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Race to Nirkando (RP Thread)

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~Be the last two people to sing-up here:http://kh13.com/forum/topic/75793-race-to-nirkando-original-rp-sign-ups-thread/~



-The King had fallen, and a new King had toke his place-



"Oh, now it is the time," King Shinoji said. "We must take our soldiers from wherever they are, and tell them their duties. We must be able to stop this world-wide attack immediately." Shinoji continued.

"My magic won't work, so I need others," he said with a lowered tone.

"Now, let's go grab some heroes, to defend Girhera, no, the world," Shinoji said.


It was funny because no one was around, but his magic could reverse that. He began to lift up his hands, and out of pure light came 6 white artificial people. His magic was called Creator, and that was one of the reasons he as chosen as the new king. "Now, go out and find these following people," Shinoji said.



Mirai Mikayo

Angel Moonstone

Chrom Steeling

Satoshi Denki

Kuroi Yume-


"Now find them at once," Shinoji yelled. The drones then walked out of the castle looking for them.




-This king had fallen, but not forgotten-


"Hmm," The King said.

"I need other people to protect this plan," he said quietly.

"Now now, I can't just go randomly," he said quietly.

He began to walk from his spot, and went to a tree. He thought for a second, and had a idea. "Summoner magic, yes my dark magic has been able to do something," he said with a big smile. "But who will I get," he said quietly. "I know! I can use random detect.

He then began to wave his hand, and another six people cam up from inside a large dark ball.

-Azumaii Ferioku

Katsushiro Sasaki

Glace Sumeragi

Shiroi Yume


Hisale Delusteus-


"Now, I'll go meet them in person," he said while putting on a disguise. His dark magic could be use for about almost anything, but he had barely used it. His appearance had changed to one that looked like a regular Girhera person, but looks are could be deceiving. He then summoned himself to Girhera and went looking for the location of the people.



-Now let's begin-


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Katsushiro was wandering around the outskirts of town. Another person was with him slightly smaller and wearing a uniform with gold lined sleeves. "So then Glace ... What is this Idea of yours?" He said in a calm manner making his companion smile.

'Honestly what on earth is up with this guy?I've known him for most of my life and he looks like he hasn't changed a bit since i first saw him.' He thought and sighed.

"Don't tell me you plan to sniff out whats behind the disturbance I've been feeling since we got here." Those words made his friend Smile again only in a more diabolical way.

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(Just so you guys know I let Firo control my avatar an he lets me control his so the dialog is more interesting)


"Come now you didn't really think i would let a disturbance this big fly did you?" he answered making sure his friend was on track. Ever since fifteen years ago the two shared a special kind of bond. So they understood each other quite well.

"If you must know i am searching for the fallen king. It might be fun to see where his plan would lead. Your senses were always sharp but we both know you don't stand a chance in besting me at my own game." He chuckled and started to think.

"You're doing it again." Katsushiro said with a somewhat annoyed face and his tone was sharper.

"I was just thinking what if there are others that might be interested in this like us ... or maybe try to kill us. I just get so interested in these things that its really hard to divert me from it."

"And yet you still managed to drag me along again." His friend sighed before he leaned against a nearby tree.

"Still it makes you wonder How fast will things start to heat up." He smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

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-Dark King (DK)-


He had been summoned right around where Glace and Katsushiro were standing.

"Wow, I've already found two," he said with amazement.

He was wearing a regular shirt and pants, had on blonde hair, and was about their height. He could easily blend in with them,so there was no problem about him being caught. He then walked up to them, and stood right next to Glace.

"Um, hello," he said with a higher pitched voice. "I heard there is something going on somewhere in Nirkando."

"If you had liked the king (if you are part of team D), then you should probably know," he continued.

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"Stop the tricks i don't think either me or Glace has fallen for it." Katsushiro sighed with a monotone voice. His friend however was different.

He once more smiled manically and spoke "Where are your manners Katsushiro. I assume were addressing the Dark king himself ." Glaces tone voice was slightly cheerful and made Katsushiro roll his eyes.

"So you're supposed to e some all powerful monarch? I will take a guess and think that you purposely came here to ..." his sentence was cut of by Glace who went down on one knee and said "I am Glace and this is Katsushiro and both of us are very interested in what you came here for." it was obvious he was planning something but the question remained what. Considering his usual ideas nothing good will come of it.


And so it begins the war between good and evil in any case this is going to be one heck of a ride.

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(I'll post my intro tomorrow)



-DK (Firo and Savus)-


"He guessed correctly, but I'm not a monarch," he thought in his mind.
"Actually you are right I did come here on purpose," he said. "But no need to be humble, i just want to know something."
"Are you willing to see your your beloved King once more?" He asked the two.
He went a bit closer to Katsushiro and was close to being in-between them.
Edited by DawnofRiku

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Mirai Mikayo, aged 19 and working as a demolitionist in the military. You wouldn't think a girl her age would be in a military, especially one as good looking as her.

