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The knights of armageddon

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(Its finally time! This is my first rp so it might die really fast but I'm so excited about this finally the knights of Armageddon have arrived)

In the grim darkness of the 41 millennium there is only war. The emperium of man is beset by foes. War is total and it is there that legends are forged. It is in the fires of battle that heroes worthy of the emperors name make a name for themselves and there that the heroes of the old fight for their chapters.

It is the legendary space marines that preserve life for the glory of the god emperor. You will be the first in a new chapter of warriors dedicated to fighting all demons, heretics and aliens that beset the homes of those loyal to the emperor. This is a tale of the newest of the chapters and by far the smallest. In fact the only members so far are raw recruits and a small number of veterans.


These recruits are:

Shi Kokoro the psyker

Artias a veteran apothecary

Micki a techmarine

Leandros a tactical marine

Amaranth another tactical marine

Aramus the leader and chapter master


Life is harsh to all in this dreaded war and even with the help of the marines life is little better than being cut down by orks or tyranids. Now the war has taken a turn for the worst the emperor himself is dead. Only a select fiev know of this specifically the chapter that was born on the very day he died. I this grim time a new hero must take control ... But who will it be? All the chapter masters that know of this are fighting among themselves who will be next in line to reach the golden throne. Currently the ones farthest from achieving that are the Knights of Armageddon. And today is their first deployment. It is to protect a detachment of imperial guard said to be crying valuable relics on catachan a world that is being targeted by orks. Here is also the first time our heroes meet face to face.


Ok the next part is called know thy enemy. every time we encounter a hostile race i will post a brief description of it.

Ork:Posted Image

A race obsessed with scavenging and making everything nice and "orky" they talk like this "Duh boss do wez getten shoot up" and are some of the most idiotic creatures in the galaxy (in my opinion) 

Posibility of alliance: COME THE APOCALYPSE (yea no chance)


And now the end of the prologue:

soldiers are gathering where the space marines are arriving. Aramus Is waiting his men to report while polishing his thunder hammer named the Phantasmal scourge. Despite having a veteran in the chapter he was selected as the chapter master  which put a lot of pressure on the new chapter master. Between the waiting and preparing the detachment to advance through the jungle it could have been worse especially considering he had problems with certain inquisitors from the ordao malleous. This day marks his first mission as a leader.

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Leandros was itching with anticipation as he landed on Catachan. The time has come for him to finally taste battle and all of its glory. He seemed to have arrived first. What he found however was not very impressive. The leader was not something to look up to for him. the man clearly did not share much enthusiasm for the codex or anything related to the emperor.

"Leandros reporting for duty sir." He said as he straightened up and made an entrance as a soldier. With a stalker bolter in his hands he gave the impression of a seasoned veteran but tat was all because the codex demands it.

"The detachment of imperial guard are ready for transport of the relics and I received word that the orc hoard is advancing in another direction sir." He kept a stiff back like he would have switched to auto pilot and his posture was almost screw like. His gaze constantly wandered around the commander, his hammer and his armor which held no seals or any sort of additions on it. Almost like the commander himself was a rookie.

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Several yards from where Leandros reported to Aramus, the armored bulk of a Space Marine halted mid march. Artius studied the two men he would be serving with carefully. They were to be his brothers. His children. He would need to prepare to bleed and die for them. But this was his duty. For the Emperor.

"Greetings, brothers!" The veteran Apothecary called out to Aramus and Leandros as he approached them. "A pleasure to meet you both."

The big man came to a stop and snapped to attention.

"Apothecary Aramus reporting."

He heard a scoff from behind him. He turned to see a female marine leaning against a parked Rhino APC. Amaranth pushed off the Rhino and moseyed over to the other marines.

"Amaranth here." She said sourly, taking a seat on a nearby crate.

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Aramus looked at the apothecary his eyes carefully inspecting the veteran as if searching for something. Then it shifted to the other male marine he was inexperienced and will most likely die quickly unless supervised. And lastly Amarath ... She was hard to read ... Seeing as tho some of the troops have arrived he spoke.

"Welcome brothers ... and sister. Starting today you are all part of the newest chapter under the service of the emperor ... However I ask you this ... What if the emperor had fallen? What if he was dead and chapter masters would be fighting for the golden throne itself? Who would you serve then?"

He said waiting to see what kind of response he would get. This question alone would ave him sentenced for heresy. In his opinion having loyal soldiers is the difference between life and death so if one was to betray him he would die on the field anyway. He looked at Leandros and Amarath once more something about those two...

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Aramuse's words shocked him "What ... did you just ... The emperor ..." He had to pull himself together. The chapter master is a heretic? That was the one thought that startled him the most. However the look in his eyes was not that of a heretic but that of a leader. Leandros did not know how to respond especially in this case. He took a deep breath before saying:

"You i guess."

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Artius considered Aramus's question. While he was a loyal marine to the emperor, he held less superstition about the Emperor as others. He had seen too many mangled bodies of brothers and sisters to believe something of flesh and blood could exist forever.

"While I serve the Emperor, I always considered him to represent humanity." The veteran answered. "If the Emperor were to fall, I would still serve humanity. The chapter master who would serve humanity best would have my loyalty."

Artius didn't think that was the answer Aramus was looking for, but it was the truth. And Artius disliked beating about the bush.

Amaranth, somewhat intrigued by the question, decided to go with honesty as well.

"Who ever had the biggest guns." She replied bluntly.

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