KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 14, 2015 Wow, things are about to get intense. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted April 14, 2015 I HATE EVEN, I HATE EVEN, I HATE EVEN!!!! Woo hoo!!! Both Claire and Cloud are here!! :biggrin: 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 18, 2015 Good evening everybody, I trust that you’re all doing well! So then, here’s another chapter of the story, and I hope you all enjoy it! So then, this chapter will be from Xion’s perspective! Hehe, things are about to reach their climactic point! Are you all ready? If so, read on! Chapter Forty Eight: ‘Heart’ Part 8 Of 10: Xion vs. Even (Start Song Here) It was a moment of desperation, a moment where one wrong move could mean the end of everything! I was panicking, and Roxas stood beside me, also trembling in fear. My creator was heading straight toward us, and I held the dissecting knife behind me, but I was shaking too much…why was I hesitating now, of all moments!? I had to finish this once and for all! My heart pounded hard against my chest, and it felt as if time had slowed down to prolong our moment of horror. The creatures down below were still feasting on all the rotting corpses that had fallen from where we were standing, and the more they ate, the more they morphed into human-like beings and headed out towards town. They didn’t even bother looking at us…we weren’t their prey…my creator had made that very clear! As my creator continued to walk toward us, Roxas and I started to step back, but what good was that for? We weren’t going to be able to escape, and we couldn’t let this chaos seep outside! At my breaking point, I dashed towards my creator and stabbed him in the heart with the dissecting knife, and for a moment, he stood still, and his eyes widended, but then he started to laugh coldly and mockingly toward us. “Foolish girl, do you really think I will die that easily after all the trouble I went through to come back to life?” he asked, and then I quickly withdrew the knife from his heart and stepped back. “H-how is this possible!?” I exclaimed, and my creator shook his head. “You two really are imbeciles! You fail to understand that there is nothing you can do anymore, except die a painful death!” he said, and I bit my lower lip in frustration. “You have to have a weakness…you aren’t eternal…no one is!” Roxas proclaimed, and my creator glanced at him and chuckled to himself. “That is where you are wrong, dear boy…you see, I am a God now! I cannot be killed!” he boldly remarked, and I clenched my fists in anger and then leapt towards him and started punching him. “We’ll see about that soon enough!” I said. “Xion, are you crazy!?” Roxas exclaimed behind me, but I ignored him. I started punching the living hell out of my creator, letting out all of my anger and frustration on him. He was a souless man, a heartless demon with no regard for anything or anyone but himself! I cried as I punched him, cursing him for causing all this suffering, but at the same time, I felt mortified that I was doing this to him. He was the one who gave life to me, after all…but that still couldn’t excuse all the things he had done! And so I kept punching him, and then I stabbed him with the dissecting knife a total of five times, each wound proving to be nothing to him. He forced himself on me, and I tried fighting back, but he hit my forehead with his elbow and then kicked my rib and sent me flying toward Roxas. I crashed against Roxas and felt my lungs run out of breath momentarily. The force of the hit had affected me so much that I coughed up blood, which immediately flowed towards my creator. “Ah, yes, keep fighting me girl! The more you bleed, the more I live!” he said enthusiastically, and Roxas glared at him and wouldn’t stand anymore. “You bastard, you’ll pay for that!” he exclaimed, as he headed towards my creator and started to beat him up, until my creator performed an uppercut, making Roxas fall back. “Ha, you truly have no fighting skills, you are weak!” my creator taunted at Roxas, and then Roxas stood up and wiped his mouth, which had a bit of blood coming out of it. “I won’t let you hurt her! She won’t suffer anymore!” he shouted, as he went towards my creator again, and they both struggled for a few minutes, trying to get the upper hand on each other. “Damn it…my body…it can’t move!” I thought to myself, as I tried to stand up. The dissecting knife was a few feet away from me, but it was far enough that my creator couldn’t reach it. “Ha, this is proving to be quite amusing!” my creator remarked as he traded blows with Roxas. My body was now starting to feel less stiff, and then, when my creator threw Roxas towards the desk, I stood up and took the dissecting knife and went at him again, hoping I’d stab his heart again. Maybe I could kill him this time! But as much as I tried to make my hits connect, my creator effortlessly dodged them, and he just kept looking at me with his sickening smirk. All I wanted to do was rub that smirk off his face! I stopped for a moment to catch my breath, and when my creator came towards me, I quickly got out of the way and stabbed him in the back, but that, like the other knife wounds, didn’t do a single thing to make him get weaker! Just what was it that prevented him from feeling any pain? What!? I gritted my teeth as I tried to think of a possible way to get rid of him for good! Seconds later, Roxas got up and ran towards my creator to punch him. “Now, Xion!” he yelled out. “Right!” I replied, as we both lunged towards my creator at the same time. He simply held us by our heads, like if we were small children. “It really pains me to see how little of a challenge you two actually are. But I do admire your resiliency!” he remarked, and I tried to force myself towards him, but it didn’t work. “Bastard!!!” Roxas angrily growled, and then he took hold of my creator’s arm and then slammed it downwards and punched him right in his ribcage, and even though we heard bones crack, my creator remained unfeeling towards his injuries! (End Song Here) “How??? How the hell can you not be feeling any pain!?” I exclaimed, and my creator then pushed us towards the wall, and then we fell down to the floor. “It is all rather quite simple, really.” he remarked. (Start Song Here) “You see, as my body was being reconstructed, I made sure to build an immune system from the ground up that wouldn’t be able to be broken. I designed this immune system so that I could function better than any healthy human, and as such, wounds do not inflict pain on me! True, the blood is flowing from my wounds as we speak, but I do not feel the pain that comes with it! This is all the more proof that I have transcended the boundary between humans and immortals! I am the epitome of mankind! I am a God! And I shall bring ruin and creation to everything in this existence! You two shall bear witness to all of my glory, and then you shall die! This truly has been a most interesting time I have gone through…a very interesting time indeed. Any scientist would give their life to reach the breakthrough I have reached! No one can compare to me and my genius! And now, all that remains for me to become completely perfect is for you to join with me, girl, as I use your blood to complete my reconstruction!” my creator explained as he laughed devilishly, and I opened my eyes in horror to what he had just said. “W-what did you just say?” I asked again, to be sure I heard him right. “It is as I said! You shall become one with me, girl!” my creator repeated, and then Roxas furiously punched him. “In your frickin dreams! I’m not going to let you lay a finger on her!” he growled as he continued to relentlessly assault my creator. “Ha, you are quite the impulsive boy, as always!” he replied as he sent Roxas flying toward the wall, this time, causing Roxas to fall unconscious. “No!!!” I shouted as I ran towards Roxas, shaking him. “Please, Roxas, wake up!” I yelled as I cried, and then I felt my creator creeping up behind me. “There is nothing you can do anymore. Your fate has already been sealed, girl! As you join with me, your bloodstream containing the rich substance for my survival will pour into my body, and as it becomes a part of my own blood, I shall achieve a higher vitality than I had ever dreamed of! Your blood is the key, girl, your blood is the whole solution to this giant puzzle! There is no use in trying to resist. After all, you were created for this purpose. True, I wanted to see if I could replicate life in a humanoid body, but, that was just the beginning of this whole chain of events! I calculated that if you were successful, I knew I could be able to use your life force as sustainable energy for my own life force! And so, as fate would have it, you turned out to be my most successful experiment, and so I knew that you were the one that was going to grant me the power of the divine one! I must say girl, the results to my experiment have been more than marvelous…they have been perfection! And now, in your final moments, you shall grant me the final sacrifice…your life for my own, everlasting one!” my creator rambled on as he cackled to himself, and I clenched my fists and stood up. “I won’t give in! I won’t give in without a fight!” I yelled as I went towards him and punched him, but then he grabbed me by the throat and started to choke me. “Oh, I can arrange for your