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Final Fantasy XIII RP

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The sudden action had suddenly caught Emi off guard. Everything had become so sudden, that she became paralyzed. She began plummeting off of the destroyed road, but it was all slow-motioned through her eyes. She kept on repeating in her mind that she would give anything to just be back at home, in Palumpolum. However, she unbearably knew that just wishing for it over and over again wasn't ever going to allow her that.

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Since Angelo was a soldier, he reacted quickly and caught Emi. He grunted as he tried to lift them both back up over the ledge. The kids didn't fall since he altered the gravity in a safe spot to keep them safe. As he tried to lift the girl and his self over the ledge a gunship appeared. "Four deportees have been sighted. Eradication being executed." The pilot said. He shot at Angelo causing him to let go of the ledge and have various bullet wounds. Angelo yelled in pain and in his mind, a new feeling of hatred for the Sanctum had developed. He worked for them once and he never knew they would get this brutal. And why? All over a fal'Cie found in Bodhum. If I get out of this mess alive, the Sanctum's going down. Angelo fell halfway unconscious and feltand heard a loud thump before becoming completely unconscious.

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It was several minutes before Emi came. The first thing that rushed at her was an intense migraine. Next came the memory of what happened before she passed out. She was being transported with others when an overrun on the train occurred. She tried to find a way to leave, but then the road that she was on became destroyed. She was about to fall, but all of the stress had caused her to pass out.

She tried to get up, but pain shot through her muscles. She had never felt so sore. Within a few minutes, Emi was able to sit up. Attempting to look around, she couldn't find out where she was at. She looked down and realized that there laid the man from before, unconscious. Despite her sore muscles, she raised her arm to shake his shoulder. "Hey... Mister, wake up," she said warily.

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Angelo's vision was blurry. He opened his eyes halfway and saw the girl he had caught before he was shot by the PSICOM soldier that knocked him off the ledge. "...Oh good...your alright...." He said weakly. His ribs, head, and chest had hurt badly and he was sure sommething was broken. Despite this Angelo sat up, groaning loudly. Angelo felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. He clutched it tightly. He missed his target and shot my shoulder instead. He's a grunt, a fresh rookie. Angelo thought. He remembered that same fear that soldier must've gelt, the fear of killing or being killed.

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"Are you alright?" Emi asked the man. She looked around from where she sat, once again. She still couldn't, in the slightest, identify where they were at. Then, she looked up. How far, or how long have they fallen? She still couldn't imagine surviving a great fall. As the pain all over her body increased, Emi lowered her head and, instead, studied the floor.

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"I'll be fine. I've een throug worse." Angelo stood up slowly to make sure he was ready to move. He looked up at the sky and saw his target; the Vestige. Angelo looked at the girl. "What's your name?" he asked. If something good was going to happen today, it would be he stopped someonne from dying and hopefully saved people who could maybe help him set everything straight about Pulse and Cocoon. But in order to do that, he would have to stop the fal'Cie in the Vestige.

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As she sat up straight, Emi stated, "I'm Emi s'Arina... I'm from Palumpolum." She shuffled around a little until her legs straightened out so the blood could run through her veins. Feeling much of the pain subsiding, Emi continued to look around at the area. It was more or less a gloomy place, and it had the atmosphere of a ruins or something along it. "Do you know where we are?" she questioned as she continued to survey her surroundings.

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"This place is called Hanging Edge. And there is a Pulse fal'Cie up there, which is why we're here." Angelo replied. Since he wasn't PSICOM anymore, he didn't consider military secrets classified information. Angelo looked around and noticed that their were deportees behind them. Deceased deportees. They must have dead during the attack. Which was how long ago? Angelo thought as he walked over to the lifeless corpses. "So many innocent lives taken just because of one fal'Cie. A Pulse fal'Cie."

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"A Pulse fal'Cie?" Emi questioned. "You mean...?" She paused before she could finish her question. Before, she didn't like the situation that she was in, but now that she knew where she was, and what was nearby, she became even more terrified. Oh no... What am I doing here...? she proceeded to think as she slowly became hysterical, but she only did as much as grip her head. She didn't want to be there before, and she definitely didn't want to be there now. "W-we can get out of here, right...?" she asked him, even though she was looking the opposite way.

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"Its possible. But very difficult. There are thousands of PSICOM members around and the only person I know who can help us right now is Lightning." Angelo answered, remaining calm and cool for Emi. He knew she was terrified. Many people are. "Follow me." Angelo said walking away, stepping over the dead bodies. "Such a tragedy..." he thought aloud as he saw some one's mother. The woman looked familiar to him but he dismissed the thought. This is no time for reminiscing. The Sanctum is probably goig to clear off this place soon...

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Lightning...? Emi thought, instantly thinking of the woman from the train. She then shook her head as she realized that the man began to leave. "W-wait...!" she called as she climbed onto her feet. Pain still settled, so her standing was a bit wobbly at first. After enough strength returned to her legs, Emi chased after the man. "Wait, mister!"

