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Karamor {Roleplay}

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Ravio felt flattered about the compliments regarding their gifts. When asked about his he didn't hesitate to show. "Well,how can I put it in a way that won't end up getting someone killed."Ravio wondered as he walked and stood in front of the soldiers that were being held down by Aiko's gravitational field. He kind of wanted to kick a building but he knew that it would turn out to be beyond messy,especially if there were people inside of it. What he did see was one of the many statues that decorated the northern district. Statues of politicians or some people that were long dead but somehow made history important. He walked over to it and gripped it with both hands,easily ripping it off its foundation as he rested it on his shoulder like a sword or a baseball bat. He winked at Cid. "I have super human strength!~"Ravio cheered as he glanced at another group of soldiers heading their way. Before they could reach Aiko's field of gravity Ravio swung the statue with ease,slamming it against the upcoming soldiers,sending them off flying back down the street. "Good way of showing off,Master."Aiko muttered. "Fufufu! Thank you my beloved toy!"Ravio said as he dropped the statue and threw it to the side. Aiko glanced over at Cid. "Forgive his arrogance. I am Aiko and he is Ravio. Is there anyway we can help you? Soldiers don't exactly attacked unless provoked. They're kind of like animals in a zoo if you ask me to compare."Aiko said with a gentle smile. "Oi Aiko but if he's not the kid they're after why they attacking him? Are the soldiers just going after every non human being now? Boring!"

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Northern Rydel:

   "Every none human? I still feel as if I'm human but hey, two each's own. But no, they're not targeting people with Karamor. In fact I believe they even know what they are doing right now." Cid reach down and picked up a soldier who was laying on the ground by his feet, just barely still conscious. "See his eyes." The soldier was looking around. Beaten, tired and scared his eyes shook as he stared down the three. His eyes were a dark grey color almost fog like. " I think they're being controlled." 

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  On 8/19/2014 at 7:28 AM, Sukai said:

Northern Rydel:

   Cid smirked, "The soldiers don't want me. They probably don't have a clue of who or what I am at this point. But i can tell you two have quite some gifts. Karamor of gravitational fields I presume and what might your's be?"He asked Ravio. More soldiers charged but quickly after a while they just stopped and stared. "Wh-whats going on?" 


Southeastern Rydel:

   The soldiers on Sora's street all turned to look at Sora. "Kid get down from there! It's not safe to be out right now!" One hollered at him. 


Mideast Rydel:

   As Devon was fighting Krigor an explosion causes a billboard to collapse. "What!" He exclaimed as it fell. He quickly leaped into the air an believable amount, it was a good 6 to 7 feet in the air, barely clearing the falling sign. He then landed on the in remains.  He smirked his crazy smirk at Krigor. "Karamor huh?"

"OK!" he yelled. Sora got down, and went inside of his house. 

"We are not safe right now, so we'll need to go somewhere, or just stay here," Sora told his sister in caution.

"I don't think we will have to go anywher," she replied.

"Why not?"

"Becuase I have to finish this episode.

[she pains me a lot] Sora then actually agreed to the part where they had to go nowhere, so he sat on the couch with his sister.

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Krigor was breathing heavily. "So he noticed I'm kind of gifted?", he thought, "Of course... there's no way he wouldn't have noticed it." The boy recovered the sword that was on the ground and raised his guard. Using his Karamor made him tired, as he usually tried to hold it and not release it. Krigor wasn't sure of what he should do next, so he chose to wait. Even though Devon's smirk angered him, he decided to be patient. 

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Southern Rydel:

   A soldier then entered Sora's house. "You all need to line up outside, we need to search your home." He said blankly.


Mideastern Rydel:

   Kid couldn't take it anymore, he drew his sword and charged at Devon but it was a diversion. Devon leaped over Kid's attack just as expected and Kid continued onward. Pass Krigor and towards the other two soldiers. One moved out of the way and the other just side stepped and grabbed Kid's arm. "Were done." The silent one said. 