premature surrender!” he barked at me as he grabbed hold of my throat and didn’t let go. “N-no…I won’t…let it end like this!” I said as I gasped, trying to breathe. I then desperately dug my nails into my creator’s hand, but then I forgot that he couldn’t feel any pain! “Foolish girl, it is useless. Surrender now to your fate!” my creator said with a smirk, and then, he suddenly fell down and let me go. “What in the blazes was that!?” my creator exclaimed, and when he looked back, he saw Roxas, who was limping and holding onto the wall. “You may not feel pain, but that doesn’t mean I can’t knock you down!” Roxas said as he smirked. “Boy, you shall pay for your ignorance!” my creator growled, and then I pinched his lab coat to the floor with the dissecting knife, and then I grabbed hold of his neck with my arms and started to choke him. “You think that life is a joke, you think it’s all just a simple game for you to play…but that’s where you’re wrong! Life isn’t something that you can just give and take to anyone! No one has the power to do that! You’re a madman and a pathetic psycho, and in the end, you won’t be able to attain your goals! Because as long as Roxas and I breathe, we won’t stop trying to bring you down! We’ll finish you off, and we’ll finally get rid of you for good! You won’t cause any suffering for anyone anymore! I’m not going to let you! You’re going to know what it’s like to feel pain! I’ll make you feel pain! I’ll make you regret ever having undergone everything that you did!” I proclaimed as I used all of my strength to choke my creator, but he simply laughed and then grabbed me and threw me towards the limping Roxas, and we both grunted in pain as we crashed against each other. “Hmph, a bold statement for a puppet I created!” he remarked, and I shook my head. “No, not a puppet! I’m a person! A living, breathing person, and I know that everything I am is real!” I proclaimed. Roxas then weakly stood up beside me and nodded. “That’s right…Xion is just as human as me or anyone else…and she’s not going to give up!” he said as he held his hand out to help me stand up. I smiled and took it and stood up. “Ha, even in your final moments, you two remain as thick skulled as ever! What point is there in being human, when you can be so much more?” my creator asked. “That’s something you’ll never understand!” Roxas exclaimed, and I nodded in agreement. “That’s right!” I agreed, and my creator smirked. “Then please, enlighten me to your view on things…” he said sarcastically. Roxas then stood in front of me and glanced over his shoulder at me and smiled, and then he looked at my creator. “You say that there’s no point in being human…but that’s where you’re wrong! True, human beings are flawed, imperfect things…and it’s true that we have much to learn in all aspects of life…but at least that’s the best quality that we have…that we’re willing to learn from the things that happen to us in our daily lives! Love, anger, shyness, kindness, sadness, insecurity…so many different human emotions, all resonate within our hearts! It’s those emotions that guide us through our situations, and it’s what helps us become better people! You may see it as insignificant and childish, but being human isn’t something foolish! The true beauty that lies in humankind is in the fact that even though we are drowned in our imperfections, we do our best to become better in every way! That’s what being human is all about! And that’s what Xion is!” he said devotedly, and he then glanced over at me again and smiled. I couldn’t help but cry tears of joy! “So…that is your view on things…” my creator mumbled. “Yes, and it’s something we know you’ll never understand!” Roxas replied. (End Song Here) “True…I will never understand you foolish humans…but then again, I have no real interest in doing so!” my creator said as he suddenly picked up the dissecting knife and threw it at Roxas. My eyes widened in horror as I saw Roxas fall down to the floor, the knife stabbed right in the middle of his chest. “Roxas!!!” I exclaimed as I knelt down and held him in my arms. His skin was getting cold! He was starting to get pale! His eyes were blanking out! “No, no, Roxas, don’t do this to me, please! Don’t leave me!” I exclaimed as I cried uncontrollably. Roxas then weakly touched my face. “Xion…live…” he whispered, and just as I was about to say something, my creator slapped me and sent me flying away from Roxas. “I have grown tired of this! Come, girl, and become one with me!” my creator said, and I backed away quickly and panicked. Roxas…he was dying! And there was nothing I could do to save him, not while this psycho remained in this room with us! But how the hell would I be able to kill him!? He was immune to pain, and no matter what damage was inflicted upon him, he was acting as if nothing had happened to him! I put both my hands on my face and yelled in frustration, anger and sorrow. I was going to lose Roxas…I was going to lose him! I then heard my creator step closer towards me, and I frantically started to throw anything I could at him! But no matter what I threw him with, he shrugged it off like it was nothing at all! He then grabbed me and squeezed me tight, and I could feel my bones cracking! God, this was so painful! I looked around and tried to see if there was anything I could be able to use to free myself from his hold, and then I noticed a piece of rope hanging just behind me, and then I squirmed as hard as I could out of my creator’s hold, pulling on the rope and causing debris to fall from above, burying my creator in it! I remained on the floor, weak, and barely able to breathe! I then quickly crawled toward Roxas, who was still alive! (Start Song Here) “Roxas, Roxas, stay with me!” I said to him as I held him close, and then he started to cought out blood. “Xion…I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to…stop this…” he whispered to me. “Please…don’t say another word…please…” I said to him as I pressed my forehead against his, crying and praying that God wouldn’t take him away from me. “Xion…I’m so happy that I was able to meet you…you changed my life forever…” he said as he held my hand tightly. “And you changed mine…I would be lost without you!” I said to him in tears, kissing his hand and holding it tight. “You made me feel like my life was worth living…” I heard Roxas whisper to me, and my heart pounded strongly against my chest, and then I closed my eyes. And then, all of a sudden, everything around me distorted, and now I seemed to be in some giant grass plain, with a beautiful, giant tree in the middle of said plain. When I looked down to my arms, I noticed that Roxas was no longer here! I gasped and quickly stood up, and then, when I looked at my hands again, I noticed that I didn’t have any bruises or blood on me…what was this? Then I remembered…this was probably some kind of illusion, like what happened to me when I was unconscious! As I looked around the empty grass plain, I walked towards the giant tree, and it didn’t take all that long, either. I kept thinking of what this all could possibly be…and then, at the base of the tree, that’s when I saw him. Roxas! He was asleep, apparently taking advantage of the giant tree’s shade from the sun. When I walked closer toward him, I saw that he was no longer bruised, and he didn’t have the knife wound on his chest! But that’s when I knew that this was an illusion…but why now, out of all times, did this have to happen!? Roxas then suddenly woke up and looked at me, and he smiled and stood up. “Xion…” was all that he said, and I froze and pursed my lips. “Roxas…what’s going on?” I asked, feeling scared. He then grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me towards him. “I guess that this is the place where we say our goodbyes.” he answered me, and my eyes widened like never before. “No! Not goodbye! This can’t be goodbye! You have to hold on for me, Roxas!” I exclaimed, but he only smiled and hugged me, and I started to cry. “I’m sorry Xion…but my body has grown cold…there’s nothing more I can do, no matter how hard I try.” he explained to me, as his smile faded away into a frown. “Roxas…” I uttered. “Xion, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me in this life, and I thank God a million times that I had the opportunity to meet you. Through you, I was able to experience happiness, and well, we had some great times together, didn’t we? We were there for each other in good times and in bad times, and we always managed to push through anything that came at us. I’m very happy I was able to spend these days with you, and that we were able to love each other. My only regret is that I wasn’t able to do anything more for you…I wanted to do so much more…I wanted to be of more help to you! But, it looks like I won’t be able to do much more from this point onward. Xion, the rest is up to you. You need to stop Even before he causes more suffering for everyone else…you have to stop him!” he urged me as he held my hands tightly in his. I stuttered and tried to compose myself. “But Roxas…I’m nothing without you!” I exclaimed, and he touched my face and then kissed me passionately, and I kissed him back with equal passion, and then we pulled away. “You have to push forward, Xion…I’m truly sorry that I can’t be with you…” he whispered to me, and I shook my head. “No, I refuse to accept this! I’m not going to let this be the end! I can’t