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white looked around and he saw angelo"...there you are.."he walked up to him then he saw the girl"....."his eye's where cold like alway's he saw the girl looked hurt "..."he looked at the dead body's he kicked one of them then held out his hand too help her out"..you ok.."he saw her leg still bleeding he just looked at her then at angelo"..what happened here."he took his head phon's out soo he could hear what he had to say about this all

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"PSICOM attacked us after we killed the Behemoth. I'm not sure why they didn't kill us. Probably because Sanctum's sending out rookies to handle proffessional business." Angelo said. He picked up a rifle and threw on the ground near White. "Everyone ready to go?" Angelo pointed to the Bodhum Vestige. "That's our next stop."



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white kicked the gun up into his hand's"allright..ill take the lead back me upp.."then eh looked at the girl"..what about her.."hw looked at the peoply that where hurt"..ill go on ahead most of this p[eoply will die in the shap there in"he steped on a body and jumped form one to the other not shooting yet he was wating to angelo to get up to where he was befor he put his head phon's in and started havign fun

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Emi looked at the Vestige. "What's there...?" she asked.

When she noticed that the two were getting weapons, she began to have a bad feeling. She looked down at her hip. Resting beside it was her beg, which held her kusari-gama. She held it in case of emergencies, but she didn't think that she would be needing it for a situation like this. Hesitant, she pulled her weapon out of her bag and held it tightly in her hands.

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"Once were in the Vestige, we have to be careful not to alarm anyone or anything in there. Sanctum probably has various soldiers and those little domestic peacekeepers of theirs." Angelo picked up a pistol and put it in his holster issued by PSICOM. He ran up to White and turned Pandora into a rocket launcher. "Let's do this."

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white saw the girl pull out the weaponshe is in no shap to fight nether does she have the will and mind to killhe stoped and looked at her pulling out his black sin would proply scare her wors soo he didnt he was waiting for angelo befor he did something"ill run in after you shot it.."he loaded up the gun to make sure it was ok to shot then he stook his head phon's in his ear"..let's..go."

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"Oh... Okay," Emi said as she immediately slid her main weapon back into her bad. She stared at the rifle that sat in her hands. She highly doubt that she could handle such a thing, but she decided that she would try to deal with it. Taking her attention away from the rifle, she followed after Angelo and White.

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Angelo shot Pandora at a few airships. Paratroopers loated down and Angelo shot at them with the pistol he had. "Go." He continued to shoot at the paratroopers until a transport ship landed to drop off some soldiers. Where's the big guy at? There's usually an enforcer or someone near by, so where is he? Angelo thought as he ran straight ahead, turning Pandora into a sword.

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the evilm smirk came on whit's face agian then he started shooting he ran in and started hitting them with the gun then he grabed on e of them by the face and thorw him into teh othere's he started to reload the gun but stoped and thorw it at them then he just ran in he triped one of them then got down and hit oen of them with his palm sending them flying into the rest of them he was dogding as many shoot's as he could with out pulling out his black sin he hit one of them in the stomic and a shook wave whent thorw there body and it whent flying into one of the plan's then he pulled out his black sin"...hahahah.."he was a crazy laft he was waitgin for angelo to come after him

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Emi continued to follow them. Being last, she didn't necessarily need to use the rifle, and she preferred that. She already had more than enough on her mind. Carrying a high-powered rifle didn't exactly help with that. Taking a quick breather, Emi sat the gun on the ground and pulled out her kusari-gama, a weapon that she had a lot more control over. She continued trying to catch up with them.

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Angelo killed soldiers that were blocking his path rapidly. He picked up in speed and started to look for a way to get up to the Vestige. He ran into a bit of trouble, it seemed all of the airships were being used at the moment. "Seems I'll have to steal one while the rider's on it." Angelo thought aloud as he ran towards one soldier on an airship. Alarmed, the soldier tried to elevate his self out of Angelo's reach but he failed, Angelo grabbed onto the side of the airship(well its more of an air bike) and shot the soldier off. he climbed all the way into the airship and flew down in front of Emi.

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By the time that Emi caught up, she grew exhausted. Her migraine returned to torment her, but she paid no mind to her. When the air bike stopped next to her. I suppose I'm getting on then... huh...? she thought. After she sighed, she boarded onto it.

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white didnt even looke back all he could see in his head was all the soilder's layign there died the smirk came back on his face he spon the scythe on his hand then around his neck he stoped it on his neck je just keep running and killign them he thorw his black sin in the air and cut a airship in half then grabed it befor it hit the gorund and used it to thorw a soildinr into a differt one he saw the building he needed to get in and he didnt much care if he had to run up the side of the building a bullet almost hit him in the arm but he blocked it with his scyteh then he started spingit to block all the bullet's form hitting him but go back at the soildine'shahahaha....

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