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kingdom hearts Z

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I have been thinking 0f doing this. But where can you find sprites of KH characters? I am thinking about making a sprite series known as Kingdom hearts Z and it will be epic if i decide to make it. So can somebody show or tell me where the sprites are? And what do you guys think of my series? You guys think it's an awesome idea or do you guys think it's a horrible idea?

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And what do you guys think of my series? You guys think it's an awesome idea or do you guys think it's a horrible idea?


I can't jugde your serie cause I know nothing about it... I don't even know if your sprite serie will be comics or animations...

And the idea of making it isn't really awesome but its not horrible either...

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ahhh i know what ur on about ive seen many sprite vids but if youre making one on KH


pls pls PLS!! make it the best you can :D heres routin for ya :)

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