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Games You're Currently Trying To Finish

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So are there any games that you're trying to finish right now? For me yup I have to fihish Tales of Xillia 2, Xenoblade Chronicles (even though I should have finished it a long time ago), and Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD. So yeah, I have to hurry and finish these games before the new games come out this year, haha :P. But at least it's keeping me busy.

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Xenoblade for me, too. along with Dragon Quest IX. I'm also working on getting the Platinum trophy in KHI, and playing a few other games to the side.

So how far are you on Xenoblade Chronicles?

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Alice: Madness Returns

Final Fantasy A2 

Disney Adventures ( It's KH without Heartless, I swear )

American Mcgee's Alice

The Walking Dead 

Dark Parables: The Ballad of Rapunzel 

9 Persons 9 Hours 9 Doors 

Bravely Default 

Final Fantasy: Crisis Core ( Yeah, I know, I suck for not finishing it yet. )

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Uhh let's see...:


The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D

The Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds

Kid Icarus: Uprising

Pokemon X

Final Fantasy IV

The Last of Us Remastered


And sadly, I'm making very little progress in all of them. 

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Well, right now, my top priority is beating Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World, so that I can be able to focus on obtaining all trophies for Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain Of Memories.  I'm also on my way to finishing Pokemon White Version and I also have to keep playing The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess!  That's the best thing about having many games to play.  It distracts me while 2.5 releases, and it also helps me keep my mind off of Kingdom Hearts III!  Oh God, now I'm thinking about Kingdom Hearts III!  Somebody, make it stop! D:

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Well, right now, my top priority is beating Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World, so that I can be able to focus on obtaining all trophies for Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain Of Memories.  I'm also on my way to finishing Pokemon White Version and I also have to keep playing The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess!  That's the best thing about having many games to play.  It distracts me while 2.5 releases, and it also helps me keep my mind off of Kingdom Hearts III!  Oh God, now I'm thinking about Kingdom Hearts III!  Somebody, make it stop! D:

Yeah, when you have multiple games to finish it really helps distract you for whatever game you're waiting to come out. That's the good thing about having a gaming backlog.

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Yeah, when you have multiple games to finish it really helps distract you for whatever game you're waiting to come out. That's the good thing about having a gaming backlog.

Yep.  Especially if one of the games you're waiting for is Kingdom Hearts III.  Having many games to play really helps to make the wait less painful. xD

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I don't really have any games that I'm trying to complete like platinum 100% that's not gonna happen until 2.5 comes out so I can make Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix be my 50th Platinum but there are some games that I'm trying to finish up like DLC stuff in Saints Row 4, Bioshock Infinite.  The next game I am gonna get is Persona 4 Arena Ultimax so I will be playing that and hopefully it will help me get good so I can complete the first one but probably won't happen.  I'm not sure when but eventually I will get Danganronpa 2 just don't know if it will be this month or next month.  When Persona Q comes out I will try to finish that as well, but no, I don't have any games that I currently own that I am trying to complete yet.

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Xenoblade Chronicles


Final Fantasy 9


Fire Emblem Awakening


Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon(yep......still didn't finish that yet)


Bravely Default

I still don't even have Luigi's Mansion 2 or Bravely Default... You're doing better than me. xD

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Jak 2 HD


Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2

One Piece Pirate Warriors 2

Bleach Soul Resurreccion (and yes, that's how they spell it)

Sly Cooper Thieves in Time

Persona 4 ARENA (Score Attack)

Anarchy Reigns

Shin Megami Tensei 4

Sonic Rush Adventure

No More Heroes Heroes Paradise

Ape Escape 1,2, and 3

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix

inFAMOUS Second Son

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

Dissidia 012 [duodecim] Final Fantasy.

Edited by TheFinalPersonaKeyblade

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Mega Man 3 (I'm at the Wily fortress against the Yellow Devil and because I hate that boss with a passion I took a small break,but he doesn't seem be as hard as he was in Mega Man 1,so I should be able to beat him)


Mega Man 4,5,6,9,10 (I reach the Wily castle,but I want to beat the games in order,so I have to beat 3 before moving on)


Ni No Kuni (I like the game,the gameplay is great with a big open-world with tones of sidequests,but I just entered the volcano and I still can't really get into the story,everything is nice and cute and it kinda bugs me a little.Story is usually my favorite aspect of RPGs,so its really hard for me to get invested when the story is only decent,but I know there are big things coming up,that's why I'll keep playing it.)


Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World (Honestly I don't think I'll be able to get though this one,the story is terrible and the new characters are boring(except for Tenebre,he's awesome) and I really wasn't except it,I started the game as soon as I beat Symphonia and I though it'd be just as good.At least the gameplay is decent,but definitely not on the same level as the other Tales games. its probably the worst RPG I've played,at least with FFXIII I could kinda see where they were going for with the story,the game had a small potential to be good.I'll try to beat it because I want to see how the Symphonia serie end,but its probably not even worth it) 


Grand Theft Auto V (Its great,but I don't own the game,so I can only play once in a while for a few hours)

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