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Lady Aleister

|~Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)~| 7x7 Roleplay

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Spots taken-
Aya Evrus (Neko) -- Soul to take
Silver Kuroi -- Hell of a Butler

Stardust -- Villain
Josh -- Other Butler  Villain??!
Dawn -- Cook
Nortanort (THAT IS SO FUN TO SAY) -- Gardener
Stitches -- Extra

Not too far away from London, England, some time in the 1800's, there is a mansion.
The young lady who lives in this mansion is known as the King's Spawn.
The King's Spawn, named Aya Everus lives with a mysterious butler and her housekeeping servants.

However that butler is not all what he seems. That butler is one hell of a butler, making sure the promise of revenge and protection would be completed before Aya's soul is consumed by this butler.

Many trials await the Everus household, and some are just out of this world.

Normal KH13 Rules.
If you put a post too short for my liking..."Off with your head."
Romance PG-13.
Gore in spoilers. Nothing too major please.
Ask someone before you kill someone off.

Character Sheet for Extras- (including villains)
Optional Weapon:
Anything Else-

Character Sheet for House Workers-
Anything Else-

Character Sheet for the Lady of the Everus Household and her wonderful butler-
Contract Seal Appearance/Description and location on body(nothing inappropriate)-
Biography(Optional for Butler)-
Weapon(Optional for Lady)-
Anything Else-

My sign-up:

Character Sheet for the Lady of the Everus Household and her wonderful butler-
Name: Aya Everus
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Aya is a beautiful young lady who is rather thin and pale. Her bust size is average for her age and her right eye is a vivid blue, and her left a pure yellow-gold color with her contact seal. She has black hair reaching a little past her waist and her hair is rather scruffy. She almost always wears lolita-dresses.She is seen with black eyepatch over her left eye. I know she relates to Ciel, I just have no ideas ;~;
Aya resembels-

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Contract Seal Appearance/Description and location on body(nothing inappropriate)-

Posted Image

Location: In left eye
Biography- Aya was sexually abused by her grandfather and was always a silent child because of this. She was afraid of older men and never communicated with her mom. Her parents and grandfather were assassinated, but to this day Aya does not remember by whom. She wants her mother back, because her mother was the only person she loved. Her little cousin lives in Germany.
Weapon- Handgun
Anything Else- Aya loves white, blue, and peach colored roses. She likes strawberry cake but it has to be cold. The only tea she likes is warm mint tea. Aya trust her butler more than anyone in the world. She keeps her eyepatch off in the mansion. She has asthma, it acts up especially in the spring and fall.



Lyrics: http://www.sweetslyrics.com/831341.Kuroshitsuji%20II%20-%20The%20Slightly%20Chipped%20Full%20Moon.html


Tension Theme:




Edited by Neko-chan

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Character Sheet for House Workers-

Name: Cory

Age: 19

Gender: female

Appearance:   Posted Image

Biography: Cory was born and raised in Scotland. While in Scotland she was the oldest of in her household of 6 and so was forced to learn how to defend herself and others. With the help of a sword smith, she became extremely adept at fighting with daggers, as well as short, and long swords.  When she turned 16 she was called away to London to take care of a long lost sickly aunt. Cory spent years with her sick aunt but in the end she died, and willed her money to a strange man Cory had never seen before. Left with nothing she wondered London for work until she ran into the Everus House butler and was offered the job of gardener. Cory accepted and has been working for the Young Lady Aya for about a year for filling her duty as a gardener and a protector. 

Occupation: Gardener

Weapon: two Daggers and a short sword

Anything Else- hates sweet things, has an accent when she is angry or excited, smokes but never around Aya

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Name: Samael Pandora (Samael = Venom of God/Angel of Poison or Whom god makes. Pandora = all gifts/gift.)


