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Karamor {Roleplay}

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Aiko took out his daggers ready to strike. Devon had already taken his sword out,the speed increased as Devon was pulled by Aiko's gravity powers. "(I don't think my daggers will be long enough to reach him,or strong enough to fully block it...!!!)"Aiko thought as he gritted his teeth. He only had mere seconds to decide his course of action. "(It's tricky...but it could work.)"Aiko thought. What he lacked in physical strength he definitely made up in his quick thinking and agility. One of the reasons why he and Ravio made a good team when it came to fighting. Ravio would be the brawn when Aiko would be the brains. The two suddenly clashed. Aiko used his daggers to lightly block the sword,but the force was as strong as he had predicted. Just a few seconds after blocking he moved his daggers,Devon's sword stabbing Aiko right in the lower abdomen. Aiko coughed up blood as red as his eyes as he quickly gripped Devon,wrapping his arms around him,stabbing both of the daggers against his back. "What goes up...will come down!"Aiko smirked as the manipulated the gravity once more and the two were suddenly pulled drastically,the two of them plummeting to the ground. "I'm not as tall as you,sir. So hopefully your neck will break first on the way down!"


Ravio fell back as he held his stomach. He gasped for air as he smiled real big at his opponent. "...I've never been hit before in a fight...."Ravio muttered,used to taking down opponents before they could even make a valid move in the field. Ravio suddenly laughed brightly as he swung his sword wildly. "You won't get away!"Ravio yelled as he ran at him,swinging his sword aimlessly hoping to hit.

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As Devon and Aiko crashed into the ground, the force was so strong that the impact shook the battle field. Causing Mitchelle's sword to Brea free from the concrete. "What is wrong with you?" HE exclaimed not sure how to attack Cid. Lucas was actually about to easily frame by the attack swung by Ravio but this was interrupted by the ground shaking. And Devon was out cold but some how still alive.

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A cloud of dust covered the two where they had crashed. The ground broken beneath them. Devon was out for the count,but alive. Aiko was shown laying down just next to Devon,facing up as he could feel that he had most likely broken a bone or two on that move. "(Argh...ok...only on emergencies now.)"Aiko thought as he gave a slight smile which was easily replaced by an expression of pain. He turned to his knees,coughing up some blood as he held where he had been stabbed. The sword was still in there. He pulled out the sword and threw it to Devon's side. Aiko carefully crawled over to Devon and pulled his dagger's from Devon's back. "(If he wakes up he's so totally going to kill me now!)"Aiko thought as he gulped at the thought of Devon having his revenge. He glanced over at Ravio and Cid. "Atleast they're still alive."Aiko muttered. Ravio took the chance that Lucas had lost his footing due to the ground shaking. Ravio slammed his sword right against Lucas' stomach area. Wether it cut or simply slammed him away,a gleam of happiness could be seen from Ravio's eyes. Aiko rolled his eyes a bit and glanced back at Devon. "Where they mind controlled too?"

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Ren sat in her apartment building, getting herself ready to go outside. She tucked her dagger holders under her cloak, covering her eyepatch with her bangs.

"Ready." She muttered to herself, smiling at herself, then that smile turned into a straight face in no time as Ren stormed out of her apartment and into the streets.

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Ravio's left quite the large gash in Lucas' stomach. "You pest!" He managed out while he wrapped his arms around his abdominal. "I'll get you for this!" Mean while Cid knew that he needed to hurry up if he wanted to get the controlled soldiers out of Rydel City. He turned his hand into a concrete hammer and slammed it along Mitchelle, knocking him out. "Just Lucas now."

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Ravio smiled as he danced a little,being light on his feet. "Oh you're bleeding! You know I've always liked the color red because it reminds me of blood. One of the reasons I was so happy to receive Aiko for my birthday that time!"Ravio chuckled to himself as he gave a bright smile. He waved his sword easily,spinning it with one hand gracefully. Aiko held his bleeding side as his hand and arm were covered in the warm red liquid of life. Aiko gritted his teeth as he saw that Lucas was left. "Only one."Aiko muttered. Through his pain and dizziness,Aiko raised his hands and pointed at Lucas,focusing solely on him. As he did he created a gravitational field around Lucas,increasing the force of it so it would pull him down against the ground,much like a magnet pulling down its target ever so tightly. "(If I hold him down,he won't be able to move,so his Karamor will be useless!)"Aiko thought as he focused on pulling Lucas down against the ground beneath them. Ravio smiled as he saw Aiko doing what he did. "Ah Aiko so thoughtful of you! Maybe now I can slash his head off!"Ravio laughed as he walked over to Lucas,resting the blade of his sword right next to Lucas' neck. "Hey Cid,should we leave an example for the other two for when they wake up?"Ravio asked with not really much emotion. He could behead any man,woman or child and he would have no guilty concieous of it if it meant that he was having fun.

