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...PFFFFT! who are you trying to mock? We all know that you wish for a lifetime supply of SoKai Hentai

The lives of creatures are way more important. I wouldn't waste a wish, when I could make the world less shit.



Even If I did want doujins, I could just make my own and I prefer just normal stories or ecchi is where I would draw the line with sokai. 

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The lives of creatures are way more important. I wouldn't waste a wish, when I could make the world less shit.



Even If I did want doujins, I could just make my own and I prefer just normal stories or ecchi is where I would draw the line with sokai. 

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The lives of creatures are way more important. I wouldn't waste a wish, when I could make the world less shit.



Even If I did want doujins, I could just make my own and I prefer just normal stories or ecchi is where I would draw the line with sokai. 

I wish Horny Kitty made these doujins. Very sexy ones. :D


Now, for my real wish, I wish I had those Sora and Roxas Play Arts Kai.

I wish for Kingdom Hearts 3 to release right now before my very eyes, so that I could be the happiest man alive.

Do you own a PS4? If not, you've got yourself more sadness.

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Do you own a PS4? If not, you've got yourself more sadness.


Yes, I do actually. I bought it just so I can play KH3, just like the other games as I love the series with all my heart (no pun intended).

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