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is sora a savior?

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religion is heavily implemented in kingdom hearts now before you say (this guy is crraaazzzy) let me show you some proof ill start with sora. throughout the kingdom hearts franchise sora is the hero that saves the day wherever he goes like a savior or a massiah in the kingdom hearts manga the cover shows sora in a crusified poseition similar to lights from death note with dive to hearts behind him:http://kattheacrobat.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/6a00d4142829d33c7f00d414228de4685e.jpghttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_piAo8TM9DVY/TCn6nEWSu3I/AAAAAAAABC4/w-OFGRpGjUo/s1600/crucifixion-1.jpghttp://www.destinyislands.com/images/official-artwork/kh2/posters/kh2-two-sides.jpg                                                                                                       also im sure many have noticed that dive to hearts looks alot like church.http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110824085000/kingdomhearts/images/3/33/Dive_to_the_Heart_%28Art%29_KH.pngalso the 7 lights and 13 darknesses are arguable the 10 commendments(7 lights) and the 7 deadley sins(which was compised in the 13th century hence 13 darknesses) also one could say xehanort goel to bring eqilibrium between light and dark has currupted him and has led him to the desire to become a god like king ceazar and also come on its a squre enix game .but thats just a theory....A GAME THEORY!!!!

Edited by liamaru

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Ummm KH barely has any religious undertones and if there it's pretty much hidden symbolizm that I doubt someone would pay attention to if they're not super analyzing the games


After all,we don't want Wakka to think that Sora and Riku are Al Bhed from FFX now do we ? ^_^

I dunno... I don't really see it.

But then again, wouldn't really be the first time that Square Enix uses christian symbolism : D (->TWEWY&LR, for example...)

They use it all the time in Final Fantasy,but it's more that the game has it's own religion like the teachings of Yevon in FFX instead of using real life religions


TWEWY didn't really have much if any to be honest.

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Depends on what you think is a lot, but it definitely has some symbolism. Joshua, for example.

Yeah but the rest is mostly subtle symbolizm for the most part and it won't be as obvious as something like FFX or Evangelion

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Yeah but the rest is mostly subtle symbolizm for the most part and it won't be as obvious as something like FFX or Evangelion


I guess it really depends on who you ask. For me, the symbolism was always quite a big part of TWEWY. Though it is mostly revolving around Joshua. And it's subtle, as you said.

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other than this photo:

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there is no real representation of Sora symbolizing the crucification pose.

that image you showed of the KH 1 manga isn't canon. Since the manga isn't considered canon. 

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other than this photo:

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there is no real representation of Sora symbolizing the crucification pose.

that image you showed of the KH 1 manga isn't canon. Since the manga isn't considered canon. 

what about your picture? that pick is cannon

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  what about your picture? that pick is cannon

well, sure there's editing on it and stuff, since i couldnt find the original drawn by nomura but you can tell that Sora and Roxas in that picture are drawn by Nomura

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most videogames are appropriated from religion so i wouldnt be surprised. 


when i took my religions class last semester i heard so many nerdy video game names nad comic book names and I WAS LIKE SO THIS IS WHERE THEY ALL GOT THEIR GENIUS IDEAS FROM

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