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Fate/Stay night Awakening of the king (Sign ups)

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First off let me say this my second ever time making an RP so all criticism is welcome.


Now to the rp.

It is tie for yet another holly grail war and this one will be more chaotic than ever. With heroes coming from all across history and masters constantly taking up arms to obtain the holly grail. And what is this holly grail anyway? It is not a cup as one would expect rather it has the power to grant one wish to whoever claims it weather he be good or evil. The masters of these heroic spirits are called magi or magus and poses magic powers. However this tournament is not a free for all like the previous ones here the magi will form two teams and these two will face each other in glorious combat.

But who will it be? There is room for so many and yet those will undoubtedly face trials that might be impossible to overcome. And so the mages will receive servants of one of these classes:

Posted Image

I am also going to add their stats so you will have a rough idea of what they are capable of.


(this is how they are sorted)



Saber A B B C D Archer C C C E E Lancer B C A D E Rider D D B C E Caster E E C A B Berserker C D D E E Assassin D D B E B

Or if you prefer:

Posted Image

(I just copy pasted that)


This rp will have standard rules:

no godmoding

no killing other characters

no sex or anything of the sort

blood and gore is allowed but don't overdo it

no controlling other characters (Unless you are a master and are willing to give up one of your command seals)

have fun


In this rp there will be servants and masters:

assassin: Savus1909 (Sry but i can do this in advance so i'm taking my favorite)





berserker: Soul eater Evans


there is also a limit of maximum rpers (12) which we will not go beyond and also the pairs will be decided by me.



So this is the character sheet:






type of magic (only for masters and caster):

Class (only for servants):

Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional))


So here is my character:

Name: Sasaki Kojiro

Age: roughly 23

Gender: male

Bio: A swordsman that history constantly kept overlooking tho his skill alone reached the level of legendary masters like Miyamoto Musashi. He is most known for his final sword battle with Miyamoto Musashi however that's about it. History has treated him so lightly he literally is considered only a legend. He keeps a constant level of bushido and focus. Speaks very seriously and often takes time for anything involving polishing is skills. Unlike other servants however he dosn't have a noble phantasm (An indistructable weapon used y servants) and uses merely his monohoshizao (a nodachi katana). All things considered he would not be the best draw a master gets.

Appearance:Posted Image

Class (only for servants): Assassin

Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional)): Sasaki Kojiro






Also i almost forgot the limit is one person per class (sry if its a bad idea)

Edited by savus1909

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Name: Vladimira Tepes the Third

Age: Roughly 45

Gender: Female

Bio: She was posthumously dubbed Vlad the Impaler, and was a three-time Voivode of Wallachia, ruling mainly from 1456 to 1462. Vlad III declared her third reign in 26 November 1476, where it had lasted little more than two months and thereafter she was killed. Despite the fact that she was a proud leader and symbol of Wallachia, her reputation for blood thirsty excessive cruelty and her shameless sultriness spread abroad, giving her a negative connotation. Swords and maces were her choice of weapons, often dual wielding them in combat.


Her true strength however, comes from the fact that her legend inspired Dracula, causing her as a servant to have increased powers and limited bat transformation. Her noble phantasm is like Rider's (Fate zero) Ionian hetairoi, but she summons those she killed (and drank blood from) during the 1450's war.



  SPOILERS: Click to reveal

type of magic (only for masters and caster):

Class (only for servants): berserker

Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional)) Vladimir Tepes The Third/Dracula (so mine is gender swapped, like Saber.)

Edited by Soul Eater Evans

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Ok just so you know this thing is first come first serve so if someone else makes a berserker char before you edit he will be the one to get it (And sry if you ment to reserve this is a way of not letting slots that people want empty)

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  On 9/12/2014 at 7:58 PM, savus1909 said:

Ok just so you know this thing is first come first serve so if someone else makes a berserker char before you edit he will be the one to get it (And sry if you ment to reserve this is a way of not letting slots that people want empty)



its fine if someone takes it, i just meant to show my interest in joining.


finished :)

Edited by Soul Eater Evans

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Name: Perseus

Age: Looks in his late teens. (Seriously, I don't know how old he is.)

Gender: Male


  SPOILERS: Click to reveal



  SPOILERS: Click to reveal


type of magic (only for masters and caster): N/A

Class (only for servants): Rider

Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional)): Perseus.

Edited by Lelouchanort Vi Nearamoto

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  On 1/23/2015 at 9:56 PM, Lelouchanort Vi Nearamoto said:


Name: Gilgamesh

Age: Unknown. 

Gender: Male



  SPOILERS: Click to reveal


type of magic (only for masters and caster): N/A

Class (only for servants): Archer

Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional)) Gilgamesh


I'll work on the bio, but apart from that, is this alright?



