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I feel useless!

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Everytime i try to walk to my crush to say something witty/funny, i hesitate and go in the other direction!


And, when i'm hanging with my friends, i feel like i'm a shadow on the floor, or like Aquaman in the 60's. Completely useless!


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Well, regarding your crush, all I can say is just don't think, just act. Now when I say this, don't completely block out your thoughts, I mean think to yourself that she won't bite or anything. You just have to speak with her like you speak to anyone else. That is pretty much all there is to it. Sure, making the girl laugh is a definite plus, but you have to make friends with her first. Cliche advice? Nope. Just realistic.


And around your friends, I know where you're coming from because sometimes I'm stuck in that position too. If you could give me more details on that I could help you out the best I can. :D



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Ah, ok. I guess I was just checking to make sure you weren't some 11 year old seeking attention.


Anyways, I know that the entire world tells you, "It's good to have the spotlight" or "You need to be someone", but none of that is true. Just be yourself, and most of the time, being yourself won't bring you to fame and fortune, but it's not everyone's destiny to be popular or something. You're not useless, you have a purpose. You just have to find someone that appreciates yours.

And I think that everyone goes through this at some point, know you're not alone.

Edited by xemnasbane

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well you know, they're your friends. so let loose.



and for your crush uh.


just remember she's just a person. Odds are you'll develop feelings for another person eventually. just keep that in mind. you dont need to say anything funny, just focus on staying calm, have a regular convo. stuff like making casual jokes will come naturally  

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I know how you feel (well, not really since I'm not you). Can't really give you an advice about the crush thing, but for the other one: remember, they are your friends, and they can choose whether or not to hang out with you. So I'm sure they don't think your useless. If they do, they're not really your friends and you shouldn't bother yourself with what they think, right?

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It's like I say to you with your stories, keep going on with just one story and focus on it, otherwise, you'll lose your passion for it and you'll keep getting deterred by each other story that you think up of, only to possibly meet the same end, what I mean is, for both your stories and your crush Villi1997, you have to keep your eyes on the prize, never give up, you don't even the right to say that your completely useless until you've definitely given it all you've got, mustering up your courage and approaching your crush, it's the same, with any other person, look towards them and hopefully, will they help with whatever problems it is your facing, for I know maybe, just maybe, if they were saying the same things that your saying right now, would you help them and tell them not to give up, right :]? I know this may not have sounded very helpful and in fact, rather rude to you personally Villi1997 but hopefully, will I have provided advice that can help you talk with the person that you love and maybe, from there, things will blossom :].

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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i cant really give great advice for crushes because ive barely ever really liked anyone (hard to explain) but i can try to say what id do. just go up and talk to her. if you could find a common inerest with her than start talking about that. if your worried about blushing than consider how long you have known her. if its been no time and you just met her recently and you havent talked to her than its ok to blush. just try not to sound too shaky when you talk to her. if you have known her for a long time than its still ok to blush but she might get the sense that you like her (which you do) and it might be akward. considering you have known her for a long time than i think its ok to tell her how you feel. what im saying is just say what comes to your mind. try to have a casual conversation with her. but again, my advice might not be the best because ive never really been in your situation with someone. i might be giving bad advice for all i know. this is just what i'd do. but i think good advice is to just to what you think is best.


as for the friends, its ok to be the rather silent one. im like that too. what i do is just talk to 1 friend at a time alone. for me i talk more that way. as for crouds, (3+ people) i have the same problem. i say next time you and 1 of your friends are alone, try to sieze the opportunity.


and dont worry. being nervous doesent make you usless. it makes you human. the issues your having are issues that MANY MANY people have. that doesent make you useless. i hope i helped! :)

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