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Weedanort does the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!

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Oh my god....


It's about donating to a very good cause.



How is donating to a very good cause a virus?


This ice-bucket challenge thing has gone viral, and is a meme (which is an idea spread between people), so describing it as a virus is pretty accurate :PIt's for a good cause, though, so people shouldn't be afraid to be carriers.

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You look cool! And nice bathing suit, I love green xD Wherever you live, it looks pretty.

Oh and whenever someone says they hate the ice bucket challenge I just send them this. Even though it's become a fad, you can't deny that it HAS raised awareness, and even people who do the challenge have been donating money alongside it! 



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You look cool! And nice bathing suit, I love green xD Wherever you live, it looks pretty.

Oh and whenever someone says they hate the ice bucket challenge I just send them this. Even though it's become a fad, you can't deny that it HAS raised awareness, and even people who do the challenge have been donating money alongside it! 




Actually, they're not bathing shorts, they're gym shorts xD

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Yea, well.. you don't say? xD But what I meant is that they should do it together, at the same time. I mean, those two lovebirds can't just do the challenge separately, can they xD

No, they have to be kissing.  (I'm going to get nominated just for saying that aren't I?)

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