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*CLOSED*~The Role-playing Game~ (Sign-Ups and Discussion)

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I'm fine with both :) My friend, Prower Power, wants to start RPing, so I told him about the possible reboot. He's never done it before, so he wanted to join one with me.

Considering we might be more people I may open up the sign ups. I'd rather hold off the reboot until later, but I'd love for my roleplay to be his first!

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Alright! Do you think you could help me with the Synopsis? There's a lot of material to read through xD. I could do one half, and you the other maybe?

I actually just got an idea. Considering this roleplay would be with just us since everyone else is busy, perhaps we could write this roleplay on our own behaf? Like a 1x1x1x1x1 or something that continues from our story, and we can create a reboot for everyone else and start fresh. And your friend can join too~! Or, so that we don't have to do the same roleplays at the same time, we can continue this roleplay, start the project that I've been saving for the summer and do the reboot later. Whatever you guys wanna do although I like the first option better.

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I think we should do a bit of both. Do the 1x1x1x1x1, save the reboot for after we finish it, and you can still do your rp on the summer like you planned, that way more people sign up for yours.

I really want your friend's first roleplay to be mine though. ;-;

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I actually just got an idea. Considering this roleplay would be with just us since everyone else is busy, perhaps we could write this roleplay on our own behaf? Like a 1x1x1x1x1 or something that continues from our story, and we can create a reboot for everyone else and start fresh. And your friend can join too~!Or, so that we don't have to do the same roleplays at the same time, we can continue this roleplay, start the project that I've been saving for the summer and do the reboot later. Whatever you guys wanna do although I like the first option better.

yeah, i like the idea of continuing this with just us and rebooting for everyone to join after

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yeah, i like the idea of continuing this with just us and rebooting for everyone to join after

Perfect! Should I make a separate thread for us or continue in the original thread?Also, I really want to continue that wiki page...

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I really enjoyed this RP as well, for as short of a duration as I was in it, and I would love to continue it as well if everyone else is interested.  However, I am wondering if I won't be a good fit for it, as I have two weeks left of class and my schedule is pretty much packed in the meantime.  I'm afraid I won't be as active as others, and thus I understand if you guys are wanting this to take off now and it would be best if I didn't partake.  However, I can't wait to RP with you all again, and I'm definitely looking forward to this summer project, Aqua! : )

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Perfect! Should I make a separate thread for us or continue in the original thread?Also, I really want to continue that wiki page...

i mean, if you and shard are gonna comb through the old thread it would probably be really easy to collect a bunch of info for the wiki.

and its dosent really matter, but a new thread would probably be the easiest solution, although then we wouldnt be able to reference old posts.

Edited by TheGuide

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i mean, if you and shard are gonna comb through the old thread it would probably be really easy to collect a bunch of info for the wiki.and its dosent really matter, but a new thread would probably be the easiest solution, although then we wouldnt be able to reference old posts.

I think it'd be best to just perhaps reuse the old thread. Everything will be there anyway. Shard, let me know when you want to make that recall thing.

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I think it'd be best to just perhaps reuse the old thread. Everything will be there anyway. Shard, let me know when you want to make that recall thing.

thats fine. im in for whatever.

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