD I gotta give Pierrot a pat on the back for having the balls to integrate the Six Tails Arc into the interaction between Naruto and Ukatata at that point in the story. And I'm giving them another one for expanding the Itachi/Kisame VS Roshi fight on the next episode. lol These guys need to realize that the anime isn't gonna cut corners with this shit.

In all honesty, it was dumb that they showed an unnecessary flashback like that. That is why I don't like the anime as much as the manga, too much damn filler. I thought the episode was going to be cool, but no, 80% flashback...

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In all honesty, it was dumb that they showed an unnecessary flashback like that. That is why I don't like the anime as much as the manga, too much damn filler. I thought the episode was going to be cool, but no, 80% flashback...


Welp, too bad jackass! (not really, it's a reference)


Anyways, it's like I told you before: the anime has a lot of expansion on the normal story: the Six Tails Arc, which connected in the episode is some of that. It would be bad writing if they didn't reference the fact that Ukatata and Naruto interacted with one another earlier in the anime story. Besides, do you really, REALLY care about Tobi/Jinchuuriki vs Naruto and Bee? Cuz that shit is SHORT as hell. I'm more interested in the 5 Kages VS Madara fight thank you.

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normally I find a reason for the ending animation, but this?I have no idea what to say.speaking of naruto, new chapter coming out tomorrow.


Naruto looks kind of like he did in Part 1 so I'd say this is what was going through his head when he kissed Sasuke.As for what it has to do with present events..no idea.

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So apparently, there is no chapter this week due to Obon Festival, so we have to wait a week once again....


Oh so is THAT why there's no chapter? Damn. :(



Naruto looks kind of like he did in Part 1 so I'd say this is what was going through his head when he kissed Sasuke.As for what it has to do with present events..no idea.


I blame Korean studios. I just don't understand what they're doing with Naruto endings now. I mean, I liked the last one with "I Can Hear", but this one? Well, the song's okay, I actually think it's quite uplifting. But the animation... I... I have no comment.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Well, this came out of nowhere.


Personally, I'm not really begging for another 2D Naruto game, but it'd be nice to see one for this day and age; plus, then, another annoying part of the fanbase (the Storm Haters/UN Fanboys) can finally SHUT THE HELL UP.

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Well, this came out of nowhere.


Personally, I'm not really begging for another 2D Naruto game, but it'd be nice to see one for this day and age; plus, then, another annoying part of the fanbase (the Storm Haters/UN Fanboys) can finally SHUT THE HELL UP.

While that's not really something I was desperate to see either, it'll be pretty cool to see another 2D fighter, even if it's fanmade. Also, the trailer had characters from P1 and P2... Will this be like Generations? ._.

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While that's not really something I was desperate to see either, it'll be pretty cool to see another 2D fighter, even if it's fanmade. Also, the trailer had characters from P1 and P2... Will this be like Generations? ._.


Well the UN series covered both Part 1 AND Part 2, so I guess so.

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Well the UN series covered both Part 1 AND Part 2, so I guess so.

It only covered the first arc of Part 2, unless UN5 went further on, so they could always go with more of Shippuden. Seeing more of that would be really cool. :D

Part 1 and Part 2 together isn't bad, either. I wonder how they'll pull this off though... It'll be a free PC game, I'm guessing? ._.


Also, on another topic, I'm planning on doing a second character analysis soon, for anyone interested. I've already got a character chosen and everything.  :)

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It only covered the first arc of Part 2, unless UN5 went further on, so they could always go with more of Shippuden. Seeing more of that would be really cool. :D

Part 1 and Part 2 together isn't bad, either. I wonder how they'll pull this off though... It'll be a free PC game, I'm guessing? ._.


Also, on another topic, I'm planning on doing a second character analysis soon, for anyone interested. I've already got a character chosen and everything.  :)


Of course they'll go on from that. The fans pretty much want the ENTIRETY of the Naruto story to be covered in the game. It shouldn't really be suprising. Also, I'm pretty sure the idea is to push CC2 to make it a game for consoles, like an ACTUAL game. Just like Treevax/Nostal is doing with his DragonBall Raging Blast 3 Project.