However, Mirai will beat anyone who is in her way, and that is...mainly how she got into the military. She was already out this morning, in full uniform and standing in front of some soldiers who looked pretty terrified.

"Welcome back to obstacle avoiding and training. Today we will be avoiding one of my personal favorite things..." Mirai said with a smirk, pulling out a button from her coat.

"Land Mines!!" she exclaimed, pressing the button and a landmine blowing up behind her.

An evil smile perched on Mirai's face, looking at the frightened soldiers. 

"You guys have five seconds to get in that field or the landmine below us blows up." Mirai demanded. 

Mirai dashed over to a metal plated tower, counting down while climbing up it.

"5....4..." She yelled, still climbing up the metal tower.

"3...2..." The soldiers were running around like crazy.

"ONEEE!!!" she yelled, pressing the button again.

Some landmines in the field blew up, sending her soldiers running. 

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"Ah, such a nice day," Shiroi said. He was walking around Girhera, looking at everything that was in the city. He checked out all of the markets to see if he could get some food, but nothing interested him. "Why doesn't anyone have the right food," he said. He then saw a market, and went inside. The market had only sold fruit and vegetables, but he kept on looking for stuff. Soon enough he bought a bag of peaches and went outside. "Okay then," he said. He began to walk around again, but this time eating peaches. He had seen three people talking to each other. He walked up to them, as if he had knew them, but he really just wanted to talk to someone.

"Um, hi!" he said to the three

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Glace stood up and gave another one of his trademark "diabolical smiles" (Ladies love em  :wink: ) "And you need to ask? I will definitely assist in any way i can." he said that in a very flashy and "dramatic" way as if it were one big performance. Katsushiro by his side nodded in confirmation to what  Glace said.

"Well what can we do for you my liege?" He said waiting for Katsushiro to speak. Much to his disapproval he remained silent. 'Buzz kill' he thought .

Then shiroi approached. "Why hello there." Glace said in a warm tone while Katsushiro gave a Stare.

"Forgive my friend he is ... antisocial. My name is Glace and this is ..." he began but was cut off.

"Katsushiro Sasaki ..."

Edited by savus1909

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"Oh great, I have another one of my team here," he thought in his head.

"Oh hi to you too!" he finished with a smile. "Oh, and I don't know if you are interested, but I have news about the King. If you would say yes, we can all go ahead and find out," he continued. His plan was working, after all, he had half of the people he needed.



"Don't forget to get the milk," Kuroi's mom said.

"I won't forget," Kuroi said while walking out of the door.

Tonight his family was going to create a big meal, because it was his parents one year anniversary of being married. He then used his magic to get across the water that was around his house. He slid through and was at Girhera at once. "Okay," He said while walking through. He went to the nearest market he could find, and went inside to get all of the food.

-after 30 minutes-

"Okay then," he said while walking out of the door. After that a drone had found him.

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In the shadows watching the Dark King was Mr. Door. He preferred to just watch his compatriots rather then interact with them, though he was generally pleasant and polite. What ever the Dark King was planning, Mr. Door would be ready. The cloaked and masked figure checked a pocket watch he carried.

"Shouldn't be too long now." He thought.

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Chrom lit a cigar and took a puff, as he walked down the street to a bar for a drink. He needed to get these thoughts of the previous King off his mind.


A few minutes later he sat there at a lone table, drink in hand, his face shadowed by his hat and coat collar. He sighed as he stared into the frothy mug. "I couldn't have known..." He told himself for the thousandth time. He couldn't have known the old king would have betrayed them all....even though he was in his very employ as a trusted warrior.


But now that it had been revealed about the King's true intentions....every memory of battle Chrom had fought for him and every scar he'd earned.....ached with guilt.

He took another gulp of the booze.


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(Note to self. Don't misspell Hisale.)


Hislea Hisale wandered through Girhera, with his cloak held up over his head. "People. People surround me. I hate people. They annoy me to no end. Maybe when I see an end to all this I'll be content. But not now." He thought to himself, glaring at everyone who got in his way. He continued walking through the town, using his staff as a walking stick. He found himself in front of a group of four people. He heard the last thing the King had said, "News about the king? What news do you know of this king?" (Best introduction I could come up with.)

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"By the image I saw, that looks like Hisale," the Dark King thought.

"Oh it's just random news, maybe about the world-wide attack is all," he said. "If your willing, I can take you to the place where I found it." he finished with a smile on his face. "This plan is going rather faster than I thought," he thought.

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"So then whats this about the dark king you were talking about?" Glace grinned. Something about him was off especially withe the man hiding in the shadows.

