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New Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX trailer released for PAX Prime titled "New Features"

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Square Enix have released a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX titled "New Features", showing off many of the new features included in the HD collection. This trailer was created in anticipation of the game's appearance at PAX Prime 2014, occurring from August 29 to September 1, 2014 in Seattle, WA. The following trailer description was provided by Square Enix:

The Final Mix trailer highlights all of the extra features included in Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX, including new enemies and bosses like Roxas and the Monster of the Sea, “Monstro” never-before-seen cutscenes like “How it All Began” that offer deeper storylines, new playable episodes like the “Realm of Darkness” and new challenges including “Mushroom XIII” and “Unversed Challenges.” The trailer also gives a sneak peek to the 40+ new items that players can acquire throughout the game.

The new trailer can be seen below, on YouTube.


Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX, the upcoming HD collection containing remasters of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, as well as Kingdom Hearts Re:coded HD Cinematic Story Videos, releases on October 2, 2014 in Japan, December 2 in North America, December 4 in Australia, and December 5 in Europe.


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Very good trailer, though I'm not sure it was necessary to change axels dialog in that one scene. It felt dumbed down.But naturally, it's fitting that there be a trailer advertising new features.

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Wow just Wow! :O I think that is the best trailer of the game especially because I haven't played Final Mix versions of the both Kingdom Hearts II and Birth by Sleep and seeing this trailer makes me double excited for the game! Can't wait!!! 

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[RC] Rob Count = Restore Count

[RC] Other Break = Merge (oh those Japanese love their wacky English)

[Keyblade] Crown Unlimit = Royal Radiance (defeat No Heart for this one. gogo Thunder Surge spam LOL)


Very good trailer, though I'm not sure it was necessary to change axels dialog in that one scene. It felt dumbed down. But naturally, it's fitting that there be a trailer advertising new features.


The dialogue may not have been translated word-for-word, but it's closer to the message the scene intended to get across (the "do Nobodies have hearts" thing they decided to clear up beyond doubt in DDD) [here's the original translation, if you're curious]



Edited by Ultima Spark

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[RC] Rob Count = Restore Count[RC] Other Break = Merge (oh those Japanese love their wacky English)[Keyblade] Crown Unlimit = Royal Radiance (defeat No Heart for this one. gogo Thunder Surge spam LOL)  The dialogue may not have been translated word-for-word, but it's closer to the message the scene intended to get across (the "do Nobodies have hearts" thing they decided to clear up beyond doubt in DDD) [here's the original translation, if you're curious] ALSO BITCH PLEASE GAMEFAQS LINGERING WILL IS NOW HIS OFFICIAL NAME HAHAHA

For some reason, my previous attempt to reply didn't go through, so I'll repeat that I haven't seen that scene in over two years aside from the truncated Days version.

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It was a pretty great trailer, the only thing that SLIGHTLY disappointed me was when they showed that the new scene in KH2FM with Axel and Roxas saying goodbye was called "Good-bye, buddy" (don't get me wrong, I'm still really glad they dubbed that scene). I don't know, I kind of felt like it was more fitting in the Japanese version when Axel said something more along the lines of "See ya, partner."

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I like how they showed the cinematics towards the end to be all cool, but the KH2 ones were literally just FMVs of KHI and Re:CoM cutscenes, so kinda defeats the purpose...

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Gave me chills. Excellent choice of music and it really put in perspective how much more stuff the Final Mix vers have over the vanilla versions. So hyped to finally be able to play the Roxas and Data Organization XIII boss battles.

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Overall it seems well done. While I am not bothered by the changes in names for items or events, I am more concerned about the voice acting in the data versions or Organization XIII. The battle voices used by Marluxia and Larxene in the trailer were still in japanese. I wonder if they will fix this or not. It would really bother me if the voices were inconsistent with those in Re: Chain of Memories. :sleep:

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