Age: 21


Gender: Male




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Biography: Samael is the only son of the Earl of Pandora and his wife. Being an only child meant whatever he wanted he would get,however his childhood wasn't perfect. His father was an incredibly strict man with very little patience,and after the death of his wife after she had been struck by illness only troubled him greatly,as he became extremely attached to the only thing he had left of his wife,their son. As he grew his father kept him away from society as much as possible. On nights to go to bed he would lock the windows so Samael wouldn't open them. Samael was never allowed to go out of the household for any visits,medical appointments,or just to be with his father. Everything was brought to him. The servants weren't allowed to talk to him directly. Even in social events where he was insisted to come,his father kept him from talking to anyone,keeping him close. It became suficating for Samael,and though his father meant good,it made Samael turn his interests into much darker themes as he slowly became mad. With so much time spent alone he began to read books where he became fascinated with the occult,death,and things beyond the human understanding. Learning from what he had learned from his father having a 'perfect wife' would be the only thing that would ever make him happy like it did for his father. This obsession grew,and currently is under...a rather grusome project. Within this madness he laid eyes upon Aya Everus,and fell in love instantly,despite their age differences. He knew that she would be part of his plan of having a perfect life. Willingly or not.


Optional Weapon: Dagger/Knife


Anything Else:

-His full name would mean "The Poison Gift whom god makes"

-He carries around this little doll on his shoulder which he calls Anabelle that he considers his best friend,to which he talks to and gets angry when people don't refer to the doll as 'her'.

-He has very bad and uncontrollable moodswings,which means that he can be happy in one moment and then turn violent in the other if he is triggered.

-His themes:



All around/normal:





Edited by Stardustblade358

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Name: Dagon Valefar

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Appearance: (since apparently it wasn't working, here it is) http://www.zerochan.net/750273


Biography: Dagon was always a dark person, and although he was from a wealthy family, felt like something was missing deep inside him for some reason...that is until he met Aya. After that it felt better...yeah...a lot better than it was before, he ended up getting engaged to her. Although...Dagon has a dark secret, and no one knows...( But Neko-chan  )

He is occasionally found around the manor with Aya when she's around, and loves to make his enemies feel pain. His parents left for a trip...but never came back...It's been 7 years since that day though, but he's over it now.


Optional Weapon: Machete, and a pistol (machete -Posted Image

Pistol-Posted Image


Anything Else- Although Dagon grew up spoiled with workers who did a lot of stuff for him as he grew up, he loves doing work for his fiance when there is work to be done. 

Edited by Stitches7769

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Why do you make such wonderful characters, Stardust?


Stitches, he is supposed to be Aya's betrothed, like a guy form of Lizzy...just less annoying. I am currently yelling at him about his weapon. 

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Name: Fredric Elton (Real name: Agito Mokeda)

Age: 19

Gender: male

Posted Image

Biography: As a kid, was trained in the art of war, combat, and many other things to be revealed from a guild of assassins.  When he was older, he learned that he was  not, in fact, related to them. In this fit of rage, he used his new found abilities to kill everyone in the guild that was there at the time. thus, the guild was cut from 20 to 10, and he knew they would find them. He flew from the guild household, and into the city. He lived 1 year as a on-the-run beggar, but soon enough, his life would change. While in the streets, he came across a man known as Fredrick Elton, a 20 year old hire for a butler position at castle Everus. He decided it would be the perfect place to hide in plain, fortified, protected site. He killed Frederick, and has now assumed his role. 

Occupation:  Butler

Weapon: The thin, strong fiber-wire that comes from the gloves. It, with enough force and or speed, can dice bodies. He has different forms of wire

Flammable- doused in oil, that can be lit with a match

Poison- doused in a slow killing poison, which he manufactured and made the only known antidote for

Serrated-  they cut harder, and take less force to rip limbs. Its a pain to make, so he only uses when nessceary

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I apologize for my lateness. I haven't been feeling well.


Name: Veran L.

Age: Appears to be around the age of twenty-one

Gender: Male


Appearance:  http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/2/22021/735822-r1792.jpg


Contract Seal Appearance/Description and location on body(nothing inappropriate)-

~Veran's seal is identical to that of his mistress, aside from the location. His is located on the upper part of his back side.


