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~The Role-playing Game~ (RP)

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~Sonic/Link~ "Eating now sounds good to me! My stomach is crying for some nourishment!" Sonic, running as fast as he did, needed to eat large amounts of food to keep up with his metabolism. Link put his cap back on and nodded, listening to his own stomach rumble. "After you, Clemmy." Link spoke respectively.~Dawn~ "You'd be surprised. You saw that black market, a load of people use magic in ways they can get away with." Dawn paused. "For example..." Dawn formed a small snowball in her hand. "Watch this." Dawn took the ball in one hand, and threw it up into the sky. Once it reached a climax, Dawn spread her hands apart, and the sky exploded with tiny flakes, raining down on the people in a divine showcase. The people cheered, thinking the festival had started! The music began, and the dancers started their routine. 

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[Kirby Contray]


     "Waah!", Kirby shreiked as Miles jumped. He clung onto Miles for dear life as he landed on the ground.

     "Whoa! That was...kinda cool.", he muttered. "Take me anywhere but here...but wait...what about Delsin and Roxas???", he asked, clinging onto him. "They could get hurt..."

Edited by Hargleblargleboo

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Komaru smiled sweetly at Clementine, offering her hand.

"Cle-mmy? Is that your name?" Komaru asked softly, tilting her head, blinking her eyes a few times, it was clear to Komaru that Clementine was shy and possibly sensitive, so she didn't want to be too loud.




Makoto walked over to Black.

"Seems they're getting along well already." Makoto said to Black.

"Is she your sister or friend or something?" Makoto asked, scratching his head.

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Clementine felt much more relaxed. She gave a nod to all her new friends. She saw Komaru offer her hand, and Clementine happily accepted it with a smile and flustered cheeks.

"It's Clementine... But you can call me Clemmy if you really want too." She looked back at her house, hoping her mother wasn't expecting more bellies to fill. Her mother always cooked way more than she needed too anyway.

"Follow me." She said as she led Komaru to her home, expecting everyone to follow.


Meanwhile Black chuckled at Makoto's question.

"You could say sister if you want." He said. "I knew Clemmy since she was a baby. She was bullied a lot, so I always protected her. Even if that means that I have to lie to take the hits for her..." He trailed off and began to laugh after a few moments. "But that's not important! We grew up with another boy too. His name was Silver. Silver Soul Sakaki! We were her self appointed bodyguards! I haven't seen Silver around lately though." He smiled down at Komaru and Clementine.

"I'm so happy to see Clemmy open to people she hasn't met. Maybe she and your sister will become friends!"


Meanwhile Vanitas watched Dawn's little magic trick. He was mildly impressed, he had to admit.

"You're correct..." He didn't like the diamond dust in the sky. He raised his hands, controlling the snow that was falling around them as swiped his hands down, turning the diamond dust into sharp deadly icicles that fell straight into the ground. Thankfully no one around them noticed, or got hurt. There was a strange beauty in the deadliness of the icicles that Vanitas had created.

"Those fools will never notice us. Those guards always execute the innocent ones and fail to notice the /real/ threats."

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Komaru giggled when she was being led by Clementine

"What a sweet name, Clementine." Komaru said as Clementine lead her to her house. Komaru waved for Makoto to follow.




Makoto laughed at Black's statement.

"I'm pretty sure they are." Makoto said, following them after Komaru's wave.

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~Miles Thompson~ "You're right, Kirby." Tails figured he was needed inside anyways. "Alright, I'm going to leave you at the Inn, and then I'll come back for them. Is that alright?"


~Sonic/Link~ "Awh, shucks Black." Sonic began to speak, using a word he hadn't in awhile. He put his hands behind his head as he followed Clem. "Makoto and Komaru will have no problem fitting in with us." He looked back at the two. "After all, we all only met earlier today. Link walked up to Sonic, grabbing his hands and playfully putting them down to his sides. "We met yesterday, smart one." Link was happy that they could take a break from the stress of the job, especially after what he and Silver had encountered and learned. Link wondered how Miles was doing on his own... Well, he had the others now. He was sure to be okay.~Dawn Estheim~ "Wooww!" Dawn commented on Vanitas' icicle trick. "You're right... it seems, unfair, doesn't it?" Dawn said sarcastically sorrowful before laughing.

"Just kidding! Hell, Vanitas, we could get away with murder and no one would blink an eye!"

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[Kirby Contray]



Kirby still clung onto Miles.

  "Mm. Okay. I can stay there. Thank you.", he said.

He was so happy that others were there to take care of him, but he wanted to help as well. Somehow...

  "Hey, Miles?", Kirby asked. "Did you ever find Roxas' and Ventus' father?..."