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Aiko's eyes narrowed. "Controlled...?"Aiko muttered. He had never heard of such sorcery,not in his years of life while meeting other Karamor like himself and Ravio. Ravio glared. "You're saying that there's someone out there who is able to control mass amounts of people..."Ravio started. He then had a shocked look on his face as he seemed devastated for a moment. "And it's not ME?!"Ravio asked. He was distraught to think that there was someone stronger than him. Aiko rolled his eyes as he glanced down at the soldiers he was holding down. "But if they're being controlled by someone or something. What would their purpose be? All I've seen these soldiers do is cause trouble,push people around and look for this one kid. Unless their intentions is distracting and locating,I don't really see a meaningful purpose."Aiko analyzed. He then felt a sharp pain in his back from when Ravio had kicked him all the way against the wall earlier that morning. As he used one hand to hold his side he smiled. "Ah...forgive me. I'm not used to using my power this long...and I haven't had breakfast."Aiko sighed. "Wait,if they're being controlled by a Karamor,most likely whoever is controlling them must be nearby to be in a certain range right? So if we order a soldier to lead us to the source,would we be able to find it?"Ravio asks. "Or we could just find out where the source is coming from."Aiko suggested.

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Krigor still didn't understand what was so special about that kid, so he examined him thoroughly by looking at him carefully. It didn't help at all.

"Hey, let him go! He's just a kid!", Krigor said. Hearing his own voice sounded strange, as he wasn't usual to speak that loud. He pointed one of his swords to the soldier who was grabbing the kid's arm.

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Northern Rydel:

Cid thought about the two's suggestions. "Possibly but it would be quicker if we just find it ourselves. They are coming from the east and flushing through town but maybe we should find this "kid" they are looking for. If he's so important we wouldn't want whoever is behind this getting his h

ands on him." Cid started to move around, looking and thinking. 'Which way should we go...'


Mideastern Rydel:

The soldier third soldier that jumped out of the way a minute ago laughed at Krigor's demands. "Let him go? We can't do that! We have orders kid." Devon then leapt into the air towards Krigor "orders or not, I'm finishing my fight!" Devon drew his sword and brought it above his head brought it down like a hammer as he closed in on Krigor. The battle has begun!

Kid broke free of the soldier's grip , hopped back and swung at the man. His swing was awkward and backwards because of his sword. It seemed to glow a little bit, a very very dim light blue light caressed the blade. His swings we focused and powerful. 'I need to end the quickly and get out of here!' Kid thought.

Edited by Sukai

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Krigor jumped to the left, but Devon's sword made a vertical cut in Krigor's arm which went from the lateral of his shoulder to his elbow. It was a superficial cut, so the boy wouldn't be unable of moving his arm, but the pain disturbed him in a way that he started to think he would lose the control of his abilities. He then made his attempt to thrust one of the blades in Devon's chest, while using the other one to protect himself if Devon attacked him at the same time.

"Now that I started fighting I can't just run away. Crap! Why did I choose to do that anyway?", he thought. 

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Mideastern Rydel:

Devon jumped again trying to dodge the thrust but the blade entered his leg. His jump still somehow managed to be about 6 feet high. When he landed he scowled "Damn brat!Well luckily for you you'll never see my best jumps but even with my injury I'll be able to jump 10 feet." And then he did so. Leapping in the air Devon tried for the same slash. "This time!..." he smirked. "I'll cut you in half!"

Kids slash missed but just barely, knocking the silent soldiers helmet off. He has bright red hair and the same grey eyes. The other soldier quickly grabbed Kid in a full nelson. "It's over Kid."

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Krigor tried to block the attack with his swords, and it did work, but the impact made them fly away from his hands. He then ran in one of the sword's direction, even if he knew that it would make him even more likely to receive a fatal hit. It was just instinctive, as he felt that he couldn't stay disarmed. His natural defense, the silver dust, was released from his fingertips while he ran.  

