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Final Fantasy Explorers Discussion

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Final Fantasy Explorers is similar to a hunting-action game, but will have a range of features from the Final Fantasy series such as job classes, summons, and magic. The latest issue of Jump magazine shares additional info for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS title. [Thanks, Game Jouhou.]


The magazine shares the latest details on jobs such as the Time Mage that can use support magic to help allies and Ninjas that utilize speed to their advantage.


Jump also shared a bit on some new Summons, starting with Ramuh who uses electric attacks and teleporting abilities to give players a hard time. Fenrir has also been revealed, and its speed is second to none, and it will use water-based magic to damage players.


Additionally, the magazine report also details a new “Trance” system, a powerful ability that lets you do things like temporarily pull off special attacks without using AP or temporarily gain increased parameters.


Finally, it’s been announced that Final Fantasy Explorers will be released on December 18, 2014 in Japan for Nintendo 3DS.

Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2014/08/20/final-fantasy-explorers-hits-japan-december-18th/#OvYFCDWcvUBXpudi.99


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That's great! When is coming elsewhere? haha 


2015. I'd guess May or June.

This game is sounding more and more like fanservice towards the people who like the older FF games...


Which makes me want it more and more.


It's being made by the Crystal Chronicles team.

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You haven't? Ah, it was a sub-series for Nintendo platforms. I never touched them either, but the GameCube one was quite popular.

I've heard some were good. I played a demo for one of them (So I guess I really did play one, but not the full version), but didn't like it much.

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During this morning’s Final Fantasy Explorers livestream, Square Enix revealed a little more on the game’s “Trance” feature, which lets you transform into characters of past Final Fantasy titles.


The character they revealed was Cloud, but they mentioned that you’ll be able to transform into several other main character-type characters of past games.


While the time will be extremely limited, they’ll also have their BGM themes, and more going on.

Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2014/08/28/final-fantasy-explorers-will-let-transform-cloud-final-fantasy-heroes/#ZskK60kVAblcRcwE.99


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In a game like Explorers why do they even allow you to transform into past characters? I much prefer the idea of creating my own character and playing as them. I guess it's nice for those who want to play as Cloud and the others though.

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