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keyblade war

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Name: Lauren

Gender: Female

Weapon: Fresh Breeze

Story: Lauren lost her memories when she was about 14. She is 16 currently. The only thing that she remembered when she lost her memories was that she could weild the keyblade. Lauren hopes to get memories of her past back so she can discover the truth

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Name: Mikantus

Gender: Male

Weapon: Two Across/Two Become One

Story: A boy chosen by a Keyblade to help save people with the power of Twilight and Darkness, greatly acts like Roxas, independent, protective, and sometimes lets his anger get the best of him.

Appearance: Long black and purple hair held back in a pony-tail, with three spikes in the front covering parts of his face, he has bright green eyes, and very pale skin. He wears a jacket resembling Sora's jacket, but it's black and purple, his pants are like Ven's but are all black. He wears shoes like Riku's, but they are purple and black.

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ok heres my




story:was born in twilight town. never got along with people.after he was attack by a dusk. after he was defed he met a girl name lauren

thts when the story starts

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Lauren was walking around Twilight Town "...Where am I? Who am I? And how did I get this keyblade" asked Lauren. Lauren summoned out her keyblade and looked at it "... The Fresh Breeze..." muttered Lauren. Lauren ran and found heartless. Lauren used fiagra to defeat some of them and killed the rest of them with her keyblade "... And what were those monster things?" Lauren looked at her hand and it started glowing with the power of light. "And what is this power in my hand? So many questions... so little answers..." muttered Lauren. Lauren continued to walk around Twilight Town "..."

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Name: Sophie

Gender: Girl

Weapon: Kingdom Key

Story: Soph is amazing, obviously, and she always wears a little golden locket (huh, so do I...), and none of your buissiness what's inside. She looks like Namine but with dark brown hair, and wants to save the world and all of that. She grew up in Radiant Garden, and when the place got, well, trashed, went off to save the world. :)

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"Hi, Lauren and Terra." Sophie smiles. "Uh, how did you know our names...?" She smirks. "Oh, I forgot to mention I can get magic visions. And I had a vision about us. It's polite to answer people when they say 'hi' to you." "Hi," "Great, now let's get going!" "Um, where!?" Soph sighed. "Y'all ask way too many questions."

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Sophie rolles her eyes. "Pfft, you people have no faith. I knew that." She taps her temple. "Re-mem-ber? And while I go save the world, you can be my little sidekicks. We'll find your memory, Lauren, and get you a heart, Terra, on the way. 'Kay? I already 'saw' it. We'll be on the Destiny Islands within a week." "That's creepy..." She winked. "Think about the one who's seeing 'em."

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Mikantus walked down a street and noticed some people talking. "Hey, what's up here?" He said as he walked toward them. "I am Mikantus. Who are you?

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"Oh, well, that's just great..." Sophie muttered, and sighed. "Well, didn't see that one coming." "Hypothetically?" "Either way. Uhm, hello? Anyone home, Lauren? Waaaaaaaakey, wakey. Rise and shine. The early bird gets the worm and all of that." "It's not morning." "I meant--oh, whatever." Sees some guy saying his name's Mikantus. "Oh, uh, hi. My name's Sophie. Lauren, Terra."

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"Wait, Terra, Mike-y, you two know each other?" "Looks like your visions are a little...wrongish..." Lauren murmered, sitting up. "Hey, I got your names right, didn't I? I don't see EVERYTHING, just some things. Kind of whatever relates to me." "Doesn't this count?" Soph shrugged. "I don't know--whatever."

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Mikantus was frustrated that she was infiltrating his mind, so he raised his hand to his forehead and made a symbol through his hairline; it was a seal his father taught him that kept his memories in check and kept others brainwaves from his own. "Stay outta my head. Nice to see you too. Didn't recognize you from the distance..." He lowered his hand and summoned Two Across. "Like my new Key? It's a gift from an old friend"

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"WAIT! What the heck's going on? Future warning, I do not like being clueless!" Sophie complained. "I think they might know each other." Lauren whispered sarcastically. Soph didn't bother answering. Vision time!! She laughed. "Still in your head, Mike-y. Both of ya chillax."

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"You know, both of you are making it out to be worse than it is." Sophie laughed. "Really, calm down or I'll suddenly, magically develop mind powers to make you both shut up, sit down, and get along. Do I have the be the kindergarten teacher?"

Starts playing as backround music.

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