Biography(Optional for Butler)- Veran is, what else, a demon. Thanks to the contract he created with his now-mistress, Lady Aya, he is to be her Butler, and serve her wishes as command to the fullest. He was born in the Alternate Realm, where other demons (Such as Sebastian) resided. He has lived thousands of years, and his a refined palate for souls. Only the richest of them suit him, and therefore makes him a bit...starved for them, to say the least. He does not talk much about his own past, and thereby makes him an enigma. Why did he appear before Aya, wanting to serve her? Was it for her soul? Or something else? Needless to say, Aya accepted said contract and he was assigned the name Veran. He assumed the role of a butler for Lady Aya, and continues to do so until their contract is fulfilled.


Weapon(Optional for Lady)- A very elegant, silver revolver. He prefers this so that "He does not need to bloody his hands." However, if need be, he has several switchblades hidden within his clothes.

Anything Else-



Edited by Silver Kuroi

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Name: Oishii Tabemono (I dare you to find out what it means)
Age: 20
Gender: male

Biography: Ever since he was little, he had loved eating food. He was known for tasting different foods, and seeing if they were okay or not. At the age of 5 he made his first meal, which was a egg olemet, and pancakes. He then grew up with the roots of cooking, and was also academically amazing. He had been famous in his town, and at his school.
Occupation: Cooking
Anything Else- Can cook without using his hands sometimes...
Edited by DawnofRiku

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Yo Dawn, it messed up like mine did, you have to just paste the link for your appearance

On my computer, I see it fine. xD

But I'll still link it though.

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Name: Oishii Tabemono (I dare you to find out what it means)
Age: 20
Gender: male

Biography: Ever since he was little, he had loved eating food. He was known for tasting different foods, and seeing if they were okay or not. At the age of 5 he made his first meal, which was a egg olemet, and pancakes. He then grew up with the roots of cooking, and was also academically amazing. He had been famous in his town, and at his school.
Occupation: Cooking
Anything Else- Can cook without using his hands sometimes...


good eating. it means good eating or good food. 

or rather, tasty food

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Oh wow, got it right! ^^

3 years of Japanese  !!

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This will start tonight or sooner depending on how bored I am during the day. Thank you guys!



Dawn, I suggest you get your image on a direct link to zerochan.

Edited by Neko-chan

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Aya Everus lay in bed on the date of September 3rd, 1887. It was a Saturday (Literally go look this up). It was Veran's job to awaken her, so she simply lay there, looking at the light coming from her window before curling up in her blankets again.

'It's too early'. She thought, letting out a yawn. She had her fiancé visiting her later today, and really wanted her breakfast.


(Shortest Post Everrr)

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"Lady Aya?"


It was Veran. As usual, he was knocking upon his mistresses' door at exactly eight o' clock. Veran was never late nor early. He arrived exactly as he meant to be, which just so happened to be eight in the morning.

"I hope you are awake. I have prepared breakfast. Your favorite, in fact." Veran said this as he walked in, pulling a small cart with him. The cart had a few trays and dishes laid out on them. Veran turned and smiled at his mistress..who was lazing out on her bed. As usual.


"It is eight, Mistress. I suggest you get up if you want to be ready for your fiancé's arrival."

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Cory walked out of the kitchen with a piece of bread in her mouth whilst pulling on a jacket. She never did mind getting up early and in fact thought the morning was the best time to work in her Lady's gardens. She made her way to her tool shed finishing up her breakfast as she walked. She noticed an oak tree closer to the treeline of the wooded area around the manor had grown out of shape and so grabbed a step ladder and some large shears. Cory hummed an old Scottish folk song as she ascended the ladder to trim the tree. She would hop off and take a couple steps back every few minutes to ensure the shape was turning out right. She had caught word that her fiance was arriving for another visit today. She couldn't fathom being engaged at Lady Aya's young age but after living with her aunt, Cory has observed that nobles are not creatures of reason.

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This will start tonight or sooner depending on how bored I am during the day. Thank you guys!Dawn, I suggest you get your image on a direct link to zerochan.

(I did though...oh well)


"Delicous time!" Oishii smiled. He had just put on his hoodie, and was ready to begin his cooking. "Now what shall I cook today?" he asked. To him, the kitchen had looked abundant with food. "Maybe, some a cinnamon pancakes,with a grand mariner souffle, and some tropical breakfast sorbet would be nice," He said to himself. "But what will everyone think of it..."


