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Which do you Prefer?

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In the KH games do you like fighting alongside teammates all the time, or would you prefer to go solo, and only use things such as summoning at certain times?


mod edit: Fixed Misleading title, and confusing wording.

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I think I would rather go solo just because they always get in my way. I hate it when are always in my way when I am trying to jump onto a small ledge.


Simple solution: push them off :D

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I think I would rather go solo just because they always get in my way. I hate it when are always in my way when I am trying to jump onto a small ledge.


Simple solution: push them off :D


or just lead them off

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Sometimes when you push them off in KH1, they'll scream. It's strangely satisfying ^^


dude, that has to be the greatest thing ever, never had it happen though to me

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Hmm , even though I know how irritating is when they are in your way especially when I fall down in places and have to go from the start to go where I want "Do you not see that I'm always the one going in front ?! Why do you get in front of me and annoy me ?!" But tbh , I kinda like having teammates arnd me even if I won't need them in the end . Even if they save me just once , I call that rly helpful xD But I rely on teammates a lot as sometimes the mobs for once stop following me arnd all the time and I can do my thing better x.x So I always use them as decoy I guess o-o I was never good with summons for some reason . I must have never summoned more than 5 times in the story xD

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In days,it's pretty good to go on solo missions.But I don't mind joining up with Axel once in a while either.He's a really good fighter.But Demyx in Days...not so much.


Yeah, Demyx, as made clear by his leisurely nature, fights like he completes missions: with next to no effort. Too bad you can't team up with Xemnas. He'd pwn EVERYTHING!!! xD

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Sometimes when you push them off in KH1, they'll scream. It's strangely satisfying ^^


Donald- This is Madness!


Me- Madness? THIS. IS. Kingdom Hearts!!! *Kicks him off the bridge at Hollow Bastion*

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