[Marluxia Contray] 



  Marluxia complied to Roxas' request and began telling him all he could about Kirby. 

 "Kirby is a quite the silent type when you first meet him. He's overly generous, kind, and spontaneous. He's the kind of child that's a bit of an oddball. He likes see new sites and people. He especially loves food, his favorite being tomatoes, and he writes down his dreams every night. And one day, he wants to go beyond, and ride the stars." 

He looked back at Roxas.

  "Must I go on?..."

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Clementine smiled shyly from Komaru's comment. "Thank you..." She said. She knocked on the door to her house, where a tall big framed woman with an apron entered.

"Why hello darlin'!" She said with glee. She looked behind her little daughter to see so many people!

"Hey there sugars! My name is Lenora. I'm guessin' you's here for the dinner before the good part of the festival comes. I only wish my little Clementine told me more people were gonna eat too!"

Clementine rubbed the back of her head. "Sorry..." she said.

Lenora only chuckled. "Why don't ya'll come in and make yourselves at home. Just take a seat at my dinner table. Tell me your names as you walk in!"

Black sighed. "Sorry, Auntie. I told my ma I'd go eat dinner with her and my pa."

Lenora shook her head. "At least come in for a few minutes! I'll send your momma some things with you and some of my cake."

Black signed defeatedly, and went inside the house first. "Come on guys!" He said.


Silver looked down as he slowly followed Link and Sonic. He wasn't talking much; he wasn't blessed with the feeling of relaxation like his two friends were right now. He had a lot of things on his mind. "..."


Vanitas grinned at Dawn's amazement. He blew his fingers, obviously feeling rather proud at himself. Then again, he always was very prideful.

"Murder? Ha! I could probably kill a guard and he'll think in the afterlife it was someone else." His grin turned different. 'I got away with murder already...' He thought to himself.


Roxas dead panned. He was unsure of what to say, especially since he wasn't expecting Marluxia to know EVERYTHING about Kirby. Could this man really be telling the truth?

"Well, uh," Roxas stampered. "... That's just luck..."

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Komaru happily walked into the house beside Clementine with a warm smile on her face

"My name is Komaru Naegi. Nice to meet you Lenora." Komaru said sweetly as she stepped into the house.




Makoto walked in after the girls with a smile on his face too.

"Makoto Naegi. Nice to meet ya." Makoto said cheerily.

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"Alright miles, I hope you had a plan. i cant hold him off any longer." Delsin thought. He loosened his grip on marluxia and moved the knife away, but kept it out. "alright, fine. your story seems to check out. but why have you come here for kirby? we still dont know."

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~Link/Sonic~ Link and Sonic followed the others in, one right after the other. Sonic shook her hand as he walked in, and Link did the same. "My name is Link Baxter. Thank you for having us!" Once in, Link noticed Silver, who had walked in right behind them. "Still thinking about... you-know-what?"~Miles Thompson~ "Alright." Tails didn't waste any time. Straight to the inn, and back. He looked into the window to see that Delsin had put his knife away already!

Are you serious, Delsin? Miles continued to watch anyways, waiting for the opportune moment to jump in.~Dawn Estheim~ Dawn laughed at Vanitas' remark. She playfully tugged on his arm. "Well? Aren't we going to dance?"

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Clementine and Black happily entered the dining room area. It was cozy and warm, very welcoming for guests. Clementine led Komaru to the seats. Clementine sat in one, and patted the seat next to her.

"You can sit next to me, Komaru."


Black grinned and sat on the opposite side of the table. "None of you get to steal my favorite spot!"


Lenora chuckled sweetly at Komaru and Makoto. "Why sugars, it's nice to meet you both. Sit down and I'll serve everyone in a second." She welcomed Link in as well, and everyone else. She noticed Silver's uneasiness, so she didn't want to bother him for now.


Silver started long and hard into nothingness. He noticed Sonic speak to him, which knocked Silver out of his daze.

"W-What? Oh- yeah... Yeah, I am... I'm just anxious of what we're going to do."


Roxas watched as Delsin put the knife away. He was very weary of Marluxia, waiting to hear what he was going to say. But since Marluxia might be telling the truth, what should they do about Kirby?


Vanitas was taken aback at Dawn's question.

"D-Dance?" He asked. He tried to not seem all that shocked at the question, so Vanitas cleared his throat and fixed his collar.

"Dance, I? Why would I trouble myself with such foolish things? I don't dance..."

Edited by Aqua7KH

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[Marluxia Contray] 



  Marluxia grinned and readjusted his cloak. He turned towards Delsin and Roxas.

