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Questions about life that I want to answer

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It's been quite a while since I last was in a serious discussion, but I've been thinking about too many things lately and some questions ended up in my mind. Now sorry if the theme isn't a very good one (it's my mothers fault!) I'm sorry but I guess most of them are polemics and people don't like when I start talking like this.

Ok, here I go, those are the questions that I'm always trying to answer;

1- What really is God? (seriously, all the religions try to explain but we never get to a complete answer)

2- What is The truth?

3- What is really good and what is really bad? (another controversion)

4- What is death and what happens after it?

5- Which religion is really right? (I think it's because I'm tired to see this fights between religions trying to prove their right and the rest are wrong)

I think that's enough for now, I have some more but I don't know how to write them down. Just pay attention to this, I'm not trying to saY that anybody's religion, or philosophy, is wrong or that what you think is. As I already said those are my thought and no one's else.

Here are the answers that I came up untill now:

1- A superior being that we might never know, religions try to prove His existence everytime but no one will ever get to a definitive answer. (notice that I put His with caps because if I say I don't know what it is how can I come saying that He is a male?)

2- Good and Bad are things that depend too much on the person who is talking, for me good is an action that won't interfere with my life or those of any living being (humans) or if possible will even make it better. Bad (again in my opnion) is an action that will harm or damage anyone or myself, unless I'm doing it for the good of others.

3- Another thing that I can't say for sure, what is true for me might be a lie to somebody else.

4- In my opnion death is just another part of life, for me after the death of the body the "soul" (I'd reather say spirit or living conscience but I guess everyone will understand me this way) is released of it's vessel and continue with it's life, but what will happen in this other life is soemthing that I can't say.

5- None of them, we can't prove if they are true or not, so for me, the truth lies within every being, we (at least me) don't need a religion to believe in God or to find a reason to live.


Just if someone haven't noticed yet, these are my opnions, so don't go getting ofended because I said something against your religion, my objective isn't anything like that.

Now everyone is free to answer as they like.

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1- What really is God? (seriously, all the religions try to explain but we never get to a complete answer) i don't believe there is a god, i don't believe in the big bang either. i believe we have just always been here and always will be (i don't care about science proving me wrong :P). but if someone finds undeniable proof about a god, i'll be happy to accept it

2- What is The truth? something which is true. if you want to get pedantic, nothing is ever 100% true, but it can be a good 99%

3- What is really good and what is really bad? (another controversion) bad is killing and hurting someone in some way or form. good is most other things

4- What is death and what happens after it? i believe nothing happens. although i'd like to believe in reincarnation

5- Which religion is really right? (I think it's because I'm tired to see this fights between religions trying to prove their right and the rest are wrong) i have no idea, with the amount of them there are, it becomes increasingly more likely that none of them are actually real. i think that they could be stories, that were so popular people began to think they were real


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1- What really is God? (seriously, all the religions try to explain but we never get to a complete answer)No one knows exactly what/who God is, but it may be the love we feel everyday in life. God is probably at a distance and just watching us from different points of view to see what WE do, but then again God may be that feeling and the question we ask of why we exist, maybe he is a wonder and makes us question why we are here to give us a direction in life. No one knows because no one (well today at least) has seen him, but when I (in my opinion) think about it; I think God is that distant love and wonder we feel for the universe and ourselves/existence.

2- What is The truth? No one know that either, but I think we must all find the truth in our perspective. As for example (but this is my truth), I believe that I am here to experience what others feel and overall, I am happy to be here, to be in a place surrounded by others who are also looking for the answer, so that one day we may all find it together but in our own seperate ways. I am happy to be here just to see others as myself and who are like me or unique so that I respect them and their ideals. I think the truth varies with each person and how we see life. No one knows the exact truth to why we live or why we are here, but it never hurts to wonder and our minds are endless, I think that is key. Our minds are always imaginative and powerful, I think the truth is up to us and how we truthfully see our lives and ourselves.

3- What is really good and what is really bad? (another controversion) No one knows for sure, it varies with each person and how we each grew up and what type of environment we live in. I'm not sure what to say on that subject, but I think the term "gut-feeling" comes into that equation somewhere.