"IT"S COOKING TIME!" he sang. He began to do the cinnamon pancakes first, getting out all of the ingredients. "First I gotta make the pancakes."

He had changed them from regular cinnamon to apple cinnamon ricotta. He began to put the mix on the pan, and thoroughly made the pancakes. "Now what's next. Aha!" He began to get the apples, and started making apple sauce. He then followed along with what he remembered, and finished with the pancakes. After that was the souffle, then the sorbet, and everything was finished. He had set the table, and everything was in place. "Ok, now to wait for everyone to arrive at this marvelous meal."

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'Fredrick' was putting on his new clothes. It was his first day as this cover. Luckily enough, the real 'Fredrick' had arrived in the dead of night bu the old butler, who left shortly after for a vacation, so he could act however he wanted. He might as well BE Fredrick. He wore the typical butler clothes, tight, clean, and very uncomfortable, but he was able to fit all the necessary weapons he needed to defending himself, and his boss. He looked out unto the world. He didn't feel too safe, they would find him eventually, but he would be safe for now. The mistress seemed strange, what with her attitude and all, but the strangest thing Was the eye-patch. Not that he hadn't seen eye-patches before... what scared him was how she got it was unknown to him... what would a rich, protected girl like her need to do to lose an eye? Run amok with a butter-knife?  


"...Not my concern..." He said to himself, putting on his regular gloves, and disguised them underneath the butlers gloves. He went downstairs. He smelled  the cooking, and went down to Oishi's kitchen. "Hello." He said to him.

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Dagon was awake, and getting dressed at this time, he knew today he was going to see his fiancé today, and wanted to look good as usual. He put on a dress shirt and pants, and just cause it was starting to get cooler, he grabbed his rain coat (it also doubles as his winter coat) and then walked to the dining room to eat. Dagon had his own manor, like Aya's, only with less people working in it, the only people who lived with him is his chef, and maid. He messaged when he needed any gardening done, and hired people to do it from london. although Dagon was raised in london, he didn't have the accustomed accent, the reason being he spent his childhood in Boston, massachusetts. He sat at the table and was served lunch by his chef. "Thank you" he said and began eating. "Is the carage ready for when I need it?" he asked his maid, who replied "Yes sir".


"Good..." Dagon said.

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(Dawn, this is your character am I not correct? http://www.zerochan.net/1255485 )



"Lady Aya?"


It was Veran. As usual, he was knocking upon his mistresses' door at exactly eight o' clock. Veran was never late nor early. He arrived exactly as he meant to be, which just so happened to be eight in the morning.

"I hope you are awake. I have prepared breakfast. Your favorite, in fact." Veran said this as he walked in, pulling a small cart with him. The cart had a few trays and dishes laid out on them. Veran turned and smiled at his mistress..who was lazing out on her bed. As usual.


"It is eight, Mistress. I suggest you get up if you want to be ready for your fiancé's arrival."


Aya simply turned over in bed. 

"I woke up a couple on minuets ago, at least let me sleep some more." She complaint. 

Aya turned over and looked at Veran. 

"What food do you have." she demanded to know. 

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Veran smiled. Food was always a way to get lady Aya's attention. No matter how grumpy she was in the mornings, food always seemed to grab her interest.

With a self-satisfied smirk, Veran waved a white-gloved hand over the trays, "I have prepared a delicate feast for m'lady's palate this morning. Eggs, lightly scrambled with an English muffin, along with grapes, a slice of ham...and my lady's favorite, a delectable and sweet pastry. I hope this will satisfy Lady Aya?"'


Veran stood with one arm tightly against his back and the other gently against his chest. He was a proper butler, even if...technically...he truly wasn't one. But he adopted the persona perfectly, and intended to keep it that way.

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Aya smiled, sitting up and looking over to the trays. 

"You never seem to disappoint me, Veran." she said with a smile.


After a couple of minutes, Aya was finished eating, tossing her plates on the tray and looking sharply at Veran. 

"I am ready to get up now." she said simply, stretching before pulling herself out of bed. 

"Do you have my clothes picked out for me already?" she asked.



(It is sad because you have to realize, house heads and noblemen literally did nothing for themselves.)  

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