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Have You Ever Burst In Excitement For News?

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have you ever seen a some news for video games and actually had a burst of exitement that made you scream a bit? these are only for video game news. maybe i or someone else will make one for other stuff. ive only had it a few times with pretty big news. the times were these.




MegaMan in SSB4

Shulk in SSB4




those are all that come to mind off the top of my head. have you ever had a burst in exitement for game news?

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Many of the KH 3 teasers and the Remixes trailers made me scream like I was being raped.


I remember that once somthing made me run around the house screaming in joy, now, I can't recall what I was fangirling about... It was definetly a game news...

Edited by SkyKeybladeHero

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Not a game. I was almost crying from excitement during the NASA press conference where they thought they'd found that organism that could use arsenic, though. Too bad it ended up being fake. ;;

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