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Is Sims 4 Worth it?

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Did anyone play Sims 4, and is it worth playing it? I really really liked Sims 3, but I heard some of the features and some customization were taken away (probably for DLC). Is it still fun?

Edited by Shana09

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I say no.


Could you explain why?



I've seen people have fun with it. Probably not worth early adopting the Sims 4 though. Wait out a couple expansion packs.


How long will it usually take for the expansion packs to come out? I might wait.

Edited by Shana09

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I'd say you might be better off waiting. Like you said it's missing a bunch of features that are present in Sims 3. If I remember though Sims 3 got a steady amount of expansion packs pretty much every 6 months or so after its release. I'd wait until Sims 4 at least gets a few patches under itself before picking it up, but of course it's completely up to yourself :)

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The expansion pack and add-on crap.


That is what I hate most about Sims 3 :/

I'd say you might be better off waiting. Like you said it's missing a bunch of features that are present in Sims 3. If I remember though Sims 3 got a steady amount of expansion packs pretty much every 6 months or so after its release. I'd wait until Sims 4 at least gets a few patches under itself before picking it up, but of course it's completely up to yourself :)


Alright, 6 months isn't much. Thanks!

Edited by Shana09

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I don't know, I mean, I heard it's great with nothing but improvements. I've had a good amount of interest revolving around the game itself. I may pick it up, though I'm going to wait a bit.

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I don't know, I mean, I heard it's great with nothing but improvements. I've had a good amount of interest revolving around the game itself. I may pick it up, though I'm going to wait a bit.


Lmao same way but I also heard they took away little features. I mean some of them I don't mind like the pool but idk man, I don't want something better like Supernatural 2.0 to come out in like half a year later.

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No.  While yes it seems like a good foundation to build on with expansions and such, it's come out needing day one patches with demon baby glitches and wall glitches. We expect less in a base game but they actually went the full hog to remove fundamental features like the toddlers and pools, I don't even like toddlers they're annoying to firetrucking raise but seriously, it just reeked of the money grabbing cash cow EA wants the Sims series to be.  I think it would be entertaining but you might as well as wait til an expansion or two comes out, you'll end up getting a bundle with the base game + 1 or 2 expansions for a cheaper price than the base game right now.


Here's a good review that goes into depth and is unbiased, he's a major sims fan but actually still recognizes flaws and value of a game instead of just going ""BLAH" TAKE MY MONEY"


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No.  While yes it seems like a good foundation to build on with expansions and such, it's come out needing day one patches with demon baby glitches and wall glitches. We expect less in a base game but they actually went the full hog to remove fundamental features like the toddlers and pools, I don't even like toddlers they're annoying to firetrucking raise but seriously, it just reeked of the money grabbing cash cow EA wants the Sims series to be.  I think it would be entertaining but you might as well as wait til an expansion or two comes out, you'll end up getting a bundle with the base game + 1 or 2 expansions for a cheaper price than the base game right now.


Here's a good review that goes into depth and is unbiased, he's a major sims fan but actually still recognizes flaws and value of a game instead of just going ""BLAH" TAKE MY MONEY"




Just finished watching it, it actually made me want to play it more but yeah I am going to wait. The cost was another issue for me, $60 seems like a little too much for a game like this. Thanks Caity!

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Just finished watching it, it actually made me want to play it more but yeah I am going to wait. The cost was another issue for me, $60 seems like a little too much for a game like this. Thanks Caity!


Especially since it's a downgraded version as far as customization goes.  It's like, if you want the full experience of Sims 3 gameplay, you must spend more than retail price to get the full version of the game.  It's a money pit brought to you by EA.

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Just finished watching it, it actually made me want to play it more but yeah I am going to wait. The cost was another issue for me, $60 seems like a little too much for a game like this. Thanks Caity!


I feel like they tried to make Sims 4 seem so next gen by making it the same price as PS4/Xbone games but in reality if it was the same price as every other Sims 3 base game has been, more people wouldn't feel like they were getting ripped off for something sub-par

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I wouldn't suggest it, just because by now everyone knows how the Sims and EA's marketing works where they come out with a base game, then eventually a couple of expansions, and then a bundle with said expansions. Also it just depends on if you care that there's so much missing from the other games and what was promised, like I know it's not really fair to not consider the base game as a standalone thing, but let's be honest here. Someone made a master list of the things that were going to be missing from the game here.

Also keep in mind that EA didn't give out early copies to game reviewers, but as laughable as "gaming journalism" is I'm still taking that as not being a good sign.

It just depends on what you'd consider a deal breaker or not.

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