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Cid rose his concrete hammer fist and bashed Lucas in the back of his head and knocked him out then grinned at Ravio. "I'm surprised you ask. You don't seem like the time. But no they are being controlled just like the rest. We need to take out the one controlling these soldiers."

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Ravio got his sword away. "I would've slashed his head off if it was my choice. Mind controlled or not anyone who dares to fight against me deserves to either become my servant or die by my hand. Off with their heads!"Ravio yelled as he dramatically quoted the Red Queen from the story known as Alice in Wonderland. Aiko lowered his arms as he held his wound and looked around. "We can't stay here for much longer. More soldiers are bound to come along! We must advance and find out who is doing this,and fast. We can't continue to fight every single soldier in the city."Aiko said as he stood up. "Why not? I want to kill people!"Ravio said complaining. "We can't kill innocents who have no fault! They're being mind controlled!"Aiko stood up yelling. Ravio's calm demeanor suddenly changed into a darker tone of it. "Are you questioning me?"Ravio asked. Once again his extremely random changing personality was proof that Ravio was indeed an unstable individual despite his great power. Aiko's eyes widened slightly as he realized it,and looked away. "N-No not at all! Just saying...you'd get more fame if you kill the one responsible than killing the innocent victims."Aiko muttered. Ravio thought for a bit. "...oh you're right!"Ravio smiled. Aiko sighed in relief. Aiko walked over to Krigor and Kid. "You two,you could come with us if you want,the more numbers we have the better chance of finding out who is responsible for all of this. But we need to warn that as you've seen,it's going to be quite dangerous."Aiko said as he held his wound. He looked down at Kid,who had been quiet this entire time. "Hey,you alright?"Aiko asked,wondering if the kid was in a state of shock or injured. Ravio walked over to Aiko as he pulled on Aiko's collar. "Aiko! We have to get the villain!"Ravio complained. "We can't leave them here to fend for themselves. Cid,back me up here?"Aiko asked. "He's backing ME up! I'm the prince here!"Ravio said as he stomped on the ground annoyed.

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Kid looks up at the two arguing people. "Villains?" He stood up, "What make's them the villains what about this boy they are after?" Kid was starting to feel guilty about the events in Rydel. "Wouldn't it be his fault that they're here in the first place?"

Cid studied Kid was saying. "The Kid they are looking for was being held captive for reasons i have yet to obtain, but I promise that the people behind this are indeed trouble. You don't go around controlling people and harming the innocent to find some child." He exclaimed. "We need to go find the controller and fast before it gets worst." Cid walked over to where everyone was standing. "I'm heading east to the entrance of town and seeing what goes from there... either you follow or not. It's your choice..." Cid then started walking east.

'I can't do nothing!' Kid thought. "I'm coming!" He declaired as he ran after him then looked back at Krigor. "Your coming too right?" he asked him.  

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Aiko stood up. "I wish to follow you as well,Cid."Aiko said as he went to follow but then looked back at Ravio. "Ravio?"Aiko asked. Ravio thought for a bit. "...I guess we could go and see. But only because I'll be the hero that everyone bows down to once we figure out who is responsible for all of this. Maybe afterwards I'll be rewarded with fame and lots of goodies and fame and I'll be so popular I'll become the prince of the world~"Ravio said with a smile as he walked over following Cid. Aiko felt a bead of sweat go down his forehead as he chuckled. "Yes sir."Aiko muttered as he looked over at Krigor. "Hey,you should come along. I want you to show me how strong you really are."Aiko smiled as he turned to see Ravio already following Cid down. "Hey wait for me!"Aiko yelled as he followed them. He looked over at Krigor. "(I hope you don't get yourself killed if you go alone.)"Aiko thought as he looked over at Kid. "Hey,did the soldiers mentioned anything about the kid that hey were looking for? Any clues or something?"Aiko asked.

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"Huh... alright, I'm going.", Krigor said. He really wanted to discover what was causing all that mess, and having a new goal sounded great. He wouldn't be wondering about what he should do anymore. And maybe it was a great chance of improving his abilities. "Yeah, that was a good suggestion. And I probably won't discover the reason why those soldiers were after a kid if I don't go.", he thought. Even if the idea of being among people again scared him way more than battles, it was worth trying.    

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   Cid looked back at everyone. "So everyone's going huh? Alight then." He smiled and continued on. Cid, Kid, Krigor, Ravio and Aiko started east to find the one controlling these soldiers and the kid they're after... and why him. The only one who knew was Kid himself. 


Eastern Rydel:

   As Ren stromed out of her apartment soldiers spotted her. "You there! Against the wall!" The soldiers where fewer as they've spead across the town. The whole town had soldiers looking for Kid.