Sounds good. :)

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Of course they'll go on from that. The fans pretty much want the ENTIRETY of the Naruto story to be covered in the game. It shouldn't really be suprising. Also, I'm pretty sure the idea is to push CC2 to make it a game for consoles, like an ACTUAL game. Just like Treevax/Nostal is doing with his DragonBall Raging Blast 3 Project.


Sounds good. :)

Whoa, dang. ._. That'd honestly be something really cool. Hoping it gets a Wii U release too, Haven't had a Naruto fighter on Wii/U since Revolution 3... ;_; Maybe there should be a Rev 4 project soon too.


I guess I'll give a quick hint: It's a Hyuga. :D

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Not sure u guys are aware, but we have an early release yesterday or two days ago. Since there is an early release, there are high chances of getting no chapters this Wednesday.

 I read it. 

#DadAndSonBroFist / #SasukeGotNothing xD


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Yeah, now looks like Sasuke wants sage mode, so he can be par on or "more powerful" than Naruto.




He has EMS and Full Susano'o, he doesn't need jackshit. Still, I think this is good for his character; he realizes that there are some things that he can't do, and that Naruto is a badass. ;)


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He has EMS and Full Susano'o, he doesn't need jackshit. Still, I think this is good for his character; he realizes that there are some things that he can't do, and that Naruto is a badass. ;)



Yes, I have to agree, he has all the goodies, so he is on par with naruto, but I see a cycle going on here. if Sasuke gets more powerful, Naruto will get even more powerful to beat sasuke, but then vice versa occurs, so in the end, imo, They can't win, it's just a draw.


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Black Star's Character Analysis

#2- Neji Hyuga


I had a lot of fun doing my analysis of Itachi Uchiha, so I've decided to make more of these! Once again, some might consider there to be spoilers in this. Major spoilers are kept in spoiler tabs, though! Well then, with that out of the way, let's go!


I remember hating Neji almost as soon as I saw him in the anime. He was an arrogant jerk who believed that everyone's destiny is determined at birth; If you're born a failure, you'll always be a failure. This likely resulted in the strict laws of the Hyuga clan. There was the mail branch, which was inhabited by the powerful heirs and heiresses of the clan. Then, there was the side branch; A group who were forced to give anything and everything to the main branch if the need arose, even their own lives. They all had curse marks placed on them to prevent them from rebelling.  The divide of stronger and weaker, as well as the protectors and protected, gave Neji a negative outlook on life. However, the moment which shaped his opinion the most is when his father was killed to protect the leader of the main branch. This also caused him to resent the main branch, making his cousin, the heiress to the main branch, Hinata, one of his major targets.


Despite being in the side branch, Neji was as skilled as a main branch member. His cousin, on the other hand, was weak and unsure of herself due to years of verbal abuse from her father. As a result, Neji often picked on her. He also taunted Naruto, once Naruto began defending Hinata. This was one of the reasons why I hated Neji so much, he was a jerk to two of my favorite characters. This brings us to what I find to be his greatest fights: Neji vs Hinata, and Neji vs Naruto, both from the Chunin Exam arc.


Neji's battle against Hinata revealed his resentment for the main branch, and his beliefs on destiny. He emotionally wrecked Hinata, and would have killed her had the proctor and senseis not interfered. His battle against Naruto, however, led to more development. After Hinata's loss, Naruto swore to prove Neji wrong, and to defeat him. Throughout the battle, Neji told Naruto that a failure such as Naruto would never succeed. However, Naruto kept pushing, and defeated Neji. After the battle, Neji began to think more about his beliefs. Naruto had proven that with hard work, a failure such as him could defeat a genius such as Neji. The Hyuga was finally beginning to realize that perhaps, destiny wasn't pre-determined. Throughout the course of the series, he warmed up a bit more to the other protagonists, although still kept his "Too cool" attitude. Neji also proved himself to be one of the most powerful of the Konoha 12, managing to make Jonin before the others.


As stated previously, Neji became a little more friendly as the series went on. He accepted that he was incorrect about destiny, and his fate as a side branch member. He was shaping up to be more of a likable character. However, there was one major event later on which truly showed how much Neji had changed...



