darklunatic 81 Posted July 22, 2010 white coundt move much "...."the chofede up some blood he grabed his black sin".."he coulndt move much he could only look at the boy and girl seens he was the one that got hurt the most he forced his body to stayd up his face was as cold as ever with osme blood on it....eat insaintey.it felt like a shock wave whent thorw his body and he feel back down he just layd therehis headphon's fell out of his ear's but he didtn say anything he saw the mark ..l'Cie... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tricia-chan 42 Posted July 22, 2010 Emi touched, rubbed, and even scratched at the mark, but it would not come off. As she feared, she was a l'Cie now, and the mark was going to prove it to everyone else on Cocoon. Lastly, she ends back in the place she never wanted to be at again. "It's not fair," she thought out loud. "It's not fair!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted July 22, 2010 Angelo looked at everyone, a look of hatred on his face. He walked up to White and extended his hand as in to say "Get up.". The thought of being made into a l'Cie, the very thing his mom was, and the very thing his family feared the most. And to make it ten times worse, a Pulse fal'Cie turned him into is slave, therefore making him an enemy of Cocoon. "Come on, we have to get going before anyone wakes up." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tricia-chan 42 Posted July 22, 2010 Literally rocking back and forth, Emi panicked. Her eyes flashed around, looking just about everywhere. Now, not only was she isolated, but now she was going to be hated upon by everyone. .... No, not everyone. The one family that ever cared for her wouldn't look down on her, right? As she stopped moving and stood up, she stated, "Um.... I have to go. I have to go somewhere." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted July 22, 2010 white looked at him"....." he grabed his handhe tryed to get up the mark was on stomic he didnt say anything he tryed to move knowing he coulndt but he forced his self to he looked at ther other's fear at them....he spit up some more blood and looked at the mark on his stomic eaten......l'cie.he hld his black sin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted July 22, 2010 He's okay and so is she. "Be careful, and do your best to cover your brand." was Angelo's only response to Emi. He was too angry to say anything encouraging or useful. Or comforting. Instead Angelo thought about one case he read about while he was in PSICOM. A l'Cie was found in Nautilus, City of Dreams. It was a small boy. After learning what the brand he had meant, he went under so much stress he immediately turned into a Cie'th. An abomination that was once a l'Cie who failed their Focus. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted July 22, 2010 white looked at him and pulled off some power he craked his neck put his black sin on his back cant die here....eat insainteyhe put his head phon's back in and started walknig eat insaintey!!!he started to pick up a little speed in his walking hoping the rest could get some speed as will they just need to find somewhere to rest soo he could heal he Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tricia-chan 42 Posted July 22, 2010 "Uh, okay," was all that Emi said before she walked away. As she walked, she looked down at her brand. Her bag was naturally covering it, so she was all right with that situation. Now, she could focus on her current task-- Find the Estheim house. They were the only family that have helped her countless time. She was absolutely sure that they would help her now, despite her condition. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted July 22, 2010 Angelo folllowed White. Kepping an eye on his injured compaion. Didn't Captain say l'Cie could use magic? Maybe I should try it. "Hey, stand still. I'll heal you." Angelo said to White. He ws ready to try anything. No matter what the cost was, to keep everyone alive. Even if it meant turning into a Cie'th. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted July 22, 2010 white looked at him"...."white stoped to see what he wonted he didnt know what but he know it was about te pain he was feeling but white just wonted toget osmhwer he could sleep then the shock wave hit him agian he feel down and more blood came out his mouth danmit i need to get osme rest..he didnt open his mouth he just forced his sel f back up but then stood there and let angelo heal him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted July 22, 2010 Here goes nothing... Angelo thought. He looked at White and then cast-ed Cure on him four times, healiing him completely and restoring some stamina. "It seems Captain was right, l'Cie can use magic." With that, Angelo continued to walk, resolving to protect his comrades instead of letting them get hurt by his mistakes. "Guess we'll have to find a place to stay for the night." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted July 22, 2010 white felt fine again he looked at him and started walking he looked at how ok angelo was"the reason i was mor beat up tha you was that when he shot the laser i was stell stadying......... and i ran up then i tryed to kill it but it sent me flyign into a wall then it shot me with another laser"white said to him stell walking he didnt much care for hidding his mark but he did anyway he was feelign alot better form befor he looked around to find a good place to hid ..