bear to lose you!” I said to him as I held him tight and didn’t let go. “Xion…there isn’t much time left…I’m starting to feel my heart stop beating…” he said, and I gasped and cried uncontrollably. “No, please don’t leave me! I need you now, more than ever!” I pleaded, and Roxas smiled and wiped off my tears. “Xion…you have to live through this. You need to teach the world about the things you’ve experienced, so that they can learn not to make the same mistakes Even has done. You need to make sure no one ever attempts to do the sort of insane things he did again. Please promise me that you’ll do this for me…promise me…that you won’t let more people go through the same suffering we did. I don’t want any more people’s lives to be ruined and destroyed by cruel and twisted things like this. That…is my dying wish. Please promise me, Xion. Promise me that you’ll do the best that you can to do this favor I’ve asked of you…” he said as he held my hand tightly and didn’t let go. I looked into his eyes, feeling my heart break with every beat…I was inches away from losing him, but I didn’t and couldn’t let him go! But, I knew I had to promise this to him. “I promise!” I said, and Roxas smiled and looked at peace. “I love you, Roxas!” I said with all my heart and soul poured out to him. “I love you too, Xion…” he said, and with that, we gave each other a loving kiss, and then, all of a sudden, the landscape distorted all around me, and in the blink of an eye, I found myself in my creator’s room again, the creatures still feasting below. “Roxas…Roxas???” I called out to him as I shook him, but when I looked into his eyes, they had gone blank….they had gone blank….Roxas….Roxas… ROXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (End Song Here) -------------------------------------------- “What the hell is all this!?” “Guys, we have to get out of town!” “What about Roxas and Xion!?” “Is this the end…?” Stay tuned for Chapter Forty Nine: “’Heart’ Part 9 Of 10: Evacuation.” Well then, I don’t have much to say, except that I really loved how this chapter ended up! I bet all of you are surprised as well! So then, with only two chapters remaining, do you think there’s any hope that Even will be stopped? Or will everyone be doomed to his insane plans? Find out in the next chapters! Haha, as always, thank you very much for your comments, patience and support, and please be sure to comment on what you thought of tonight’s chapter! Well then, until next time, stay tuned for the next chapter! 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 18, 2015 Wow, Roxas died. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted April 18, 2015 I love Roxas's speech about what being human is. NO, ROXAS, YOU CAN'T DIE!!!!! NOOOO!!!!!! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 23, 2015 Good evening everybody, I hope that you’re all doing okay! So then, here is the semi-final chapter of the story, so I hope all of you enjoy! This chapter will be from Lea’s perspective! This is it, everyone! Just one more chapter, and Bokutachi No Hibi will have reached its end! Oh, this shall be a very good finale, a very good finale indeed! Read on, my loyal followers! Chapter Forty Nine: ‘Heart’ Part 9 Of 10: Evacuation This has all been a massacre…one death after another, countless lives being ended by some crazy, creepy looking monsters…it’s all been a living hell. When my friends and I saw Roxas and Xion heading off on their own, I thought that something bad was going to go down, but I never imagined something like this would be the event to happen! Just what the hell were these creatures that were crawling around town? And who unleashed them? My mind was kept distracted by these questions, but then I quickly shook those questions aside, for I had to find Ven, Vanitas and the others, and I had to do it fast! I had to make sure that they were okay! As I looked around the street to see if there were any monsters approaching, I quickly mounted myself on my motorcycle, started it up, and then went towards town. My friends had to be there, cooped up somewhere! I prayed that they’d be okay…and I hoped that I wasn’t too late. Just to be sure, I revved up my motorcycle and increased my speed. Right now, the safety of my friends was a priority, so I couldn’t afford to be a second too late to help them! Then, as I headed towards town, I saw the horrible state it was in. “What the hell is all this!?” I asked aloud, my jaw dropping as I saw countless corpses on the ground. What kind of sick, twisted thing was all this!? I then looked around in a panicked frenzy. “Guys…I hope you’re all okay…” I whispered to myself, as I went into town and looked to all sides, hoping to find them nearby. “Ven, Vanitas!!!” I shouted, but no one answered. Instead, a high pitched screech could be heard. I then shivered and glanced over my shoulder. Good God, those monsters were now onto me! “Crap!” I exclaimed as I accelerated my motorcycle, trying my best to outrun the monsters, but they were just too fast! They were almost right above me! “No, no no…I can’t die here!” I exclaimed as I panicked and closed my eyes and felt one of the monsters jump above me. But just then, I heard a loud thud, and when I opened my eyes, the monster was knocked unconscious, and the other monsters stopped for a moment. (Start Song Here) “Well, what are you waiting for!? Pick up something from the ground and fight!” Vanitas shouted out as he smirked. I then got off my motorcycle and looked around and picked up a steel pipe and readied myself for a fight. Just a few seconds later, Ven showed up beside us, and then Tidus, and both were also ready to fight. Vanitas had a sledgehammer, Ven had a baseball bat, and Tidus had what looked like a katana. I was slightly confused, but I shook my head. This wasn’t the time for thinking, this was the time for surviving! I then breathed in, and in a split second, the four of us charged towards the monstrous hordes, and we started to fight them off, one by one! Vanitas told us to fight back to back, to make sure that we wouldn’t get surrounded! We made sure to have high ground, as we ascended a few steps toward a commercial plaza. For a few minutes, we managed to hold off these creepy bastards, but as we kept beating them up, more of them showed up! After taking out a monster that was close by to me, I glanced over my shoulder at Vanitas. “Have you seen any survivors?” I asked, hoping for a yes. “Yeah, I saw Riku with Sora, Namine and Kairi earlier! They already left town!” he answered as he crushed one of the monsters with his sledgehammer. “That’s good to know…so wait, what are we doing here!?” I asked, and Vanitas shrugged and laughed joyfully. “Hell if I know! Ven and I were waiting for Roxas and Xion, but then these things showed up, and after a while, Tidus came by, and we’ve been fighting off these beasties ever since!” he explained as he kept an eye out for more monsters. “Wait, are you saying we’re the only ones here?” I asked. “Well, you haven’t seen anyone else beside us, have you?” he answered with a question, and I nodded. “Other than the dead corpses, no, I haven’t seen anyone else!” I answered. “Well, that answers that question!” Vanitas replied, and then more monsters charged toward us. Ven and Tidus took to higher ground and they took some guns that had belonged to some cops, but since they were dead, well, they didn’t need the guns anymore, now did they? They perched themselves up at a safe distance, but close enough to us that we could see them. And so, they started shooting down dozens of the monsters heading toward us, which made beating the ones that were heading towards me and Vanitas easier! We held our ground and we fought fiercely, but these things just kept coming in droves! How the hell where we going to get out of this!? Suddenly, a few monsters reached us closely, and just as they were about to attack us, they were shot down by Ven and Tidus. Good God, they had good aim! After taking out a dozen more monsters, they suddenly stopped coming. I sighed of relief and caught my breath. Ven and Tidus then came down toward us. (End Song Here) “We can’t relax just yet. They will return, and in greater numbers!” Ven remarked, and Tidus nodded. “Ven’s right! Guys, we have to get out of town!” Tidus suggested. “Wait, what about Roxas and Xion? We’re not just going to leave them here, are we?” I asked. “Of course not. We have to get to them, and fast! I just hope that they’re still alive!” Vanitas answered as he drew a concerned face. “Well, what are we waiting for? If we stand around here, we’re just going to be monster bait!” Tidus exclaimed, and we all nodded in unison and headed off to search for Roxas and Xion. But, we needed to buy ourselves some time, to at least put some distance between us and the monsters. And so, I opened my motorcycle’s gasoline chamber, and then I knocked over my motorcycle, causing all the gasoline to spread out. When it was spread far enough, I signaled Ven to shoot at the gasoline to cause the motorcycle to explode and to bring up a wall of fire, so that we could have some protection, at the very least. As soon as that was done, we started to make a run for it. Roxas and Xion were no doubt in her old house, in the lab! We had to get there as fast as possible! As I looked up to the sky, I noticed that the sun was positioning itself lower, toward the horizon. I then glanced over my