Enter the Ten Tails, awakened once again by Madara and Obito Uchiha. This opponent could easily take down most shinobi, and has proven to be a difficult adversary thus far. At one point during the Ninja War, it targets Naruto, attempting to murder him. In the effort of saving him, Hinata rushes in front of its attack, willing to give her life for the Kyuubi's jinchuriki. It seemed as though this would be the end for the heiress to the clan... However, she was unaffected. Naruto and Hinata looked up to see none other than Neji Hyuga himself, impaled by the Ten Tail's attack. Neji gave one last speech to Naruto. He had decided to protect Naruto and Hinata, the two who he'd fought and almost killed back when we first saw him. Upon uttering his final words, his head tilted forwards, and his eyes shut. Finally, his curse mark faded from his forehead, symbolizing freedom, from both the curse of the side branch, and life...


This moment made me realize how much I really liked Neji. Despite being my least favorite character at the start of the series, he'd proven that he could change himself, and had become one of my favorite characters. He took a complete 180 in terms of personality; He originally thought that there was no escaping destiny, and that failures will always fail, but had decided to save the two who he originally hated the most. He fulfilled his duty of giving his life to protect the main branch, and had no regrets for what he'd done. He died saving Naruto and Hinata, and became the first of the Konoha 12 to die. This moment was sad to see. No one expected someone like him to go during the war... Even for me, being someone who barely liked him at the time, it hurt to see someone like him go. Rest in peace Neji. You've grown your wings. You're free.


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And now for something special. I'm going to list off my top 3 favorite Naruto fights... of Part 1. I'm not too sure I have a top 3 for the series overall, being as Part 2 is ongoing and all that, so I'm just putting down the Part 1 fights for now. Part 2 as well as movie fights will come later. Here we go.


3. Hinata Hyuga VS Neji Hyuga


Man, talk about family feuds. These two cousins put a clinic in the Chunin Exams Arc. It started really strong. Had a few moments where it slowed down so that information and tension could build up and all that. But you have to agree that whether slow or fast, the action was nail-biting at best, knowing Hinata's and Neji's different point of views in the fight. Though, it had a lot of repeated animation in the anime, and in hindsight, was really short overall. Still pretty good, but maybe could have been better.



2. Rock Lee VS Gaara / Rock Lee & Gaara VS Kimmimaro


Okay, these two fights are tied for one reason: they both show why Lee and Gaara are total badasses. When Lee and Gaara first fought one another in the Chunin Exams Arc, it really showed just how strong Rock Lee was, and gave him a shit ton of character insight and development. Gaara was a badass too. We really got a preview of the sick bastard that he was and would continue to be up until the Invasion of Konoha Arc. This fight also had some great animation in the beginning parts of the fight, which I wished could have stayed until the fight ended. It got even better when the two found themselves teaming up with one another and fighting Kimmimaro in the Sasuke Retrieval Arc. Their awesome moves coupled with Kimmimaro's unique fighting style made for a good looking as well as good matched fight. Plus, Rock Lee's Drunken Fist always makes me laugh. lol It really shoved down the fact that Kimmimaro wasn't all that bad a guy down our throats though, so I thought that was a little annoying.


1. Naruto VS Sasuke


Oh yes. This was probably predictable as hell, I know, I know... but seriously. This fight was ninja-tastic. Yes, I just used that word. For me, when I first watched it as a kid, I felt like I was watching Goku VS Vegeta all over again. I really enjoyed the animation and even the little Sasuke flashback story it gave us in the middle. It really gave Sauske a ton of sympathy points, and it made you want him to come back with Naruto to the village so that his pain could end. Speaking of Naruto-- yeah, he kinda got his ass kicked a little too much in the beginning, but when he turned Nine Tails and started beating the crap out of Sasuke, and the two started to beat the crap out of each other evenly, back and forth, back and forth, with it all ending with that big ass Rasegan VS Chidori struggle (also reminiscent of Kamehameha VS Galick Gun) ... with the end result being Sasuke leaving his headband with Naruto, and that infamous shot of him standing over Naruto in the rain, making you think that maybe, just maybe, he would be a good guy again and that he and Naruto could be friends again someday... Glorious. Perfect way to end the first part of the series.


Welp, there's mah list. Part 2 version is next, when ever I decide to post that.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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And now for something special. I'm going to list off my top 3 favorite Naruto fights... of Part 1. I'm not too sure I have a top 3 for the series overall, being as Part 2 is ongoing and all that, so I'm just putting down the Part 1 fights for now. Part 2 as well as movie fights will come later. Here we go.