4- What is death and what happens after it? No one knows...but I believe something good happens or we just fall into a deep slumber and are at peace. I was talking with a friend one day and we were talking about how each and every one of us are so beautiful and if we are unique and beautiful, then what happens when we all become one and in harmony? Some extraordinary and breath taking. I think when we die, we will all understand the true feelings of everyone and be a part of something beautiful, even for those who are cruel. I think they will see something beautiful that touches their soul. We are given beautiful lives and have decision and actions that makes us who we are. I think we are all beautiful, therefore we deserve something beautiful.

5- Which religion is really right? I'm really not sure, I think all religions connect to the world and who we are so I don't think any of them are wrong. I'm not sure how to answer that one...

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1- What really is God?

Gods in general are imaginary beeings created by humans' mind and soul to supress these necessities: Know who thing exists and works. Believe in something. Hang on something to cerry on with your life.

2- What is The truth?

The truth is you opinnion about facts as well as the other's opinnions. Each person have it's own truth and each person adopt whatever they want to as a truth. But the real truth, not many people will be able to see it if they don't except it as a truth in fact. I have no idea if that what i believe in is real truth of the universe, but I believe on it.

3- What is really good and what is really bad?

Good are the thing made to the sake of all, and bad is what is mad to the harm of some. But, each person have it's own perception of good and wrong. For an example Ansem wanted to take darkness to the world because he tought thing would be much better and happier this way. Most people didn't think so.

4- What is death and what happens after it?

Death is just what happens when some life beeing body stops working. But who knows what happens to your soul? If we have souls of course.

A better question would be "what is life?"

5- Which religion is really right?

None. Who can know what is the real truth of the universe?

but MY ideals says to me that religions that are more close to what is right, are confucianism, spiritsm, shintoism, buddhism and taoism.

Because they don't make slaves. People are free to believe in whatever they want in these religions. Their leaders do not seek power. And they have really good ideals, and not dumb thing like in the christianism.


This is MY point of view.

and yes, I DO NOT LIKE christianism

but I have nothing against christians since they don't have nothing against me.

So don't get mad about what I have said.

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Well, in my opinion (MINE, not specifically anyone else's), God is real and is watching over us, and taking care of us. The Bible has some good answers, if you know how to look for them. :) Good luck with finding out what you believe.

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..Jeez, this is so not something you should bring up in a place like this.

All the questions you -and probably anyone who's got somewhat of what's called an intellect- want to solve, their answers depend so much on the asking person's experiences and attitudes.


You've mentioned some pretty steep words which philosophers like Nietzsche, Freud, Sartre, Kant and many others have tried to analyze for many, many years; god, truth, good, bad, death (which is always in tie with life and birth), right... these are all subjective, abstract terms.


Don't try or expect to find your answer here, that's something everyone has to find out on his or her very own.

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Actually I read the bible, no, not everything I want to know is in there, there are so many simple questions that no one can answer. Not even the bible, not that I'm saying it is wrong or right, as I already said, there are things that we just can't prove. There are some opnions of mine that everyone find estrange, like the fact of me having doubts on the Bible, but I don't know, sometimes I just want to say to myself that there is an answer that it is somewhere, but there is not. I can read any sacred books on any religion, and always find the same thing but explained in different words, nothing that will really answer my questions, sometimes they do even bring new questions. Maybe there is something wrong with my way of thinking, but I tend to follow logic and believe in things just when I can prove it. That's why those questions might never have an answer no matter how much we look for them.

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Actually I read the bible, no, not everything I want to know is in there, there are so many simple questions that no one can answer. Not even the bible, not that I'm saying it is wrong or right, as I already said, there are things that we just can't prove. There are some opnions of mine that everyone find estrange, like the fact of me having doubts on the Bible, but I don't know, sometimes I just want to say to myself that there is an answer that it is somewhere, but there is not. I can read any sacred books on any religion, and always find the same thing but explained in different words, nothing that will really answer my questions, sometimes they do even bring new questions. Maybe there is something wrong with my way of thinking, but I tend to follow logic and believe in things just when I can prove it. That's why those questions might never have an answer no matter how much we look for them.


K what are these simple questions? Because I think you may not be looking hard enough.

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The "simple" questions are the ones I asked at the beginning of this thread and some more that come up my mind everytime I think a bit more, and I think we all look hard enough, but there is just no answer. Or maybe some people have their own answers, but the opnions are different and I don't find that it is what I'm looking for.