shoulder and looked at a nearby clock that was above a building. It was 4:50pm! We had to find Roxas and Xion before nightfall! I looked at the others and then we all started to run faster. As the minutes rolled on by, we were fortunate enough to not come upon any monsters. But, we weren’t just about to rely on luck too much, so we kept running. Eventually, we ran out of town and headed towards the neighborhoods, and we went uphill, towards Xion’s old house. “Guys…I have a bad feeling about this…” Ven whispered to us, and Vanitas raised his hand, as if he had heard something. “Shh, guys, quiet…we’re not alone…” Vanitas whispered to us, and he was right! We could hear a considerable amount of monsters growling in the distance. “It sounds like a lot more than the ones we fought in town…” Tidus remarked, and we all looked at each other uneasily. “Could…that direction be where they’re coming from?” Ven asked. I then nodded and sighed. “It very well could be. After all, the only place we’ve seen dead corpses is in town, but there aren’t any around here…we have to be careful.” I said, and we all remained silent for a few moments. “Well…let’s go…” Vanitas whispered to us, and so, we quietly made our way towards Xion’s house. As we stealthily kept making our way towards Xion’s house, we came upon a group of houses, and the entire street there was swarming with monsters. They were running around here and there, and most of them were heading towards town! I prayed and crossed my fingers that the monsters wouldn’t smell us out, because knowing how freaky they were, they would no doubt sniff us out if we remained around for too long. We kept walking stealthily, but then, an even bigger problem arised. It seemed that the road to Xion’s house was blocked by wrecked cars that had piled up on one another. No doubt the handiwork of these frickin monsters! We then stayed put at a far enough distance, so that we could be safe. What was the next step? Charging in there would be suicide, so how the hell were we going to plow our way through those monsters? The ones in town were one thing, but the ones here were at least five times in numbers! Our weapons weren’t going to be enough, and if Ven and Tidus tried shooting them, the monsters would immediately notice us. I then glanced over at Vanitas, who looked troubled. (Start Song Here) “So, what now?” Tidus asked in a panicked whisper. “We can’t just barge in there and expect to live…” Ven said, stating the realistic outcome. I remained silent and looked at Vanitas. “Even if we fought our hardest, we wouldn’t be able to take all these monsters down…and since this might be where they’re all coming from, it would be suicide…we have to leave…” Vanitas stated, and my jaw dropped. “Wait, so we’re just going to leave Roxas and Xion here to die!?” I exclaimed, but being careful not to raise my voice too much. Vanitas glared at me and then looked away. “No…I’m not saying that! We just need to get help! I’m sure that Claire has to be in town somewhere! She’s probably with the police, and they can help us out!” he explained. “Vanitas is right. We stand a better chance at taking these monsters down with more people than with just the four of us.” Ven said, backing up Vanitas. I then sighed. “Fine…but we have to be quick about this!” I remarked, and we all nodded in unison. (End Song Here) Without a moment left to lose, we stealthily made our way back into town, constantly keeping our eyes on the monsters, making sure that they wouldn’t notice us. I hated the fact that we were so close to Roxas and Xion, but we were helpless to do anything! It pissed me off! But, if we could find Claire, I’m sure there’d be a better chance for us to rescue Roxas and Xion! With hopeful resolve, I continued on with my friends, watching my step as we kept descending towards town. Then, all of a sudden, Tidus raised his hand for us to halt, and we froze instantly. It was quiet…a little too quiet…good God, it was eerily quiet! I then slowly glanced back, and there they were, a horde of countless monsters, descending toward us from where we had been! Good God, they had caught our scent! Then, all of us looked at Vanitas, who in turn, looked at us like if we were crazy people. “What the hell are you looking at me for!? Run!!!” Vanitas exclaimed. “You don’t have to tell me twice!” Tidus yelped, as we all started to make a run for it. We were far enough from the monsters, but in just a few seconds, they’d catch up to us, no doubt! “Hey, Tidus, Ven, do you still have ammo on your guns?” I asked as I ran. “Yeah, we still have a few rounds left!” they both said as they checked their guns. “Well, then I suggest you start shooting, otherwise, they’ll catch up to us in no time!” I suggested, and they both nodded. “Run in front of Vanitas, we’ll cover you!” Ven said, and so I ran toward Vanitas, and Ven and Tidus started shooting, and the distant growls of the monsters could be heard. An instant surge of adrenaline stirred up inside me. I was about to die…my friends were about to die…all because of these frickin things! I felt tired as hell, and all I wanted to do was just throw myself on the ground to take a breather, but I knew this wasn’t an option. And so, relying on my adrenaline, I kept running, ignoring my tired body, as I tried keeping up with Vanitas, who seemed to be immune to fatigue! Ven and Tidus kept shooting at the monsters, and distant growls of pain could be heard in the distance. But that didn’t stop the other monsters from following us! In just a matter of minutes, we arrived back to town, and then we headed towards the police precint. Hopefully, Claire would be there with help! As we headed deeper into town, the monsters stopped following us, and for a moment, we could finally catch a breather, and so we stopped. “God, those things are endless!” Ven exclaimed as he panted, and Tidus fell on his back and groaned. “Gah, how much longer will we have to keep fighting these things!?” Tidus wailed, and Vanitas remained silent. “Well guys, the important thing is that we managed to escape that horde of monsters that had been following us, so we’re good for now!” I said, trying to cheer everyone up. “Yeah, but we can’t rest easy just yet. Remember that those things are around here too, so we have to keep our eyes peeled!” Vanitas urged, and I nodded. “That’s right! Now, let’s just head over to the precint, and let’s hope Claire’s there!” I said, and we all nodded. “Well then, let’s keep going!” Ven urged us, and so we kept on walking. Vanitas walked in front of us, and then he glanced over his shoulder at us momentarily before looking away. (Start Song Here) “Guys…I just want to say that, well, if we don’t make it out of this alive…I want you to know that it was truly an honor having you all as my friends, and you, Ven, for being my brother and friend. Seeing as how this whole place is going to go ablaze, I just wanted to say that. We’ve developed a very close bond, and well, the time I’ve spent with all of you has been the best time of my life! I thank God for having you all in my life, and if I were to reincarnate again in another life, I’d hope to meet you guys again! I know, I know, you’re all thinking that I’ve lost my mind, but that’s not it! I just…want to make sure you guys know how important you are to me, you know? If I didn’t say it before, it was only because I always wanted to seem like the cooler guy of our group, but well, looking at how things are now, that doesn’t matter anymore. I want you guys to know how I truly feel. And well, in my heart, I know that Roxas and Xion know how I truly feel, too. Guys, you’ve all been awesome friends...and I can’t thank you enough for putting up with me and my silly behavior. I love you guys…” he said with full sincerity. We all remained shocked at his words, but then we all looked at each other and smiled, and I put my hand on his shoulder. “Yeah…a devoted personality doesn’t suit you at all.” I teased, and all of us laughed, and Vanitas glared at us. “Hey, that’s not funny, I poured out my heart and soul with those word!” he exclaimed, but then he couldn’t help but laugh. I then looked at him seriously and nodded. “But in all seriousness though…thanks for those words, Vanitas…it’s been an honor being your friend. I love you, man.” I said to him, and Ven came and hugged Vanitas from behind. “You’ve always had a sensitive side, Vanitas, haha, love you bro!” Ven said with a smile. (End Song Here) “We all love you too, Vanitas.” Tidus said as he gave a goofy smile. Then, we heard some roars nearby. Our smiles all but faded. “Well, we’ve got company…” Ven said as he found some ammo on the ground and reloaded his gun. “Alright ladies, time to fight off some monsters!” I proclaimed, as we all got ready for the horde that was coming toward us. (Start Song Here) In just a few seconds, they started coming at us like crazy! Ven and Tidus immediately began shooting at the farthest ones, providing cover for Vanitas and I. I then ran and took out a few monsters with my steel pipe, while Vanitas swung his sledgehammer with full on force! The monsters growled and hissed at us, and some of them even backed away. It looked like they recognized us as a threat, so they made sure to be more careful as they approached us! That sort of gave us the advantage, since that meant we didn’t have to relentlessly watch our backs…but that also meant they were intelligent…they