Katsushiro whispered to him.

"So you can fell it too? i dont even need a word i know you do. So whats your next move huh strategist?"

"Patience besides this is going to turn out so fun i can hardly wait." His friend replied with the same whispering noise.

Both were up to something some more apparent than the other although both had a strange air around them.

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Mr Door sighed. It appeared that observation was not enough for this situation. Pity. The cloaked and asked figure stepped out of the shadows and nonchalantly moseyed over to the Dark King's side.

"Hello." He greeted in a clear, coming voice. "Please pardon my rudeness, but I usually find it better to enter a social event last. It makes things so much easier to introduce myself once. But, some things need to be put aside for a cause."

His cloak rustled as he bowed.

"I am called Mr Door."

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"So then whats this about the dark king you were talking about?" Glace grinned. Something about him was off especially withe the man hiding in the shadows.

Katsushiro whispered to him.

"So you can fell it too? i dont even need a word i know you do. So whats your next move huh strategist?"

"Patience besides this is going to turn out so fun i can hardly wait." His friend replied with the same whispering noise.

Both were up to something some more apparent than the other although both had a strange air around them.



Mr Door sighed. It appeared that observation was not enough for this situation. Pity. The cloaked and asked figure stepped out of the shadows and nonchalantly moseyed over to the Dark King's side."Hello." He greeted in a clear, coming voice. "Please pardon my rudeness, but I usually find it better to enter a social event last. It makes things so much easier to introduce myself once. But, some things need to be put aside for a cause."His cloak rustled as he bowed."I am called Mr Door."

"Oh, of course, there was news about him changing the plan, but I will have to confirm that at somewhere, you guys won't mind if you come with me to see it do you?" he replied. "Oh nice to meet you, I am th-I mean Kokoro, heh," he chuckled.

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(I may have forgotten to subscribe to this...)


"Place where you found it, eh? Hm. I suppose I am curious." Hisale replied when the king had replied. "Mr. Door? What a... curious name. Well, it's better than Mr. Pink I suppose." He said, when Door had introduced himself. "Kokoro, why should I trust you? You could very easily be a spy. But, if everyone else agrees, I shall follow you. Just be warned that I am no simple wanderer." he said, upon hearing the question being asked.

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(I may have forgotten to subscribe to this...)


"Place where you found it, eh? Hm. I suppose I am curious." Hisale replied when the king had replied. "Mr. Door? What a... curious name. Well, it's better than Mr. Pink I suppose." He said, when Door had introduced himself. "Kokoro, why should I trust you? You could very easily be a spy. But, if everyone else agrees, I shall follow you. Just be warned that I am no simple wanderer." he said, upon hearing the question being asked.

"You can always trust me!" He said. "Now let's go, I have teleportation magic so it's no need to walk." A dark arm grabbed everyone, and he said the words "Nirkando pleas" and soon enough they were at Nirkando. "Ever heard of nirkando?" he asked. "'Cause this is where we are."

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Hisale groaned. Apparently, teleportation did not agree with him. "Next time, please give me a better heads up. I... dislike teleportation magic. It doesn't agree with my digestion. And I've heard of Nirkando. The lurking place of all evil. And a forest. Those two things never mix. Now, I suppose I have the honor of addressing the dark king himself?" He asked, realizing that only a few people would willing teleport to this place.

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"Of course," Kokoro replied. He dissapeared, and in his place was himself.

The dark kings appearance was as usual, and kings robe, and small crown, soldiers amor and a badge on his chest. He had black short hair, and his face was smooth. "Hello my friends, welcome to Nirkando!"

"Now, I've recruited you here for specific reasons, one being that you still have liking of me. The other being that you are powerful people, and that I need you to fight with me!"

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"Let me correct you. You, at the very least, brought me here because I am powerful. I don't like you. Don't take this too personally though. I don't like anyone. At all. So, I suppose we should introduce ourselves. More specifically, our powers, or talents. I can do this." Hisale, said, pulling an apple out of his pocket. He then focused intently on his staff, and aged the apple to such a point that it got very mushy. "Obviously, I can do much more than this, but I don't think I'll get any volunteers. Willing ones, anyway. So, who's next?"

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"What an interesting introduction. I suppose i'm next. Well my name is glace and lets leave it at that. Also my area of expertise isn't power but i digress. And let me correct you you are not the only one with power here." Glace chuckled and snapped his fingers. There was some silver light radiating from his hand before it took shape. The light created a large steel claymore in his hand. as he snapped again it turned to a statute of himself. And finally he snapped and unmaked it.

"I supposed that's it for me but i do wonder what our friend mr door here can do." He said with his trademark evil smile like everything was a game or a stage performance he kept everything flashy and dramatic ... well at least for himself.

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