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KH2 What does Roxas mean by "Tell me why he picked you!"?

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I have wondered for a while, ever since I played Kingdom Hearts II back in 2006, what Roxas meant by "Tell me... Tell me why he picked you!" 


Is he referring to the Keyblade choosing Sora over Roxas or could he possibly be referring to Ventus? Why did Ventus choose to reside within Sora instead of Roxas (We know the obvious reason but Roxas doesn't) 


Your thoughts guys?


Also here's the cutscene in which the quote is in, skip to 00:50 to hear the quote.

Edited by Scottish Skarmory

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As I saw this notification pop up I was watching the Ventus versus Vanitas fight in the Dive to the Heart in Birth by Sleep xD


Anyway to answer your question,"he" is referring to the Keyblade. It was a mistranslation in the English version, much like the famous "Who else will I have ice-cream with?" line in 358/2 Days. "He" should have been "it".


Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it's something.



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As I saw this notification pop up I was watching the Ventus versus Vanitas fight in the Dive to the Heart in Birth by Sleep xD


Anyway to answer your question,"he" is referring to the Keyblade. It was a mistranslation in the English version, much like the famous "Who else will I have ice-cream with?" line in 358/2 Days. "He" should have been "it".


Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it's something.



Even though it's just a mere mis-translation, because Roxas said "He" it can lead to that possibility.

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There are a few possibilities. My one being: Roxas was probably referring to Axel choosing to, instead of trying to make Sora into a Heartless to get Roxas back, save Sora from God-Knows-How-Many Dusks by destroying every single one with a Final Attack (I know TV Tropes) but in doing so he mortally injured himself but with the last of his strength helped Sora get to TWTNW with a Dark Portal, dying shortly afterwards.


This whole act alone shows that Axel in the end decided it was a better idea to keep Sora alive so he could stop the Organization he turned against to get Roxas back at first and save Kairi, therefore he chose Sora over Roxas.


I'd assume that this saddened and then enraged Roxas to the point where he woke up in Sora's conciousness and then attacked him in the Dive to the Heart, demanding to know why his best friend chose Sora over him.


But that's just my take on it. :D (What? Were you expecting a Game Theory joke? I already made a TV Tropes joke. That should tide you over.)

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I have a similar question, of why Riku asked Roxas why he had a keyblade, even though he knew he was Sora's nobody.


He probably just wanted Roxas to admit it, and was trying to make sure. After all, he's only convinced that Roxas is Sora's Nobody a while later, when he teases Sora and he responds through Roxas.

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Lmao This topic has already been done three or so times. Seriously, I've seen at least two other topics saying the same thing :P



He is talking about the Keyblade, dude.

Edited by KittensOnFire

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Lmao This topic has already been done three or so times. Seriously, I've seen at least two other topics saying the same thing :P



He is talking about the Keyblade, dude.

Sorry ^_^''

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I didn't mean In in a mean way, just that you could go to those topics instead of making another one about it? idk

I was unaware that those kinds of topics existed. I know you weren't trying to be mean.

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I was unaware that those kinds of topics existed. I know you weren't trying to be mean.









Oh wow


Five topics about the same thing lol this will be a merge nightmare

Edited by KittensOnFire

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