were probably going to wait for the right moment to pounce! But, Vanitas, Ven, Tidus and I were determined to make sure that the bastards wouldn’t be able to get the chance to come at us! I quickly looked at the surrounding area around us, and I noticed a few grenades scattered near some dead cops. I then signaled the others, and they darted towards the grenades, took off the safety pin, and threw them towards the monsters. They cowered away, but they weren’t able to escape the grenades in time, and luckily, a considerable number of them were blown to shreds! “Guys, find as many grenades as you can and rain hell on these guys!” I shouted out, and they all nodded. “We’ve got to take them all out!” Tidus remarked, and Ven and Vanitas looked at each other. “Guys, you do realize we can’t hold all these guys off?” Ven asked. “We just have to kill a considerable amount of them, and when the opportunity arises, we make a run for the precint!” Vanitas explained, and I nodded. “Okay, sounds good to me!” I said, and then I looked over at Tidus, who was scratching his head angrily. “I hate these damn things! I hope this is all over soon!” he exclaimed, and I chuckled to myself. “Hey Tidus, bet you can’t take out that bunch over there with just one grenade?” I challenged him, and then he smirked. “Ha, you underestimate me, Lea!” he replied. He then threw a grenade, and he managed to blow up said monsters with that sole grenade! And so, we kept fighting off the monsters, but strangely, they kept staying put, and they were willingly staying to get blown up! What was happening? What was the catch of all this? After a few more grenades, we stopped throwing them momentarily, and that’s when all the monsters began to give out horrifying, spine-chilling howls, and we covered our ears because of how ear-piercing their howls were! We then looked around, and all the monsters surrounding us kept howling…it seemed as if they were calling for something…something bigger than them! Just then, that’s when my heart started pounding with fear. The monsters stayed put, but only because they were waiting for a bigger monster to come in and take us out! Then, we heard heavy footsteps, and with each footstep, the earth shook… “Uh, guys…?” I asked, and then, when we glanced over our shoulders, there it was. A giant, hulking monster that was at least twelve feet tall! “Good God…we’re so screwed!” Ven exclaimed, and as I glanced over at Tidus, I could see his face, frozen with fear! “Oh, that one is way too big!” Tidus remarked, and I gulped and felt my heart pouding harder against my chest. “W-we can’t give up now! Even if we run, that thing will just follow us, so we’ll just have to take it out here as best as we can!” I declared, and after a moment of silence, the others nodded. “Hell, if this is where I’m gonna die, I’ll go with a bang!” Vanitas said as he smirked, and we all laughed nervously. “Keep it together, guys…” I uttered, as we looked towards the giant monster. A few seconds of deadly silence loomed, and the monsters started to retreat, and I’m guessing it’s because they didn’t want to get in the way of the giant bastard that was standing still in front of us. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, and when I opened them, the monster was already upon us, and as quickly as I tried to dodge, the monster caught me and flung me towards a nearby store, and I gasped as my body hit the ground harshly! When I stood up, I saw that the monster was beating the others up easily! Tidus tried finishing it from behind, but the monster simply kicked him and sent him hurling towards a wrecked car. Ven shot at the monster a few times, but the monster took the bullets as if they were nothing, and then it crushed Ven’s gun and then pounded him to the ground. Vanitas, the last one standing, stood defiant and spit at the monster. “You bastard, you’re gonna pay for that!” Vanitas declared, but before he could even strike the monster, it punched Vanitas right in the middle of his stomach, sending him flying towards the end of the street. “No!!!” I shouted out, and the monster quickly tilted its head towards me. It growled and hissed, moving slowly, as if examining me. “God…is this the end for us?” I asked myself, as I could feel my body shaking in uncontrollable fear! “Vanitas…Ven…Tidus…” I said as a tear rolled down my right cheek. This was it. We were going to die… “Well…have at me, you bastard…” I said to taunt the monster, and as it prepared to punch me, I closed my eyes, and just when I expected I was going to get hit, I never received any hit. I only heard the monster roar in pain! When I opened my eyes, Claire was standing in front of me, wielding a shotgun! I instantly felt a surge of relief come over me. She had come just in time! She glanced at me for a moment, eyeing me out to make sure I was okay, and then she went towards the monster and shot it again. It roared in anger, and just as it was about to attack her, a blonde man came with a pistol and shot at it numerous times! Then came a few other cops who took Vanitas, Ven and Tidus to safety! I sighed of relief and I thanked God for this last moment miracle! I was about to follow my friends, but then I saw the monster charging towards Claire and the blonde man, and just when I thought they were toast, they dodged its attacks effortlessly and then started to beat it up as fast as they could with their firepower! This was truly something to see! About a few seconds into the fight, the blonde man climbed up the monster’s back and then tore open two holes on it with his knife, then implanting two grenades into said holes! When he jumped off the monster, its upper body exploded, and it was no more! My jaw dropped in amazement, and then Claire came over to me. “Come on, we’ve got to get to Roxas and Xion!” she urged. (End Song Here) -------------------------------- “I never wanted this to happen…” “You cannot change anything!” “Roxas, you are everything to me…” “What!? Impossible!” Prepare yourself for Chapter 50: “’Heart’ Part 10 Of 10: What A Heart Truly Is.” Aaand, that’s a wrap! Oh yes, I really loved how this chapter ended up! And so, with just one more chapter remaining for the story to end, things are at their breaking point! Will our heroes have a happy ending? Will Even ruin everyone’s lives? Just what will happen!? If you want to find out, I suggest you stay tuned for the final chapter! Haha, anyways, as always, thank you all so much for your comments, patience and support, and please let me know what you thought of tonight’s chapter! Well then, I’ll be seeing you all for the finale! 2 Keyblade101 and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 23, 2015 Things ar eheating up. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted April 24, 2015 WOW, everyone's fighting skills are AWESOME!!! And I love Vanitas's speech. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 28, 2015 (edited) Ladies and gentlemen, good evening, and welcome to the final chapter of Bokutachi No Hibi! Can you believe it, everyone? We’ve made it all the way to the end! So then, before this chapter begins, I just want to thank you all so very much for always keeping an eye out for this story, and for those followers who’ve read a few of my stories by now, I thank you for always supporting me! And so, my dear followers, without further ado, here is the final chapter, and it shall be from Xion’s perspective! Enjoy! Chapter Fifty: ‘Heart’ Part 10 Of 10: What A Heart Truly Is (Start Song Here) Why did all of this have to happen…just why? The thing I never expected to happened had just happened…Roxas had died! I knelt beside his lifeless body, crying uncontrollably and holding him close to me, as I felt sorrow invade my soul. Roxas…the one who loved me with every fiber of his heart, soul and being…was no no more…damn it! This is why I didn’t want to drag him into this, because I didn’t want him to get hurt! If only I had remained stubborn back then, I would’ve been able to prevent him from dying! But, there was no turning back, and time could not be reversed…what was done was done. I clenched my fists and stood up, gently laying Roxas’ head on the ground, and then I looked over to the pile of debris that had fallen on my creator. I prepared myself, knowing that he might come out of the debris at any moment, but, surprisingly, as the minutes passed, nothing happened…and I found it rather odd…or, could it be that he was finally dead? I didn’t want to feel relief just yet, but somehow, just seeing as how my creator wasn’t rising from the debris gave me the hope that he was finally done for! But, soon enough, the debris started moving, and my creator came out, his body scarred, but himself unharmed. “Well, this was quite a turn of events! Your beloved has departed this world, and now you are all alone!” he said to me in a mocking tone. “Shut up!” I growled, and he smirked. “Yes…go on! Keep hating me, and fight me with all your hatred! Become one with my insanity!” he proclaimed, and I shook my head and put myself in a fighting stance. “I don’t know how the hell I’m going to kill you…but all I know is that I have to do this for Roxas…for me…and for everyone!” I enunciated, and he chuckled at my words. “Girl, you truly are an imbecile! Even with all that has happened, you still remain a naïve child! Worry not, though, I shall end you shortly!” he rambled on, and then I took