3. Hinata Hyuga VS Neji Hyuga


Man, talk about family feuds. These two cousins put a clinic in the Chunin Exams Arc. It started really strong. Had a few moments where it slowed down so that information and tension could build up and all that. But you have to agree that whether slow or fast, the action was nail-biting at best, knowing Hinata's and Neji's different point of views in the fight. Though, it had a lot of repeated animation in the anime, and in hindsight, was really short overall. Still pretty good, but maybe could have been better.



2. Rock Lee VS Gaara / Rock Lee & Gaara VS Kimmimaro


Okay, these two fights are tied for one reason: they both show why Lee and Gaara are total badasses. When Lee and Gaara first fought one another in the Chunin Exams Arc, it really showed just how strong Rock Lee was, and gave him a shit ton of character insight and development. Gaara was a badass too. We really got a preview of the sick bastard that he was and would continue to be up until the Invasion of Konoha Arc. This fight also had some great animation in the beginning parts of the fight, which I wished could have stayed until the fight ended. It got even better when the two found themselves teaming up with one another and fighting Kimmimaro in the Sasuke Retrieval Arc. Their awesome moves coupled with Kimmimaro's unique fighting style made for a good looking as well as good matched fight. Plus, Rock Lee's Drunken Fist always makes me laugh. lol It really shoved down the fact that Kimmimaro wasn't all that bad a guy down our throats though, so I thought that was a little annoying.


1. Naruto VS Sasuke


Oh yes. This was probably predictable as hell, I know, I know... but seriously. This fight was ninja-tastic. Yes, I just used that word. For me, when I first watched it as a kid, I felt like I was watching Goku VS Vegeta all over again. I really enjoyed the animation and even the little Sasuke flashback story it gave us in the middle. It really gave Sauske a ton of sympathy points, and it made you want him to come back with Naruto to the village so that his pain could end. Speaking of Naruto-- yeah, he kinda got his ass kicked a little too much in the beginning, but when he turned Nine Tails and started beating the crap out of Sasuke, and the two started to beat the crap out of each other evenly, back and forth, back and forth, with it all ending with that big ass Rasegan VS Chidori struggle (also reminiscent of Kamehameha VS Galick Gun) ... with the end result being Sasuke leaving his headband with Naruto, and that infamous shot of him standing over Naruto in the rain, making you think that maybe, just maybe, he would be a good guy again and that he and Naruto could be friends again someday... Glorious. Perfect way to end the first part of the series.


Welp, there's mah list. Part 2 version is next, when ever I decide to post that.

... Dang. ._. I don't think I can disagree with any of these. I haven't really decided on a top 3 though... The only other fight I can think of that could compete with these is Naruto vs Neji. Maybe Choji vs Jirobo, too.

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... Dang. ._. I don't think I can disagree with any of these. I haven't really decided on a top 3 though... The only other fight I can think of that could compete with these is Naruto vs Neji. Maybe Choji vs Jirobo, too.


I agree, bro. Those fights were cool.

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I agree, bro. Those fights were cool.

Part 1 had some awesome fights. I like Part 2's more though. Not that Part 1's are significantly worse, it's to be expected that the fights would be better as the characters develop more. Naruto vs Sasuke's still one of the best fights out of the entire series though. :D


Speaking of Naruto vs Sasuke, I'm on to the Sasuke Retrieval arc in the anime. :D I'm going to skip the filler and watch it all when I'm done catching up with the series, since I want to get up to date as soon as possible. I'll probably watch the Sora and Guren arcs in Part 2, that'd be it though. :/


Also, the Naruto characters are mostly 17 now as of the most current chapter. ._. I was so happy to finally be the same age as them all, but Kishimoto had to troll me... At least Hinata's still the same age as me, for like two months. ;_; This also means that Lee and Tenten are legally adults...

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Also, the Naruto characters are mostly 17 now as of the most current chapter. ._. I was so happy to finally be the same age as them all, but Kishimoto had to troll me... At least Hinata's still the same age as me, for like two months. ;_; This also means that Lee and Tenten are legally adults...


Was that confirmed? I didn't think that enough time had passed for everyone to be one year older.

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