Edited by Morrisone

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Ravio groaned in annoyance. "But looking for the kid would take forever! This city is HUGE! Not to mention if we have to push and kick soldiers out of our way,though not much of a chore for someone as powerful as me,would be annoying and repetitive."Ravio said as he crossed his arms. Aiko,still concentrated on pushing down the current soldiers,glanced around. "Then how should we find the kid?"Aiko asked as he glanced at Ravio. Ravio played with the leash that connected to Aiko's necklace,no,to Aiko's collar. Ravio owned him. He had no free will as long as Ravio had a say in it. "(...I'm not human anyways.)"Aiko thought as he glanced down and felt the collar with one of his hands. It felt heavy. Though it wasn't tight,it felt sufficating. "Well I wish we could just bounce around and avoid them."Ravio groaned to himself. He then snapped his fingers. "That's it!"Ravio said as he turned to Cid and Aiko. "We'll just jump around and stop if we see anything suspicious or spot the kid! The guards can't exactly climb up the rooftops fast enough to catch us. That's where you come in,my perfect little tool!"Ravio chirped as he pulled on the leash,having Aiko being pulled by it and closer to Ravio. Ravio wrapped his arm around Aiko's shoulder. "You're going to take us around to find the kid? Understood? Oh you're the most useful servant I've ever had! I'm so glad my parents bought you for me~"Ravio said as he rubbed Aiko's head,more like a pet than actual human being. Aiko gave a confused smile. "Er,thanks."Aiko muttered as he stood straight up and turned to Cid. "I can't do two things at once,so at the count of three you two better let me grab you."Aiko warned. "One...two..."Aiko counted. "...three!"Aiko said as the force that pushed down the soldiers was suddenly lifted. Aiko quickly grabbed Cid and Ravio's arms. As the soldiers rushed at them Aiko jumped up,dragging Cid and Ravio with him as Aiko used gravity to pull themselves up and land carefully on a ceiling. Sort of like jumping on the moon,but able to control when you want to come down. The soldiers ended up tackling the air as they all fell into a giant pile of themselves. Aiko glanced down at the soldiers and shook his head. "Right. Lets find the target."Aiko said as he started to jump around.

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Mideastern Rydel:

The soldier started towards Krigor as Krigor did the same in desperation to reacquire his swords. "Still whole huh? Lets try again!" He swung horizontally this time.

Kid continued to be stuck in this hold. "Let go!" He shouted then opened his hands and just started rapidly and uncontrollably releasing energy blast the size of baseballs. He had his eyes shut and hand no Idea what was happening, he continued to struggle even when released. His blasts hit both soldiers and nearly took Krigor's head off. Kid the fell to the ground exhausted and out of energy and the to soldiers could barely stand.


Northern Rydel:

Cid was curious on how Ravio owned Aiko but didn't ponder on it for to long, he needed to move. After hoping around a little the three saw balls of energy shooting into the air towards the south. "You think it could be the kid?" Cid asked Ravio and Aiko.

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Ravio glanced over and said rather sarcastically, "Oh no that happens every once a week!" Aiko rolled his eyes. "Best clue we've got so far."Aiko said as he jumped with the two towards the energies of the south. Soon enough they saw soldiers surrounding two boys. A few of the soldiers were laying down and seemed like they had just been hit by a truck as they struggled to even try to get up. "Whoa~"Ravio cooed. "I think we might've found the kid. But which one?"Aiko asked as he glanced back and forth from Krigor and Kid. "We can just take the two of them with us! Hey,Aiko,think that after this is over I can keep them as my servants too? I want more servants with powers!"Ravio said as if it was the most normal thing ever. Aiko didn't respond as he landed with the two right between the two kids,the gravity returning to normal. "Soldiers such as yourselves shouldn't be harassing little kids like this!"Aiko yelled,getting his hands up prepared to use his gravity again. Ravio yawned. "Yeah,you guys like,totally messed up my schedule for the day!"Ravio said as he patted the sword on his back. Aiko glanced back at Krigor and Kid. "You guys alright? These soldiers have gone nuts!"Aiko said as he knelt down infront of kid. "Did they hurt you?"

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"Man, that was close!", Krigor thought, reacquiring his swords as quick as possible. He looked at the strangers who had just saved him, but for some reason he wasn't courageous enough to thank them. Krigor just fixed his eyes on the ground. The antimatter concentrated itself around his hands, giving them a silver coloration. The pause in the battle made him notice again how much the injure in his arm hurt. He tried to touch it, but the contact of the antimatter with his injured skin caused the pain to increase. "Know what? Next time I won't be afraid of using my Karamor, so things like that won't happen again. I'm not a helpless kid!", he thought. Krigor remembered his old achievements, like when he stole the twin swords from his teacher's collection. Those swords were now his best friends. Lost in his own thoughts, the boy momentarily forgot of what was happening in the actual reality. 