the dissecting knife that had killed Roxas and threw it at my creator, but he dodged it. “Foolish child, I am invincible!” he declared. Invincible, huh? Well, I was going to test out that theory. I don’t know what the hell I was going to do now, but all I knew is that I had to figure out a way to take out my creator for good and make sure that he stayed down! I quickly glanced towards the bottom of the room, where the monsters were feasting on the corpses, and then I drew my gaze once more upon my creator, looking at him with disgust. It was truly unbelievable that humanity could be able to have the heart to bring monsters into the world. Just as there were good people, there were also horrible people…and my creator was one of them. But he was far more than just horrible…he was just a heinous monster altogether! I gritted my teeth in anger…just the mere sight of him made me feel sick! I knew I didn’t have much time to keep my creator in here, so I had to think fast…I had to think of someway I could be able to pin him down! “I hate you!!!” I shouted out with all my might as I punched my creator. “Yes, you wretched girl, hate me!” he barked back gleefully, and I became more enraged, continuing to punch him, making his face get swollen. “What the hell will it take to kill you!?” I demanded as I kept bruising him with each punch, but as much as I punched him, he didn’t grunt a single moment of pain! “Nothing can kill me, fool!” he said, and I shook my head. “Anything that bleeds can die…I just need to find what makes you tick…” I uttered, and he started to bellow in laughter. “Oh, by all means, try your best!” he tauned, and I then kicked him, and then he threw me towards the wall. “S-shut up!” I yelled as I stood back up, flinching slightly from my wounded body. Before I could be able to stand straight, my creator came and quickly started to assault me, punching me in both my ribs numerous times, making them crack, and my eyes widened and my body was pierced with unbearable pain! I could feel my bones being made into mush, and I coughed up blood, and as much as I tried blocking his attacks, he broke through my defenses and beat me up! He had a sickening smirk on his face while doing so…the damn bastard! After all the lives he had taken, how the hell could he smile like that!? How the hell could he kill for the simple pleasure of doing it!? No matter how many times he explained it, and no matter how many times I questioned it, I still couldn’t understand! As I tried to struggle back against my creator, he pinned me down and kicked me in my stomach, and I felt out of breath momentarily, my eyes widening! “I grow tired of this senseless fighting. Surrender already, girl!” he growled, as he crossed his arms and I slowly stood up. “Never…I won’t surrender to you!” I declared defiantly. “Miserable wretch…will you never learn!?” he asked, and I smirked and shrugged. “I guess not.” I enunciated, and with full out rage, my creator flung his arm at me, sending me flying towards the wall. “How!? How can you still refuse after having everything taken from you!? How is it that you continue to defy me!?” he angrily questioned me, and I stood up and spit at his feet. “Because…I’m a fighter!” I declared, and he clenched his fists. “You are supposed to be a broken, miserable thing! After everything that you have just bore witness too, you are supposed to be broken in mind, body and soul! I cannot comprehend this! I, who created you, cannot comprehend your ridiculous act of defiance! You are quite a mystery, girl…you keep on baffling me! Just what the hell is it with you!? You are not even human, so why do you give so much of a damn for what happens to everyone!? In the end, you shall end up merging with me and becoming one with me, so why go to so much effort to resist me!? Do you despise destruction so? Hmph, no matter…you are already being broken by body, so all I have to do is break you by mind and by soul. I shall make you regret ever trying to thwart my glorious plans! You shall see girl…you shall see, I will usher in a new era to this planet! I shall eradicate mankind, and with the ashes of the fallen, I shall create a new race, a perfected race, where there shall be no ridiculous, flawed beings! There will be no flaw, no malfunction, no miscalculation! Everything shall be perfection, and I shall rule over all these perfect beings as the perfect God!” my creator furiously ranted, and I shook my head. “You are disgustingly pathetic!” I barked at him, and he clenched his fists but then smirked. “And you are nothing but a puppet!” he remarked at me, and then, not thinking twice about what I was doing, I charged towards him and pushed him towards the creatures down below. “Not anymore!” I proclaimed, as I landed on top of him and started to punch him relentlessly, as we both fell towards the monsters feeding on the corpses. “What the hell do you think you are doing!?” my creator exclaimed, and I punched his face and looked upward, and then I looked down at him. “I’m ending this, once and for all!” I shouted, and the monsters quickly turned their attention to me, as they all surrounded me. “Hmph, and how do you think you will manage that?” he asked me mockingly. I stood up above my creator and looked all around me. The monsters were silent, watching me, examining me. I didn’t even dare to take a step forward or backward, because if I did anything else, those monsters would surely eat me up! Crap, this is what I get for not having come up with a proper plan! But, now I was here with my creator, in the heat of the fire, so to speak. I had to find a way to bury him down here, to make sure he’d never rise again! But, with the remaining problem of him being impervious to any wound, I found myself in quite a bind. Just what could I do to kill him off for good? I closed my eyes and thought deeply about this, and then, I suddenly opened my eyes when the monsters started growling. They seemed to be waiting for me to do something! I slowly moved my hands, and the monsters followed my every move. What was this? Why were they doing this? Could it be…that they were waiting for me to give them an order? But that was impossible! Only my creator could control these things! But…then again, I was created by him, and my blood is what allowed him to resurrect, so it wasn’t too farfetched either… “Well, are you ready for your demise, girl?” my creator confidently boasted. I shook my head and crossed my arms. “I think things are different…much more different than any of us could have imagined…” I said, and as I took a step back, the monsters all gathered closely to me, and my creator gasped. “W-what? What is this!? Are you stupid creatures bending to her will!?” he furiously asked, and the monsters growled angrily at him. “Well, it does seem that they are listening to me…which means that I control them now!” I proclaimed, and my creator shook his head in disbelief. “No…impossible! I created them, therefore, they are mine to control!” he remarked, clenching his fists furiously. “Apparently not.” I replied, and he gritted his teeth in anger and stood up. “No, impossible!” he shouted, and the monsters quickly darted towards him and surrounded him, and he fell on his back, shocked by the sudden turn of events. “I see how it is now…why hadn’t I noticed this sooner? You said that you needed my blood in order for you to be completely reconstructed, and it seems that since my blood is inside you, they’ve recognized my scent, and therefore, they recognize me as their superior! And now that they’re under my command, that means that I can stop them from destroying the town! I can be able to save everyone from your insanity! That’s…that’s what Roxas would’ve wanted…and this is how I’ll stop you! You won’t be able to do anything about this, and you’ll see your plans fail and crumble, right before your eyes! This is how I’m going to end you! You will never haunt me again! I’ll finally be free from you!” I said as his face drew ever more concerned and shocked. He started to tremble, and the monsters started to drool. “No, this cannot be! This cannot be how this all ends!” he exclaimed. “Oh, I believe that this is how it’ll all end! You’ll regret ever having created me…” I said, and with that, he snapped and ran towards me and started to beat me up violently. “Damn you, girl, damn you!!! You cannot change anything!!!” he yelled out as he kept punching me, and I tried blocking his punches, but he broke through and bruised me. “I believe I already am!” I defiantly stated, as I punched him back and pushed him away from me, and the monsters tried to eat him, but he killed a few of them effortlessly. “I will not die here!” he stated, and I stood firm and defiant. “We’ll see about that!” I reassured, and then I charged towards him, and we both fought with all our might! And so, when I kicked him away from me, I waved my hand towards him, and the monsters immediately circled him and bit his arms and legs, and they started pulling strongly, attempting to tear him apart. He didn’t seem to be feeling any pain, but then, as the monsters kept pulling hard, I noticed that some sort of light was emanating from his arms and legs. Then, the monsters bit off his flesh, and then his arms and legs were completely exposed, and they seemed to have strange kinds of gadgets applied to them, and I noticed that in each of his limbs, there were small tubes that contained