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Aiko looked around as he wrapped his jacket tightly around his wound,putting pressure so the wound would stop bleeding. "To think someone would control an entire city's worth of soldiers just to find a child..."Aiko muttered. "I know,it's annoying as hell!"Ravio complained as he played with his hair,making himself a small braid on it as he walked to busy himself while he wasn't kicking butt. "Maybe the child is a prodigy Karamor? Or maybe a member of a lost royal family!"Aiko thought as he remembered all of those stories he had read from the books of the library. Most specifically his favorite which were the tales of the Arabian nights,where magic and royalty and all of these adventures were ever so common,atleast in the stories. "You're daydreaming again."Ravio hissed. "HEY. AIKO. Help me with this braid,it got loose in the fight."Ravio ordered with a clap or two. Aiko looked up. "Yes sir."Aiko said as he walked right behind Ravio as he quickly went head to fix Ravio's braid as he had gotten so used to doing. Ravio grumbled to himself. "Whoever the kid is better have an explanation of why someone so powerful would be after him. Surely I could be chased,but no,apparently a kid is much worthy than I!"Ravio said rather dramatically.

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"Yeah... that kid must be really important. If all those soldiers are after him... Wait a second! They tried to capture the kid who followed me, and I got in a battle because I wanted to help him.", Krigor thought. He smiled at his own stupidity. The heat of the battle distracted him from the information he was after. He knew who that kid was! "But this boy surely knows it is him who they are looking for. So why doesn't he say anything. Maybe... maybe I shouldn't tell it either. And if I am courageous enough, I can ask him why they were after him and why didn't he tell anything to the others. But... but I'm not courageous enough.", Krigor thought. 

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Eastern Rydel:

   One soldier walked over towards Ren. "Details are classified, just listen to us." He ordered Ren. The others where looking through everything , not missing even the smallest hiding possibilities. "We gotta find this Kid!" Ren heard another soldiers shout to another down the way. "I don't think he's in this side of town!" He yelled back.


Party moving east:

   Kid just looked down when Ravio said he needed an explanation. 'Prodigy? Not quiet... why is he looking so hard for me? What was his real plans for me? Couldn't have been just that tournament. He had other Kids for it...' Kid continued to ask himself these questions as it stumbled him as of why he was being searched for. Cid looked at Ravio and Aiko. "So are you like this kid's servant?" He asked Aiko. 

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Aiko seemed to almost freeze at the question,but it was only a mere second as Aiko quickly went to respond. "Well,you see-"Aiko started,but Ravio quickly tugged on Aiko's collar and smiled brightly. "He's not only my servant. He's my property!"Ravio laughed as he rubbed Aiko's head,being slightly taller than Aiko by a few inches. "You see,I come from a respected noble family! Aiko here...well,if you could call a family,a very bad one may I add."Ravio said with a chuckle,showing his ignorance yet heartless attitude as he did consider Aiko as a servant more than a friend. Aiko's expression remained unchanged as it was one of sadness,remembering as Ravio explained. "Aiko was sold to my family at the age of nine by his parents!"Ravio laughed as he poked Aiko's cheek playfully. "The moment they received the money they left and we never saw them again,didn't we Aiko?"Ravio asked. Aiko looked up with sort of sad eyes,but quickly diverted them,changing his expression to a fake smile to please Ravio. "Yes,that is correct my lord."Aiko said. "He's been with me ever since. There's nothing more useful than a Karamor servant ya know."Ravio smiled as he tugged on Aiko's collar lightly. Aiko glanced at Ravio and looked back up,giving a bitter smile. "Just like he said. I was sold to the Rocecrant family,and I've been serving them ever since."Aiko said. He never hated his parents,despite the fact that they had sold him over to another family like if he was nothing but an animal or an item. He never was able to hate them,wanting to believe they did it in order to feed his younger siblings and themselves. The only regret he did have was that he never exactly got to say goodbye,and hasn't seen any of them in years.

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Krigor stopped walking and looked at Aiko. "He is other person's property, just like he's not an human being. And it's even worse than just that. He's property of this creepy... loud guy.", Krigor thought.

"So... when will you get your... huh... eman... emancipation, Aiko? Huh... it's Aiko, right?", Krigor asked naively, looking at the floor. The words sounded strange and unnatural coming from him, but he was happy that he had boldness enough to ask. 