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"Well this looks fun ... no its awful ... I'm sure they're braking the law ... They're soldiers they are the law... What they are doing is unjust ... But it is all a matter of perspective. Perhaps however they are not crying any sort of legal search documents meaning they are braking the rules ... And we cant have that." Verenor was talking to himself in a very creepy manner on a rooftop close to where soldiers were braking into Sora's house. This was a situation he didn't anticipate ... Still he wanted to do something ... in a overly obsessive law following way. He jumped of the roof only to land in the middle of a group  of soldiers.

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Mideastern Rydel:

   Cid, Ravio and Aiko came down from above next to the conflict between Krigor, Kid and the three soldiers; Devon, Lucas, Mitchelle. "I know these guys. This isn't good." Devon looked over at Cid and grinned the biggest, most insane grin he has yet. " Lieutenant Devon, Karamor of jump. Known to jump over skyscrapers and even oceans. Lieutenant Lucas, Karamor 'frame by frame'. Though he is silent he can dodge everything and counter perfectly because of his frame by frame state of mind It's like a fly. Finally... Captain Mitchelle. No Karamor but amazing sword skills. He has single handily taking out 3 platoons by him self alone. I am surprised you two survived." 

  "So you've heard about us. The captain finally took off his helmet and stared at Cid. "You look familiar... " He was bald and had the same gray eyes. "Hmmmm." Well I can let you save the Kid. 

   'Save the Kid?' Kid thought to himself. Who and why would anyone want to save me.? 

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Aiko glanced at the soldiers as Ravio's eyes seemed to sparkle. "You guys are the most popular soldiers in the royal guard! Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!"Ravio squealed like a crazy fanboy. Aiko rolled his eyes and looked over at Krigor. He seemed in deep thought as he was looking down at the floor. Aiko quickly walked over to him,gently getting a hand on his shoulder. "Hey are you alright?"Aiko asked softly. It was then as he glanced down at the boy that he noticed the silvery color of his arms. "(Is he a Karamor too?)"Aiko thought. It had to be. Karamor weren't uncommon in this generation after all. As he did glance at the metalic color of the boy's skin,he noticed that he was hurt on the arm. "You're hurt."Aiko hissed,his face turning into an expression of anger to think that soldiers,meant to protect the people,had hurt a kid out of all people. "We need to take care of that wound,we don't want it to get infected."Aiko muttered as he glared at the soldiers. Ravio analyzed the information that Cid given them,and suddenly scoffed. "You can jump high huh? You're nothing compared to my servant then! He can do the same thing by controlling gravity and much more!"Ravio said as he laughed. Aiko looked up with wide eyes. "D-Don't throw me in the hot seat like that!"Aiko demanded. "Oh shut it you!"Ravio said as he pulled on the leash,having Aiko being dragged over closer to him,almost falling down. Aiko hissed to himself as he felt his collar and glanced up at the soldiers. "Regardless. You soldiers have harrassed the people of the city and hurt innocent children,which I'm sure they haven't done anything wrong. Can we ask why are you doing all of this? We deserve an explanation,the least."Aiko demanded. Ravio thought. "That's true,your actions have messed up my schedule! What do you have to say for yourself before I end up having to teach you a lesson?!"Ravio asked.

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Krigor felt a shiver throughout his whole body when Aiko put the hand on his shoulder. Fortunately, his distraction prevented a meltdown from happening. He took a deep breath, convincing himself that he was okay and it was necessary to calm down, what caused the antimatter to return to inside his hands. To his own anxiety, he shook his body back and forth.

"Hey, I'm not a child. I'm already sixteen.", suddenly Krigor said, still shaking himself. His voice was calm and monotonous, giving the impression that nothing really happened and he was just bored. He then looked to the soldiers, waiting for the answer they would give to Aiko. After all he was curious too.