my blood, and a big tube that connected the four together! That’s it! I had found his weakness! Now, all I had to do was see where that big tube was connected precisely! My creator panicked and he fell back, trying to push the monsters away from him, and at the wave of my hand, the monsters let him go. (End Song Here) “So, it turns out you aren’t immortal at all.” I said, and he remained silent for a moment, and then he glared at me. “Silence, you wretch! This means nothing!” he firmly replied, and I shook my head. “Oh, but I believe it does mean something! It means that I’ll finally be able to finish you off, once and for all, and no one will have to suffer because of you again!” I proclaimed. “Foolish girl, you still act as though you are a human! You do not have a heart!” he angrily mentioned, and I thought about what he said for a moment, and I smile sadly. “You’re right. I don’t have a heart.” I said, agreeing with him. “Hmph, then you underst—“ he started to say, but I cut him short. (Start Song Here) “But…even though I don’t have a heart, I know enough about how one works. A heart is something that defies explanation…it’s something that’s there, but at the same time, it’s something that can live within another person’s heart! A heart is something which humans are blessed with…they grieve, they laugh, they smile, they feel sadness, hatred, happiness, anger…all human emotions. Humanity often takes their hearts for granted, but what they don’t realize is that they have the most precious gift of all! The heart is something that can never be replaced, something that helps define who you are! I’ve seen the wonders that hearts can do for humans…they give courage, they give humility, they give true feelings! That’s something that you can never attempt to destroy! What you don’t realize is that your idea of a perfect world is meaningless! You see, the thing that makes humanity perfect is their imperfection, their flaws, everything! It’s the beauty of learning from your mistakes and accepting your flaws that you can truly admire the perfection that is humanity…” I explained, and my creator remained silent, and then he looked at me intensely. “What is your point, girl?” he asked, and I closed my eyes and touched my chest, and I felt my own heartbeat. I knew I had a fake heart, but that didn’t matter to me. I then opened my eyes and looked at him. “My point is, that the world, the way it is, is worth fighting for!” I proclaimed, and just when I was about to head towards my creator, the building violently shook. “What the hell is it now!?” he exclaimed, and then, I could hear the noise of a helicopter, and when I looked up, the ceiling cracked open, and from above, I saw a ladder come rolling down, and I could see Claire, who was holding out her hand towards me. “Xion, come on, this whole place is going to collapse!” she shouted. “What about Roxas!?” I asked, and Claire looked upwards. “We…already got him. He’s in the chopper! Come on, hurry!” she answered, and I nodded and took her hand, but my creator held me by my leg and tried dragging me down. “If I am to die…you will rot with me!” he said, but then the monsters started piling up on him, and before he could react, the monsters dragged him down and started gnawing away at his exposed weak points, and now, I could hear my creator agonizing in pain. “Nooo!!!!” he screamed, as Claire and I were pulled upwards towards the chopper. When we got on, the chopper, along with three more, launched missiles and made the entire complex crumble! The last image I saw from below was my creator being torn apart and then crushed by the debris, along with the monsters! After about two minutes, the entire house was completely destroyed and incinerated, and my creator was no more…this nightmare was finally over! I looked at Claire, who momentarily glanced over at me and then at Roxas, and then she headed towards the pilot of the chopper, and I headed for Roxas’ dead body. I knelt beside him and felt weak, but I was strong enough to hold him close…I had to hold him close! His body was pale and cold, and his eyes were lifeless, and I once again began crying uncontrollably. Roxas, you are everything to me…why did I have to lose you? It should’ve been me! It should’ve always been me! Why did you have to meet me? And why did you have to make me fall in love with you? If I hadn’t met you, you wouldn’t have died like this…but, if I hadn’t met you…then I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I closed my eyes and continued to cry, and Claire took us to the hospital. Once there, Roxas was put in a bed, and I met with Lea and the others, and we all embraced each other and then headed towards the room Roxas was being kept in. We all remained silent in the room. “Roxas…is he really dead?” Lea asked, but I couldn’t bring myself to answer him. “No…no, this can’t be! Please! God, don’t take away our brother!” Ven yelled out in sorrow, and Vanitas cried silently beside him. Tidus and Lea were crying, as were Riku, Kairi and Namine, who had come as well. “He died fighting for me…he died so all of us could live…” I said while sobbing. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, and when I glanced back, it was Claire. “And it’s because of his sacrifice that we’re alive now. He gave us that second chance, and we were able to stop Even from destroying more lives.” she said, her voice breaking. “I never wanted this to happen…this was precisely why I tried pushing you all away from me…so that things wouldn’t have had to come to this…” I explained, and Lea walked towards me and shook his head. “You know as very much as I do that Roxas would disagree with what you’re saying right now. Even if you had pushed us all away, we’d still have helped you.” he said, and I wiped away my tears, and suddenly, I felt a warm presence inside of me! It felt so strange, but at the same time, it didn’t feel strange at all! What was this strange feeling I was having? All I knew is that I directly looked at Roxas, and instantly, that feeling inside me became ever stronger! What was this feeling trying to tell me? I walked towards Roxas, and everyone else was silent and did not question me. When I was close enough to him, I could feel a strong and powerful energy surging between the two of us! Then, I came to a realization! If my blood, the blood that had been used to resurrect my creator was capable of doing such feats, did it mean it could also resurrect Roxas? I insantly felt empowered by this newfound revelation, and then I looked back at everyone, with a smile on my face. They looked at me quizzically for a moment, and then I walked towards them and held Ven and Vanitas’ hands. “Guys…there might be a way that I can save him!” I declared, and the others looked at me shocked. “But, how? How is such a thing possible?” Ven asked, the others nodding in agreement to his question. “Well, you see…my blood was used to resurrect my creator…and I was thinking, well, if I could use my blood on Roxas, it could resurrect him!” I explained, but Lea shook his head. “But it worked for him, who’s to say it’ll work on Roxas? What if it doesn’t work?” he asked with a concerned look on his face. “Well, we won’t know until we try!” I remarked, and then I looked at everyone. “Go, get Aerith so she can perform the transplant!” I urged, and Lea went right away, and I looked at Roxas and smiled. Soon, I’d bring him back! Then, after a few minutes, Aerith came with two more doctors, and they put me on a bed near Roxas, and we were both taken to the surgery room. Once there, preparations were going underway for the surgery. I looked at Roxas, who remained lifeless, and I could feel the strong feeling inside me become stronger, and it gave me all the more confidence that this is what had to happen! I took a deep breath and felt slightly nervous, and Aerith checked up on me frequently, asking me how I was feeling. Lea and the others were looking through a glass window just outside the surgery room, and they all had nervous looks on their faces. I put on a mask, pretending that I wasn’t afraid, and I smiled at them reassuringly. They smiled back sadly, and then I looked upwards, where the lights of the ceiling were almost blinding me. After a few more minutes, Aerith came up to me with a very concerned look on her face. She didn’t seem at all like her usual self. “What is it, Aerith?” I asked. She clenched her notepad to her chest and sighed. “Xion…my colleagues and I ran some diagnostics…and we’ve determined that this surgery will end up killing you…” she said slowly, and I froze for a moment, but didn’t hesitate to give my answer. “I’ve already made up my mind, Aerith. Roxas gave me a second chance…now it’s time I give him one, too.” I said as I looked at him. “You’re sure of this?” she asked me, and I nodded. “Yes, please. And don’t put me to sleep…I want to see him open his eyes. I want to be able to see him, one last time…can you please do me that favor?” I asked her, and she pursed her lips and nodded. “Okay, but since you’ll be awake, we’ll put an anesthetic on the rest of your body. I hope this works!” she said, and I nodded. “I hope so too.” And so, the surgery began. Everyone outside started to cry. They knew what I was attempting to do, and they knew that I was fully determined to do this. Nothing could have stopped me from making this decision. After being subjected to the anesthetic, my entire