  "Oh, how nice of you two brats to finally release me.. Anyway, I merely wish to take my sibling back to his rightful home in Chivia. I'm in a hurry so that I don't miss the Afterlife Festival over there. You see, when he was practicing flight a couple of days ago, he must have lost his way, and has somehow forgotten I ever existed.", Marluxia said.

  "That's why he so scared of me today. It's frustrating to lose someone close to you, you know? Especially a younger brother." He turned his back to them. He hoped acting somewhat troubled would get the approval of the two. Playing with emotions was fun.

  "If you still don't believe me, well, that's quite a shame..."

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Delsin had his hand on his hip. He wanted this man to feel safe so he would speak, but del wasn't crazy, he hadn't let his guard down. He still had his knife ready. "Well, Kirby dosent wanna go home. Sorry for the trouble, but I'll ask you to please leave our house now. Wouldn't wanna miss the festival." He said with a look of distaste on his face.

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Komaru smiled warmly at Clementine.

"Thank you, Clementine." Komaru said sweetly, ruffling Clementine's hair a little, then looked at Lenora.

"It's nice to meet you too, Miss." Komaru said with a kind smile.




Makoto walked in and sat at the seat next to Komaru and smiled.

"It's very nice to meet you too, Miss." Kuro said kindly with a nod.

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Clementine and Black happily entered the dining room area. It was cozy and warm, very welcoming for guests. Clementine led Komaru to the seats. Clementine sat in one, and patted the seat next to her."You can sit next to me, Komaru."Black grinned and sat on the opposite side of the table. "None of you get to steal my favorite spot!"Lenora chuckled sweetly at Komaru and Makoto. "Why sugars, it's nice to meet you both. Sit down and I'll serve everyone in a second." She welcomed Link in as well, and everyone else. She noticed Silver's uneasiness, so she didn't want to bother him for now.Silver started long and hard into nothingness. He noticed Sonic speak to him, which knocked Silver out of his daze."W-What? Oh- yeah... Yeah, I am... I'm just anxious of what we're going to do."Roxas watched as Delsin put the knife away. He was very weary of Marluxia, waiting to hear what he was going to say. But since Marluxia might be telling the truth, what should they do about Kirby?Vanitas was taken aback at Dawn's question."D-Dance?" He asked. He tried to not seem all that shocked at the question, so Vanitas cleared his throat and fixed his collar."Dance, I? Why would I trouble myself with such foolish things? I don't dance..."

((actually, that was Link talking to Silver, sorry if I made it seem different!))~Dawn Estheim~ "Hey, niether do I." Dawn laughed. "But it would be odd to be the only 'couple' not dancing! You don't want to stand out... do you?" She smirked, closed her eyes, and danced around Vanitas. "Besides, one dance wouldn't kill you."~Miles Thompson~ Miles walked into the scene again, staying behind Delsin. Wow, I couldn't have made that entrance more obvious.

"Sorry about that... had to use the bathroom."~Sonic/Link~ "I know... I'm worried to. You just have to put on your best face, even when you're feeling your worst." Link responded. Sonic starred at them, longing them over to the table. "C'mon guys! Get a seat while you can!" Link complied, taking a seat next to Sonic.

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"Yeah, he was." Roxas said with his arms crossed. Deep down however, Roxas felt very guilty and sad for Marluxia. As a brother he could only imagine such a situation between him and his own brother. This sympathy unveiled a weakness. A weakness that could only be seen by the pink-haired man before him. Roxas tried to hide it.

"He shouldn't be late for the festival in his side of Boranvia." He muttered, trying to maintain eye contact with Marluxia.


Meanwhile Silver considered what Link said. He knew Link was right, however Silver was just too deep in worry. He tried to give a small smile for his friend, and he sat down right next to Link at the table.

"Yeah..." He said, the tone of voice merging into worry and overall stress once more.


Lenora meanwhile was back in the kitchen, fixing up the grub that she had promised everyone.

"I hope everyone has empty bellies!" She called. "You're all going to walk out fat tonight!"


Clementine swung her feet at the table. She was lost in thought for a split moment. She looked towards the end of the table. "Daddy should be here..." She muttered to herself. She realized Komaru ruffled her hair, which made Clementine giggle.

"Don't mess with it too much or it'll knot. I try to braid it but I don't know how."


Meanwhile Vanitas rolled his eyes. He did have to admit though... Dawn did have a point. He didn't have his mage robes on, so at least in terms of attire he looked relatively normal for the most part. He'll have to act normal too. And standing around will make him look suspicious.

"Fine..." He muttered. He took Dawn's hands. "I'll lead."

Vanitas had to think a moment. Did he even know any actual dances? The only dance he knew was the waltz, and that was only because it was a 'gentleman' dance and everyone kept bugging him to learn it.