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Mideastern Rydel:

   "We gotta say shit!" Devon hopped into the air and the other two started to charge. Now it was serious. "No holding back!"" Mitchelle said. The three soldiers were going all out. Lucas drew his weapon. It was a bow staff with an ax blade at the end. He drew it back and was engaging Ravio. Mitchelle jolted for Cid and Devon had his eye on Aiko. "Let's finish it quick."


Southeastern Rydel:

   The soldiers around Verenor jumped, startled then focused. "Who there! Up against the wall!" They demanded.

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Ravio smiled wildly as he let go of the leash. "Aiko take care of your own fight."Ravio said as he reached for his back and pulled out his giant sword. Such sword wasn't even a chore to his inhuman strength. He dashed at Lucas and the two clashed weapons,their weapons colliding and clashing as Ravio's expression turned into one of madness. "Oh I haven't kicked @$$ in such a LONG time! I'm SO happy!!!"Ravio smiled as his eyes were wide. With much ease he started to push down against Lucas,pushing him back as Ravio wasn't going to hold back his strength. Aiko glanced up at Devon and glanced at Kid and Kregor. "Well then,"Aiko smiled. "Want to help me kick these soldier's butts?"Aiko asked as he controlled the gravity around him and quickly jumped up,chasing after Devon. "You can't jump if you can't move!"Aiko yelled as he moved his hands and started to manipulate the gravity around Devon,trying to increase the magnitude of it and pull Devon back to the ground.

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"Great! That's my chance!", Krigor thought. He released the antimatter again, letting the silver dust float around him, waiting for the appropriate moment to use it. He then ran in Devon's direction, and swung one of his swords, trying to hit the soldier's chest. At the same time he prepared himself to make an attempt to strike Devon's abdomen with his other sword if the first attack went wrong.

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"Oh hello there ... No not hello there ... Die you pieces of useless meat!" He sent some ink into his pen. As the ink reached the tip the pen started ti extend and sharpen until it was finally a sword. "G-get away or you might ..."The reason within him tried to say but was cut off by a mad laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA DIE!" Verenor went completely berserk swinging the blade wildly not caring weather he hits or not. Every tine a soldier  got close enough to do anything he immediately change the swinging to a more precise motion intended for vertical cuts. all the time he kept screaming "Die!". One died ... two .. three ... four ... His blood lust could almost be pealed off with a knife. There were three left and the first one wanted to get close to stab him. He ducked only for the second one to try and slash his head off. He jumped back avoiding the blade of the first attacker and ran up the wall. While in midair he cut down the first soldier and as he landed threw his sword at the second piercing his chest. The third one (that was to scared to do anything until now) Was shaking ... 'what on earth is this?' the mad smile of Verenor sent the man running for his life. As his senses returned the sane ones anyway he fell to his knees and punched the ground. "Damn it! ... Damn it! ... Damn it!" He screamed on the verge of tears thinking 'What am I? This isn't justice.'

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(I know it's been a few days since I posted bit I've been waiting on Sora. If he doesn't do anything by tonight I'll just go ahead and post. Sorry guys)

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(Whatever, sorry guys)



As the cavity around him he quickly fell to the ground towards Aiko who was jumping towards him. 'Only chance! Either I kill him or he kills me. At this speed, one slash will determine the battle.' Devon drew back his sword, lost his grin and focused. "Here we go!"



Ravio was easily over powering Lucas but with his frame by frame he slipped over and let Ravio continue while Lucas was no longer in the way then kneed Ravio in the stomach as Ravio shoved forward.


Cid vs. Mitchelle:

Mitchelle wielded a great broad sword the he swung like a butter knife. After using the weapon for so many years its was nothing. " You're finished." He bluntly stated the cleaved Cids arm. Mitchelle's speed was so great Cid had no time to react. The blade was about 3 inches deep. Cid was shocked 'no karamor but he moves like that with such a weapon? Unbelievable!' Cid's karamor turned the escaping blood into concrete, trapping the weapon. "What!" Mitchelle exclaimed then attempted to try and free his sword.


Southeastern Rydel:

The soldiers just stared at the broken down Verenor. "Shouldn't we get him?" "What if is a hoax?" "What's going on?" They were all confused and scared of the idea that he was tricking them.

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