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tricia-chan 42 Posted July 22, 2010 Palumpolum, the commercial city. In a world of online shopping, the city is the largest market on Cocoon. Emi preceded to pass all of the retail stores. Within moments, she had reached the door of the Estheim residence. However, before she knocked on the door, she paused. It was rather late, and she didn't want to wake anyone. Besides, what if they saw her brand? What if they do treat her as the enemy? Chickening out, she turned her back to the house and began to walk away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted July 22, 2010 Angelo searched for a place for the group to stay. He didn't know where Emi had gone and he just realized he didn't properly introduce his self. This is no time for formality. We need to do something about the current situatiion in Cocoon and clear our names as l'Cie. Angelo heard foot steps nearby and got ready with Pandora in sword form. High level soldiers appeared and prepared to attack him and White (battle difficulty= Easy) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted July 22, 2010 (hahah you know it) white looked up he put his headphon's in and the smirk was on his face"..hahah."he thorw his black sin and killed some of them then he grabed his black sin when it came back to himhe looked at angelo and was ogingto elt him do the rest o them...take them appart pice by pice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted July 22, 2010 Angelo slashed down many of the soldiers easily and then threw Pandora in the air. It transformed into a floating cannon, shooting at the soldiers one by one, latching grenades on them.The soldiers looked suprised at the fact they weren't dead...yet. "Game over." Angelo snapped his fingers and the mini grenades blew up the soldiers. "Man, look at that fireworks display!" Angelo said looking at the flames popping in mid-air. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tricia-chan 42 Posted July 22, 2010 Emi continued walking, but was intervened when soldiers surrounded her, pointing their guns at her. Uh-oh, game over, she thought. She tried to sneak her kusari-gama out of her bag, but one of them noticed as they fired at her. Emi was about to duck-and-cover. However, she accidentally casted Shell on herself, and the bullets fell to the ground. "I... I did that...?" she asked herself as the other soldiers began to attack her. She swung her kusari-gama at them, temporarily injuring one of them. She noticed that her Shell was fading away as the bullets came closer to her. Hoping that it would work, and succeeding, she casted Shell on herself once again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted July 22, 2010 white heard gun fire he took off runing to where it was"...."the smirk was on his face badly he know what to do he saw tehm and he jumped over them and saw the girl he landed in front of her he spon his scythe stoping the bullet's then he thorw his black sin up in the air and ran in hit one of them with his palm sendingthem flying into the other's hten he kicked on in he face and hejumped up and grabed his scythe put it on his back and took one of ther gun's and started shootign at the rest of them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted July 22, 2010 Angelo ran to Emi and drop kicked a soldier and killed some of them with Pandora's sword form. Reinforcements came, stronger ones.( Therefore raising the battle difficulty to Normal.) "Now they want to bring in stronger guys. Angelo ran at the Commander soldiers. Who used pointed staff and fake magic via manadrive to fight back. "You guys are pathetic." Angelo stabbed one of the soldiers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted July 22, 2010 white looked at the new fighter's he got down low then he darted of with high speed he got between to bigone's and put his palm on each oteh them"..haha."he then sent them flying into other's he spon on his hand's and kicked one of them in the jaw then he jumped up in the air hittign a backfilp and elbowd one oft htem in the back knocking himinto a wall one of them tryed to grab him but he put his head down and lend fourward's kickeing him in ace and dowing a whole front filp at the same time he stood there waitign for more of them then he picked up a gun and thorw it at some of the smaller one's Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tricia-chan 42 Posted July 22, 2010 (( Wow... I'm listening to the Japanese Ponyo theme. It certainly kills the mood. ._.' )) Emi swung her kusari-gama at another soldier, which pierced him under the helmet. Before she could retrieve it, another soldier came to attack her from the side. Without meaning to, Emi casted Water, pushing the water back into other soldiers. As she grabbed onto the handle of her weapon, she casted Water again at the same three, ultimately drowning them. However, she realized that her Shell was gone when she got hit in the shoulder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted July 22, 2010 (Then read to this instead; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk6e8al-mHQ&feature=related) Angelo picked up a machine gun off the ground and shot three soldiers through their helmets. After the gun ran out of bullets, he threw it at a Commander soldier and casted fire on a few more soldiers. "This is great." Angelo punched some of the soldiers who were trying to surround Emi and casted Fire on two soldiers coming after him. One Commander soldier used his manadrive to cast Cure on a few injured soldier and another used his to cast Thunder on Angelo. Angelo provoked the soldiers and then used Medigard, thus causing the soldiers to all attack him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted July 22, 2010 (wow thats a nice pic for this part) white looked at them he ran up and hit one of them in the face breakign there helmet and killing them then he grabed him by the face spon around and thorw him into the other's then he jumped up and landed in the middle of them when he landed on the gorund he puched his palm on it and a ice spike came aorund him killing some more soilder's he looked aorund at them and he jumped back to where the girl was he got in front of her and blocked soo she could run away or atleast get far Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emo/Yami 37 Posted July 22, 2010 Angelo used Pandora to provide some cover. He turned it into smoke bombs and threw them on the ground.While the soldiers were confused, Angelo starting killing them with Pandora sword form. He figured this could by some time for either an escape or a quick victory. Angelo then turned Pandora into a flash bomb, stunning the soldiers and knocking them out. "Time to go." he said before shooting the KO'd soldiers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tricia-chan 42 Posted July 22, 2010 (( Hey! It's my favorite battle theme of all time! )) Despite given a chance to run, they were still surrounded. "How many are there?" she questioned, having negative thoughts once again. As two approached, Emi threw her kusari-gama. It shot jet water at them before stabbing into one's side, otherwise known as an Aquastrike. She casted Cure on herself to heal the wound in her shoulder before casting Shell on herself, as well as the other two. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites