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Ruby Rose

Do You Think Luna = Stella?

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At first I personally just assumed they were different characters, but looking closely at Stella from the 2013 trailer and Luna from yesterday's trailer their design looks very similar, especially the parting of their hair


Luna does look like Stella with her hair up, but before assuming Stella has just been changed/scrapped I want to go on record as saying Luna is perhaps Stella's twin sister or someone else entirely


Some people believe Luna is actually this girl


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Come on their eyes are different colors, forgetting colored lenses and wigs for a moment


Call me crazy but I actually believe there can be more female characters than were showcased by portraits in 2013's trailer, although Luna and Stella do look very similar in the structure of their faces and hair

Edited by アクア

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I´m pretty sure the blond the girl in the trailer is stellar, she looks exactly like her ,and luna is the black haired girl or someone else completly. Just because her name dropped in the trailer doesn´t mean she has to be the only girl that we saw in the trailer ,especially if stella was in most of the trailers regardless if she was mentioned or not.

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I'm a little confused. Where did the name Luna actually spring from? (scratch that I re-watched the trailer with the English subs and saw a mention of this Luna person) I can't say I know a lot of the casts names off the top of my head yet other than the main 4 and Stella.


Is it possible that both images are of Stella but in the new trailer her hair is tied up or something? She sure does look the same that's for sure.

Edited by KHSoraKeyBlade

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Stella is the blonde girl and the girl shown in the TGS trailer. Luna is probably someone else they were referring to or a translation error from Japanese to English subs 

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  On 9/18/2014 at 10:06 PM, sagman12PC said:

Stella is the blonde girl and the girl shown in the TGS trailer. Luna is probably someone else they were referring to or a translation error from Japanese to English subs 


Probably the latter. 

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Umm both of the blonde girls are Stella. Luna could be the dark haired girl or they could have changed Stella's name to Luna (both of their names have a similar meaning: Stella Nox = Night Star, Luna = Moon)


EDIT: Maybe the blonde girl is not Stella at all...She does look different from the Stella we saw in other trailers. There are theories that she could be a relative.

Edited by PrinceNoctis

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