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Komaru and Makoto


Komaru smiled sweetly at Clementine and put her hands on her hips.

"I can braid your hair!" Komaru stated loudly with a happy smile on her face, she looked around the table and turned to Makoto.

"There's a lot of people here, huh, big bro?" Komaru asked.

"Yeah. There sure is. I wonder if they're all just a big group of friends." Makoto suggested.

"I'd say so." Komaru replied.

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[Marluxia Contray]


     "Hm. Right. I was just about to leave." He walked towards the door and pushed it open. Guess he should try again another day. "Good evening...", he said bitterly, before heading out the door, walking towards the entrance of the town. "I'll come back another day...", he muttered, hanging his head down. It was late anyways. He was tired and frustrated. All he wanted to do now was to go home.


[Kirby Contray]


     Kirby sat inside the lobby of the inn against a wall, holding onto his knees together. How did that man know his neighbor just like that?? Maybe he really was-No, no, no! Don't think about that! He tried to take Kirby away! Kirby hid his head in his knees and tried to push away the thought...

     "Poyo...", he mumbled.

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"Thorn, look!" Zorn pointed towards the boy in pink,  who muttered something inaudible.

"I'm looking, Zorn."

"Did not that man want the boy in pink?"

"That man wanted the boy in pink, didn't he?" Together, the two fools walked towards the boy, greeting him with large smiles, waiting for him to speak.



"I sure hope so!" Sonic patted his already slightly chubby belly. "I think I lost 3 pounds just today!" Link laughed, patting his friend against the back.

"I haven't eaten since breakfast- so I'm starved!"


~Dawn Estheim~

"You do know how to dance, right?" She places one hand over his shoulder, looking into his eyes, just as she was taught by her mother.

"You know how to waltz? Everyone does."



You don't know how to dance? Let me see what I can do...

What? Why can't I...

I'm pulling strings, but... nothing is happening! It must be the Dark Mage's powers... or perhaps... 

~Miles Tails Thompson~

"Oh, I've heard the festival is great over there. Better hurry before you miss the fireworks." Tails didn't grin, merely stared at the man. Even with his Courtesy, he still felt a smidge threatened by the man.

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Roxas grumbled. He didn't really know what to think.

"What should we do guys?" He asked. "He'll probably be back."


Meanwhile Clementine smiled sweetly at the offer.

"Sure." She said happily. "Pretty please. Could you teach me too? Then I could do braids in your hair."


Silver just sorta stared into the table. His negative disposition was obvious. He just couldn't get the dark mage and the current events out of his head.


Vanitas pouted and looked to the side. He felt weird in such a position with Dawn. He shrugged off her hand.

"Obviously I know how to Waltz." He muttered. "I just don't want to waste my precious time doing such a stupid thing." Deep down, he felt a nervous pit in his stomach at the thought of dancing with Dawn.

'Ugh! This feeling! Did someone cast a spell on me?!' He yelled in his mind.

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[Kirby Contray] 


  Kirby lifted up his head when two fools approached him. He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

  "Poyo?~", he asked them.


[Marluxia Contray] 


Marluxia had teleported himself back to Chivia in a flurry of rose petals. Once he was back in Moran, the festival had already begun. He could tell because of the fireworks blasting in the sky. As he approached his home, he was greeted by a mocking roar from a certain fire mage in a mask. Marluxia showed no reaction at the attempt to scare him. The fire mage took off his mask and chuckled, rubbing his head.


  "Heh! Yo, Marluxia!", he greeted with a grin. "Sooo... didja' find your brother?" 

  "Hello, Axel." I did find him, but he refused to come back with me...", he said bitterly.

  "Huh? Why??" 

  "He has forgotten all about me because of a curse..."


  "Yes. A curse. So, there's no point in me attending the festival tonight." Then, Marluxia got an idea. (TBC cause PS3's character limit is dumb.)

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[Marluxia Contray] 


  "Say... Axel..."


  "Tomorrow... why don't you try to bring him back? He remembers you."

  "What? Me? Um... sure, I guess... since he won't remember ya'..."

  "Good. Now if you'll excuse me," Marluxia opened up the door to his home. "I'm going to get some rest."

  "W-Wait! Are you sure you don't wanna come to the fest-"

  "I'm sure, Axel.", he interrupted.

  "Oookay then. You're gonna miss one hell of a time, though!"

  "Mhm. Goodnight." With that, Marluxia closed the door behind him, and the fire mage walked away.

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"I dunno. Guess we better go get kirby. You know where he is, right tails?" Del was happy he managed to keep kirby safe. Now he just needed to get him home.

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