body, with the exception of my head, went numb. I saw Aerith and the other two doctors open up my body, and I could see my internal organs! They all looked real, they looked human, even. I smiled and looked at Roxas, and I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. I prayed to God that this would work. This just needed to work! And so, the hours passed, but Aerith and the others were able to extract my blood, and they were able to extract my fake heart. Obviously, Aerith and the other two doctors didn’t know it was fake, but they examined it and said that it would be able to operate inside Roxas’ body! I felt so happy when I heard those words! Now I knew this was going to work! And so, about an hour later, my body was sealed up, and Roxas’ was as well. My vision…it started to blur. Everything around me started to blacken. I was now dying. But, I was faintly able to hear Aerith’s screams of joy. I felt relief, and I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I heard the reassuring words: “He’s alive! Roxas is alive!” My vision was taken away completely…soon after I couldn’t hear anything either. I was ready for this. I don’t have any regrets. The days that Roxas and I spent together…our days, will forever be in my mind, and in my heart, which now rests inside Roxas. Roxas…I love you. (End Song Here) ----------------------------------------- THE END (Credits Song) And so, ladies and gentlemen, Bokutachi No Hibi has ended! Let me tell you, I really, thoroughly enjoyed writing this story, and I’m very happy to have seen it through to the end! Thank you all very much for having supported my story since day one, I really appreciate all the comments and likes you left me during the past months! And well, I just want to thank Yusei Fudo/CaelumMare, for inspiration, and to Kirie, who originated the idea of this story, and helped me with the last names of the characters! I am very pleased to have given you all this tale of Roxas and Xion! So then, now that this story is over, I’ll be getting to work on another story pretty soon, but this time, I won’t tell any of you what it is just yet, because I’m still deciding on what to write, but for now, I’m going to take a little break from writing! So then, I hope you all enjoyed this story, and please let me know what you thought of it, and what your favorite part of it was! And well, I hope you all look forward to my next story! Good night to one and all! Shigehiko, out! Edited April 28, 2015 by Shigehiko 2 Keyblade101 and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 28, 2015 (edited) I hope you decide on writing The Keyblade War Chapter III. Who's with me? Who wants to see The Keyblade War Saga end soon? Edited April 28, 2015 by KHLegendIII 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted April 28, 2015 (edited) Oh man, what a story!!!! Please tell me there's gonna an epilogue of any sort!!!! Edited April 28, 2015 by Keyblade101 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 30, 2015 Good evening everybody, I hope you’re all doing okay! I just have one more thing I’d like to post here as a bonus for everyone who read the story, and well, because I had already planned on writing this down since I began this story! So then, I hope you all enjoy this little epilogue! It’ll be from Roxas’ perspective! Read on, my loyal followers! Epilogue: A Long But Worthwhile Wait (Start Song Here) It’s been three long years. Yeah, that’s right, it’s been three whole years since all the events that changed my life and Xion’s happened. To me, it feels like it was just yesterday, and well, this has been one amazing journey. Here I am, just another person in this earth, and I meet Xion, and as soon as I do, my life takes a whole turn upside down! To put the long story short, we went through very difficult times together, and well, we made lots of friends along the way! In the end, we stopped Xion’s maniacal creator, Even, from destroying everything, and then I had died. And that’s when the strangest thing of all happens…I had suddenly woken up when I know I shouldn’t have been alive, and then Aerith explained to me how Xion had given her heart to me. God, at first, I couldn’t believe she had done this, and I cried for months because Xion was no longer alive…but, I also felt comfort, because I knew she’d always be in my heart. But still, about a week after I had been saved, the doctors were going to classify Xion as deceased, but something in my newfound heart told me that it was best to keep her in a room in the hospital, under surveillance. And so, that’s what happened. After a thorough analysis, Aerith discovered that Xion wasn’t dead! Rather, she was in a sort of coma, and it was very difficult to tell when she’d wake up, considering that she had no beating heart inside of her. But, the fact that she was alive at all was a good sign! And so, I made it my goal to stay by Xion’s side for as long as it would take for her to wake up! I left a seashell by her bedside, and every time the bed would get too full of them, I’d place them in small jars. Our friends would also take turns staying in the nighttime. And so, three whole years passed, and now, I am here, as I had promised I’d be. I gazed at Xion’s peaceful looking face. She had a smile on her face that hadn’t faded away since I woke up three years ago. I touched her face and sighed as I smiled. Soon, I thought aloud, soon she’d wake up. I could feel it in my heart! And well, as for what happened during these past three years, our friends and I graduated from High School, and even though we took separate ways, we kept close contact with each other and saw each other often. Ven went to college to study astronomy, and Vanitas went to college to study on how to be a psychologist! Meanwhile, Tidus’s idea of Blitzball was a huge hit, and he became the Blitzball team captain, and the sport became famous worldwide in just three short years! Who knew? And as for Lea, he said he wanted to travel the world before studying anything, and that’s precisely what he did! In the past three years, he went to three different countries, and each time he went somewhere, he’d bring us souvenirs! And as for Riku, Kairi, Namine and Sora, they moved to North America to experience how that country was like, and so far, they’ve been doing good! I had so much I wanted to tell Xion, I wanted to hug her and kiss her so badly! I was determined to tell her everything, and well, I was determined to help her catch up on school so she’d graduate too! I knew the day would come when she’d awaken! I could feel it in my heart! I smiled as I reminisced the first time Xion and I met. It seems so long ago, and yet it feels so recent at the same time. She’s been such an important part of my life, and I thank God that I met her. She really changed me, and now, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so alive! When Xion would wake up, the first thing I’d do for her would be to take her to see the world! Lea had already arranged for that, since he was going to a few countries this year, and he said we could tag along! I was so excited to take Xion with me already! I felt my heart pound all of a sudden, and then I clenched my chest, closing my eyes, a tear falling down my cheek. Xion had sacrificed herself for me, and nothing in this world could ever repay what she had done for me. That’s why I would always cherish my life for as long as I lived, because Xion’s heart was inside me. It’s a sacrifice I’d always hold sacred. Then, I suddenly felt Xion groan! Then, she suddenly started opening her eyes! “R-Roxas…?” she asked, and I smiled and started crying, and I immediately notified Aerith! After a detailed analysis, Aerith and the other doctors were bewildered, for Xion had grown her own heart! I smiled and looked at her, as she rubbed her eyes, still drowsy. “How am I alive? Roxas, I died saving you…what happened to me?” she asked, feeling a tad bit confused, and I kissed her passionately and smiled and hugged her. “That’s a long story, but I’ll tell you all about it little by little. The point is Xion, you’re back!” I said happily, tears still rolling down my face. Welcome home, Xion. (End Song Here) ------------------------------------------- Again, I thank you all very much for having read my story! I sincerely enjoyed writing it, and well, as I mentioned in my last post, I shall be writing a new story soon, but I won't reveal what it is just yet, since I'm still pondering which story to write. In any case, keep your eyes peeled for my next story! Thank you all again so much for your comments, patience and support! Until next time! Shigehiko, out! 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amber Cole 1,557 Posted April 30, 2015 love this story! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keyblade101 526 Posted May 1, 2015 YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! XION LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this amazing story!!!! 2 Amber Cole and The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted May 1, 2015 love this story! Thank you for reading it!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! XION LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this amazing story!!!! Haha, thanks! And lol, I knew that'd be your reaction! And thanks for reading my story, I'm very glad you liked it! 1 Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites