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Kingdom Of Me

The one thing that annoys me with KH boss fights...

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When ever you defeat a really tough boss in a fight, in the proceeding cut-scene, Sora looks as if he hasn't even broken a sweat. It makes it as if the battle was very one sided, (especially since 3 Vs 1 makes it seem like it would be anyway). One example would be Demyx... he was a pushover when you fought him before and in Days, but when you see him in Hollow Baston and he gets all angry and calls you a traitor all serious like, It was really cool!... what comes next is the first difficult boss in the game IMO, it was challenging, strong, and a little bit cheap... but when the battle ends Sora acts as if he just swatted a simple dusk and asks for the next person. It brakes the coolness Demyx had before... I'm not saying Sora should've been kneeling on the ground, but he could've been at least short of breath or something... the same goes for the other organization members. I'm not saying the same thing for the Disney Villain fights, but I think more than half of the organization fights deserve to have the hero sweat and out of breath at the end, typical of a "Worthy opponent" match.

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What about when you lose against Squall or Cloud in Kingdom Hearts 

That is what I liked about Kingdom Hearts 1 and I wish there was just a little bit more of that. It is good to have the main fighting character in any form of media face defeat every now and then, it shows potential growth for the character makes him seem more relate-able because he wouldn't be so OP(over powered). But that was when he was facing the two just after he got the keyblade and was still kinda new... It stops after that and he goes on to take down Hercules. 

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That is what I liked about Kingdom Hearts 1 and I wish there was just a little bit more of that. It is good to have the main fighting character in any form of media face defeat every now and then, it shows potential growth for the character makes him seem more relate-able because he wouldn't be so OP(over powered). But that was when he was facing the two just after he got the keyblade and was still kinda new... It stops after that and he goes on to take down Hercules. 

He looked like a failure throughout KH3D

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Any particular reason why?

I don't really think Sora needs to look like he struggled to take down them, I mean most of them arn't really fighters and they are pretty easy regardless.



Eh, how good would you be at fighting if you just woke up from a year long sleep? You have a point, it is not always the case, but when I seem him acting all cool and unscathed after fighting Xaldin, it kinda undermines my hard work. Edited by Zola

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^ Pretty easy? Are you talking about Maleficent, Ja far, or Hades (a firetruckin' GOD)? And those are just a few. On the paper Disney villains are waaaay more stronger than the Org. ones.

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^ Pretty easy? Are you talking about Maleficent, Ja far, or Hades (a firetruckin' GOD)? And those are just a few. On the paper Disney villains are waaaay more stronger than the Org. ones.

I meant more from KHII, Ja Far in KH1 had no reason to make Sora sweat or out of breath... you just need to hit the lamp. Hades in KH1 I don't think is canon (He doesn't try to kill you anyway, you just lose) and before you say that the tournaments were canon, then Yuffie and Leon (played KH before I knew his name from FF) weren't really there at all. Dragon Maleficent, you have a good point. 

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Fool. It all depends on what level you are and how much skill you have. There are people who can defeat those bosses in under a minute. It would be weird if Sora creamed a boss and all of a sudden he was really tired. It's all a matter of perspective. What's hard to you might not be hard to others.

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I meant more from KHII, Ja Far in KH1 had no reason to make Sora sweat or out of breath... you just need to hit the lamp. Hades in KH1 I don't think is canon (He doesn't try to kill you anyway, you just lose) and before you say that the tournaments were canon, then Yuffie and Leon (played KH before I knew his name from FF) weren't really there at all. Dragon Maleficent, you have a good point.

The arena you fight genie jafar in is surrounded by lava, so he should have been sweating. Lol. Logic is fun.

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This is video game logic people.  In the world of video games, characters don't get as tired as we do, so naturally, they don't break a sweat so often.  Sure, there are moments in the games when you actually see Sora get tuckered out, the prime example being Sora losing to Squall in Hollow Bastion.(If you just happen to fail the fight, like I did when I played KH1 for the first time, lol.)  But yeah, video game logic doesn't have to make sense, lol. xD

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