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Will be be suprised at Tokyo Game show - if KH3 info does appear?

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It wasn't formally announced, of course I'll be surprised even if there is a small part of me assuming it's going to happen


At the same time I'm going to be disappointed if it doesn't show up despite its not being listed

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It wasn't formally announced, of course I'll be surprised even if there is a small part of me assuming it's going to happenAt the same time I'm going to be disappointed if it doesn't show up despite its not being listed

The only small glimmer of hope is that Square Enix have not said that it won't be at the show (Like they said that KH3 and FFXV wouldn't be at E3 prior) but it's looking more and more unlikely.

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Biggest surprise ever: On the last day they announce that FFXV will be released on September 8th 2015 and that KH III will then follow on May 3rd 2016 in all territories. (Hey, I can dream can't I?)


But in all honesty, I won't be surprised either way. Excited if it does, disappointed if it doesn't, but not surprised. Regardless, I won't be here for TGS because I'm going to a Supernatural Convention  that happens to be from the 18th-21st. I'l have to be glued to my phone

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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We can only hope that they'll give us something at TGS.


Although I kind of want them to announce You know what more than I want more KH3 news. I love KH3 to death, but at least we know it's already in production. 

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I really hope that there's a small bit of information regarding Kingdom Hearts III, even if it's only a tiny bit, I'll be happy!  But God, I'd fanboy to the point of insanity if Kingdom Hearts III appeared at the Tokyo Game Show!  TGS is my final hope! If nothing appears at TGS, then we'll all have to wait until next year for any news. O.O

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Honestly I don't care for KH3 all that much sure it's nice to see a new trailer but my main focus right now is 2.5 ReMIX seriously that HD of KH2 is getting me goose bumps inside! And not the bad kind xD


Come on December 2nd hurry up! xD

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I'm going to be surprised if kh3 appears at TGS I would feel the same exact way when kh3 made it into D23. I don't really care if it doesn't come to tgs also because that's just telling me that they just might be making another trailer for us to watch in the coming years. This may happen a year from now or ever 4 years from now. Who knows really.

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