I'll give you a short version of the bio when i finish this test


i've read his like, 17 times

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Name: Vergil

Age: 30

Gender: male

Bio: A pagan who wanders between purgatory and hell most known for helping Dante in the divine comedy.


Posted Image

type of magic (only for masters and caster): 

Class (only for servants): saber

Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional)) Vergil



Name: Erator Loth'Galadrim

Age: 17

Gender: male

Bio: born in a low class mage family he showed incredible capabilities on the field of alchemy and wind magic. From the moment he learned of the holly grail war he had but one purpose that he could set his mind to. His wish is to see his name etched in history for all to remember and all to bow before.


Posted Image

type of magic (only for masters and caster): alchemy, wind elemental

Class (only for servants):

Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional))

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Bio: (purposely kept short) Known as the First man in the world to some, he has named every animal, gaining mastership of each. Born from dust, he ate the apple from the tree of knowledge and was expelled to Earth to die.

Appearance: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140224201829/noragami/images/b/ba/Character_Design_-_Yukine.png

type of magic (only for masters and caster):

Class (only for servants): Rider

Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional)) Adam, first man the Bible.


I can explain the rider part.


Lelouch is now Rider

Edited by Soul Eater Evans

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for Sky

Name: Sky Akamine

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Bio: Born to a normal no-magus family, he showed an aptitude for naturally mastering kendo at the age of 14. Little did he know that he was enhancing the existence of the shinai by creating a magic circuit and pouring prana, sending him up the ranks. Living in a middle class house, Sky doesn't know much about the grail war but will fight anyway.

Appearance: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/232/8/7/Kendo_girl_by_10721.jpg 

type of magic (only for masters and caster): Strengthening magic sorry Sky wwwww

Class (only for servants):

Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional))

Edited by Soul Eater Evans

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Heads up, I'll be making a new Berserker and making Archer


Name: Gilgamesh

Age: It is never stated how old he is in canon but he is approximately in his mid-late twenties. His actual age is approximately 4000 years, give or take a few decades.

Gender: Male

Bio: Gilgamesh is the great half-god, half-human king born from the union between the King of Uruk, Lugalbanda, and goddess Rimat-Ninsun.

Appearance: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/d/d4/GilCasual.png/revision/latest?cb=20141019091022

type of magic (only for masters and caster):

Class (only for servants): Archer

Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional)) Gilgamesh


Name: Jack



Bio: (purposely kept short) Known as the Jack the Ripper in the world to some, he has named killed woman in England, mysteriously vanishing from the investigations of each. 

Appearance: http://img3.wikia.no...gn_-_Yukine.png

type of magic (only for masters and caster):

Class (only for servants): Berserker

Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional)) Jack the Ripper

Edited by Soul Eater Evans

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Name: Enkidu
Age: looks young actual age unknown
Gender: female
Bio: Created by the goddess of creation she was nut a human but a clay statue given life. In the epic of Gilgamesh she was depicted as neither man nor woman who lives in the wild however in truth she was female. It was rumored that she is as powerful as Gilgamesh himself but that is merely an exaggeration.  when she unleashed her wrath, Gilgamesh dismissed it entirely because he considered “having a contest of strength with a beast” to be complete nonsense. He merely laughed at the rumor due to the absolute faith in his own might and because he was certain that there existed no one stronger. In the end the two shared a small fight after which they became friends.

Posted Image
type of magic (only for masters and caster):
Class (only for servants): lancer
Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional)) Enkidu

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Name: Laciel Akasha




Gender: male


Bio: A terribly archetypal mage focused only on the mundane goal of mages to acuire the root. He is however talanted to the extreme in control of magic much like the tosaka family. He recieved a catalyst from a ruin he had taken time to explore a fiev days prior to the decision to enter the grail war. Overall he is Quite the slacker.


Appearance: http://www.fightabase.com/images/chars/game/utakata_nar-880.png


type of magic (only for masters and caster): uses strange kinds of bubble magic


Class (only for servants):


Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional))



Name: Ania Stemington


Age: 14


Gender: female


Bio: She was born as heir to a highly praised mage bloodline and was the only one not to properly be able use the family bloodline magic. She has compensaited for that only in tearms of general knowlage and her skill in evocation.






type of magic (only for masters and caster):


Class (only for servants):


Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional))

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might join

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  On 1/24/2015 at 12:57 AM, Soul Eater Evans said:




Bio: (purposely kept short) Known as the First man in the world to some, he has named every animal, gaining mastership of each. Born from dust, he ate the apple from the tree of knowledge and was expelled to Earth to die.

Appearance: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140224201829/noragami/images/b/ba/Character_Design_-_Yukine.png

type of magic (only for masters and caster):

Class (only for servants): Rider

Historical figure you represent (your identity (this is optional)) Adam, first man the Bible.


I can explain the rider part.


Lelouch is now Rider

What has become of my servant?


Forget that, I've just seen Jack.

Edited by SkyKeybladeHero

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