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Karamor {Roleplay}

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"I doubt going there now would the best idea." Cid commented. "It's true!" Kid exclaimed. "If it took you so much trouble to take on these guys you'd never even get to him once you entered! There are so many people there that they would take you out!" "I believe that our best option is let Seth come to us. If he continues to try and capture this kid we can lower his numbers until it is possible to enter this lair of his." Cid's plan seemed reasonable but would the others agree?

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Ravio groaned to himself. "I hate to admit it,but Cid has a point~"Ravio said as he felt his back ache. He needed to take a nap otherwise he was going to miss his needed beauty sleep and we all know how cranky he gets when he misses that. "Well I guess we could hide or something. Not that we can go back to our houses expecting them to be not surrounded by guards or anything. But if this guy has eyes everywhere by being able to mind control so many people,where on earth could we be safe?"Ravio hissed. Aiko started to think. Where had he himself hid when trying to escape? "The City Catacombs."Aiko said as Ravio turned. "The place filled with dead people?"Ravio asked. "The Catacombs run underneath the entire city. The labyrinth style structure has different passages that go out in different directions,all leading to either North,South,East,West,South-East,North-East,South-West,or North-West. Unless he could guess which exactly we would end up exiting through my chance,we would be able to get out of the city without the worry of taking down the guards guarding the walls and surface entrances of the city."Aiko explained calmly. He had lost too much blood to have the pleasure to freak out like he usually did. "Eh? But we want to join this Seth guy!"Clara complained as she cracked her whip in anger. "Unless you guys have something to trade we might as well keep the kid. He's like the key to the lock!"Clear said. Ravio thought and pointed at Aiko. "How about I give you Aiko,and you give us Kid?"Ravio said as Aiko glanced up. "Oh I like the sound of that."Clara smiled. Ravio turned to the group with a serious expression. "How about it? The trade is the safest way right now unless we want to cause yet another fight and bring more attention to us. Also that Karamor could easily bite some strange@$$ venom into Kid and we wouldn't know how to cure him for all we know."Ravio said as he raised his hand. "All in favor of trading Aiko for Kid say I." Aiko remained quiet. He didn't know what to say. He usually went along with the crowed. Whatever was best for the rest...putting himself last.

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Cid shook his head. "I have a better proposal. I am actually part of a small Karamor group know as KART, (Karamor Assault Resistance Tribe), we have been taking Seth for sometime now. How about we all go there and work out a better solution for the whole group. Besides, if you two go to Seth what's is it to say he won't just take your powers?"

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Clear and Clara glared at Cid as they crossed their arms. "If we bring this kid to Seth we might have the option of joining him."Clara said as Clear gave a nod. "Yeah! We want part of this world domination thing!"Clear explained as he stomped his foot on the ground like a child wanting a piece of candy. Ravio lowered his hand and sighed. "So you're going to end up wanting to fight us for the kid?"Ravio asked as he patted the hilt of his sword. "Cause if that's the case then you guys are just going to receive an @$$ kicking of a lifetime. Even if you're assassins."Ravio said as Aiko took a step forward. "Well then."Clear said as he picked Kid up,slumping him over his shoulder. "I guess this is where we separate. We'll be taking this kid over to Seth and become his new partners in crime!"Clear said with a cheerful tone. Clara casually waved at the group as she started to walk away. "Wait just a damn minute!"Ravio yelled. Aiko moved his fingers and flicked his wrist downwards,suddenly causing their gravity to increase tenfold as Clara and Clear fell down face first,dropping kid as they were forced against the ground by the force of gravity. "...this is why I keep you around,Aiko."Ravio said. "Just hurry up and get Kid and lets get out of here!"

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Cid rushed over and snatched the Kid. "C'mon guys, We need to get somewhere safe!" Cid cried out. Is original idea was to take everyone to this hideout he just spoke of but truthfully, Cid didn't trust the location of the place with Ravio.

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"Run!" Aiko yelled as he pushed the twins down. Ravio and the group ran with Cid, following him. "You b*ast*rd!!!"Clara yelled at the top of her lungs, struggling to try to free herself from the gravity push that Aiko was keeping on them. "Once I get my hands on you, you're all DEAD. You hear me?!"Clear yelled as he gritted his teeth, wishing he could bite his most deadly venom into their necks so they could die a slow yet painful death. Aiko stared as he used the gravity to lift them up and suddenly slam them down against the concrete floor, knocking them out cold. "That will be good for a while."Aiko muttered as he ran off and cached up with the rest. "Where are we going exactly?"Ravio asked as he ran. "I would suggest the catacombs beneath the city, unless Cid has any ideas of where he's going to take us."Aiko muttered as he looked as Cid carried Kid on his shoulder. "You alright Kid? Surely the effects will pass off soon!"Aiko said, giving a small smile to Kid, despite the situation.

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