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Your First Rule 34

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I was on Limewire, I think. It was Yu-Gi-Oh, a picture of Seto and Ishizu. I was like, 9 or 10 (that's around the time I started getting into fandom). I could not look away. I was like "....who the heck drew this!?"


Of course, as I got older it was like nothing, but that first one made me stop all, ''...but why?"

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...................................Kingdom Hearts. I was innocently  searching for pictures to sketch. Then I saw Sora/Riku. @.@ But, on another note, I came across hentai fanfiction of Kingdom Hearts out of sheer boredom........shamelessly, I've never looked back. xD 

That's enough internet for one day


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I don't remember what the first was for me, but I have learned after that moment that when you see something awful on the internet, there will ALWAYS be something else that tops it, and something else that topped that first something, and so on and so forth.

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The most scarring moment of my life. Here we go.


So, myself and a friend were joking around about random things, and somehow AquaxKairi came up. This friend of mine, I had thought, was joking about having a picture of them doing a thing. I joked with him (I'm not a serious guy, and I honestly doubted that crap existed, I didn't believe rule 34 was actually a thing at the time, and I was a very sheltered 13 year old) about sending it to me. Literally hoping he was joking, he sent a PM which actually contained that shit. I was raised very, very modestly, and that was my first exposure to any form of "sexual" content. The moment it loaded, I actually ran from my computer screaming. A half an hour later, I came back, closed my brouser, opened Internet Explorer, logged into the site via that brouser, chewed out my friend and deleted the PM, and I refused to touch my default browser for three months. I also stopped talking with that guy for the most part. And tbh, I still don't like any sort of "sexual" content. Being raised very modestly, that kind of thing dose quite bother me that it exists. I literally don't know if I'll ever have kids because the idea of sexual actions freaks me out.


Tl; dr: friend of mine sent me AquaxKairi hentai which literally made me afraid of the Firefox browser/Internet for the rest of my life.

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It was a sora/kairi one back when I was just getting into the fandom......I wonder if that disgusting thing is why I dislike the pairing so much now.....along with other reasons of course but yeah.

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Don't actually post or link anything (obviously). Don't even describe what you saw. Seriously, the more details you leave out, the less likely anything will get deleted. DC has already been doing some, ahem, cleanup of the less savory threads out there. 

I know, he recently deleted some of my sokai and werid ones already xD



On topic...kingdom hearts....

Edited by KittensOnFire

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I don't exactly remember when was the first time I encountered r34. If anything, it was either when RS to Emerald was released. I remember googling for map images (forgot why), and of course we all know Google loves slapping something inappropriate. RSE is enough of a clue of what I saw.

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