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Aiko smiled at Krigor. "Yeah,it's Aiko. I think it means 'Love child'."Aiko chirped as he thought about Krigor's question. "Emancipation..."Aiko muttered. When would that happen? All that Ravio ever mentioned was that when he didn't need Aiko anymore that he would consult with his parents to let him free. Other than that...  "Um,"Aiko started as he played with his fingers lightly. "I don't remember very well."Aiko admitted. "I can't remember if it was when I've served enough for the family or if its when they don't need me anymore."Aiko said as he walked remaining in thought. Ravio interrupted once more. "To be truthful Aiko can be set free by me whenever I give a damn. All I have to do is rip apart the contract that Aiko's parents signed stating that Aiko would belong to us after purchase,sort of like a receipt if you will."Ravio explained. "His parents were rather desperate and we hold his birth certificate. Regardless even if he did leave without us releasing him,you wouldn't have much of a place to go,would you Aiko?"Ravio asked as Aiko glanced up with a bitter expression. "Your own parents sold you and never contacted you ever again. Where would you live and who would you be with? No one because you'd be alone if you ever left my service now wouldn't you,Aiko?"Ravio asked with a smirk as Aiko looked at Ravio with an expression that could easily spell that Ravio did indeed know Aiko in every way possible. His fears,his talents,his thoughts. "I guess..."Aiko said with a bitter smile.

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Kid shook his head, he just escape from that exact life. "Well if it makes him happy he would leave... better than being a slave." He muttered. "A life like that isn't any good. Being forced to use your powers to please your owner." Kid was speaking from his own experiences. "I wouldn't do that anymore." Cid looked at Kid as he said 'anymore'. "Anymore huh?" Kid looked down. "Yeah... it's no good. That life... nope."

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Ravio scoffed a bit. "Oh he's tried to escape before. But I've caught him each time and hasn't turned out pretty well for him. I think he still has the scar from the last time."Ravio said as he showed off the leash. "That's why I ordered this collar with electric tazers embedded within the fabric. He won't go long without me being able to shock him."Ravio said as he didn't really minded or seemed to care what the rest of the group thought of him for treating Aiko more like property than an actual human being. Aiko didn't hear much of Ravio's words as he was glancing back at Kid. "You...have been through similar to what I'm in?"Aiko asked muttering almost. He hadn't seen the other nobles have slaves like Ravio did with him,which is why it made Ravio stand out from the rest most of the time. He thought he was the only one in such position. Aiko smiled a bit at Kid. "I'm glad,that you are free. I don't know what we might encounter...but allow me to protect that freedom if time comes to it."Aiko said,actually feeling relieved. If the kid was able to escape such torture of being a slave for someone else,then maybe Aiko had a chance too. "I'm sorry if it brings back bad memories. But may I ask who was your owner? And what kind of power do you have?"Aiko asked rather curiously.

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Aiko looked back at Kid. "Not quite yet?"Aiko muttered. Ravio smirked. "Oh so you escaped from your owner? Oh I bet they're mad at you! If they catch you they might end up hurting you badly now wouldn't they?!"Ravio asked as he laughed. "Maybe I should get you back to your owners,that way I can get a reward for myself."Ravio muttered,thinking out loud. Aiko rolled his eyes and glanced over at the kid. "Not quite yet,what do you mean? Are you being chased?"Aiko asked. He then stopped for a second,a few pieces of information trying to click together as if to form a grand piece of a puzzle piece. Aiko was about to say something but closed his mouth as he thought for a few more minutes until he built up enough courage to ask,even though he might as well be wrong,but he wished to ask just in case it was a matter of casual coincidence. "Hey...those soldiers...wouldn't happen to be looking for you,would they?"Aiko asked. It was maybe possible that if the kid belonged to a much higher power,that higher power could of easily gained access to the soldiers to get them to find him. Then again,the soldiers were being mind controlled,so maybe it wasn't him? "Is it possible that the kid that these soldiers are looking for is you?"Aiko asked again.

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Aiko's eyes widened a bit. "So...it is you...?"Aiko muttered. Ravio stopped walking and turned to stare at the kid,glaring slightly. "Wait,so this is him? This is the kid the soldiers have been looking for,which for so,ruined my planned day?"Ravio asked with anger in his voice. It was obvious that Ravio was irritated about it. Aiko quickly stepped in,speaking quickly before Ravio could say anything else. "He hasn't said anything yet!"Aiko yelled. "Well if he's quiet he might as well not want to say it because it's true!...Think we should just turn him and fix this entire problem. Throw him into the pack of wild soldiers why don't we?!"Ravio asked groaning to himself. "Even so if he's the kid he's running away for a reason?"Aiko asked as he stood between Ravio and the kid. He knew what it was like to be a slave with not full will of his own,serving under someone who could easily turn his life in a matter of seconds and the wave of a hand. He was going to defend this kid who managed to do the thing he never managed to do,escape,and most likely from somewhere worse than where he was. "You kidding?! We could just hand the kid over and be done with this crap! Cid,any comments about this situation?! Back me up?!"Ravio asked irritated.

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