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The "simple" questions are the ones I asked at the beginning of this thread and some more that come up my mind everytime I think a bit more, and I think we all look hard enough, but there is just no answer. Or maybe some people have their own answers, but the opnions are different and I don't find that it is what I'm looking for.


I have answers.


Who is God?


God is a loving being who gave his son on the cross for us to give us redemption from sin. he is the creator of this universe and the maker of you. He loves you although you may doubt about his existance. He is the ultimate father to us all.


What is good or bad?


Good is anything that is right, honorable, admirable, kind, joyful, and respectful.

Wrong is anything that is hateful, revengeful, disrespectful, demonic, sinful, unmoral.. etc


What happens after we die?


Well if we live in sin we go to Hell and burn forever. If you live for God and truly believe in Him you go to Heaven to be with Jesus and live in peace. There is no and, if's, or buts here guys.


What is religion?


It is a lifestyle people choose to live according to their beliefs.


these are my own opinions and you cannot go off what other people say because ultimately it is you who has to choose. everybody will tell you their own believes and maybe sometimes try to persuade you to join their way of life, don't fall for it you must choose yourself. P.S No matter what you choose me and my bro will always be your friends =)

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I know you are my friends. And people have many times tryed to make me join their religions or philosophys, if someone is still doubting how opnions can be different there are some of mine that are quite different than the answers Antruim showed right there. Not that I'm saying that they are wrong, but for me things aren't just that way. But I guess each person has to find their own path on life and do what ever they think is right. But this search of mine isn't going to end soon, or it's endless. I might still never know if I found the complete truth or if it is wrong.

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I myself, am of the Christian religion. Belivin' in God and such. But I am also at pondering, that every religion, started somewhere. So every religion is connected, if so, than the real truth lies in each religion. Therefore, Each and every religion has a little bit of the truth, when collected all, the truth is revealed. Some religions though, have more truth in them than others, and other religions, don't have any truth in them at all. This is what I think. And example? In Greek Mythology, in their religion, the great and powerful god Zeus, flooded the world, killing every person. He then noticed later that the smartest person on Earth, Prometheus, and his wife, were alive still. On a wooden...thingy. He decided to let them live cause they were in faith with him. And also helped them by draining the flood water. This is related to Christianity, for God also was said to have flooded the world once, killing everyone except for 1 dude, his wife and 2 of every animal inside a wooden Ark. See these relations?

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I've already read about these relations, but who knows that they are really true? I guess I'm going a bit too far and pushing myself off the limit. I'm sorry if I ended up offending anyone, but my opnion is still different. No, I should stop, this isn't going to take me anywhere and I might end up picking a fight with someone.

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I myself, am of the Christian religion. Belivin' in God and such. But I am also at pondering, that every religion, started somewhere. So every religion is connected, if so, than the real truth lies in each religion. Therefore, Each and every religion has a little bit of the truth, when collected all, the truth is revealed. Some religions though, have more truth in them than others, and other religions, don't have any truth in them at all. This is what I think. And example? In Greek Mythology, in their religion, the great and powerful god Zeus, flooded the world, killing every person. He then noticed later that the smartest person on Earth, Prometheus, and his wife, were alive still. On a wooden...thingy. He decided to let them live cause they were in faith with him. And also helped them by draining the flood water. This is related to Christianity, for God also was said to have flooded the world once, killing everyone except for 1 dude, his wife and 2 of every animal inside a wooden Ark. See these relations?


Dude you are right on. In all religions and countries there are a multitude of simularities.

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I myself, am of the Christian religion. Belivin' in God and such. But I am also at pondering, that every religion, started somewhere. So every religion is connected, if so, than the real truth lies in each religion. Therefore, Each and every religion has a little bit of the truth, when collected all, the truth is revealed. Some religions though, have more truth in them than others, and other religions, don't have any truth in them at all. This is what I think. And example? In Greek Mythology, in their religion, the great and powerful god Zeus, flooded the world, killing every person. He then noticed later that the smartest person on Earth, Prometheus, and his wife, were alive still. On a wooden...thingy. He decided to let them live cause they were in faith with him. And also helped them by draining the flood water. This is related to Christianity, for God also was said to have flooded the world once, killing everyone except for 1 dude, his wife and 2 of every animal inside a wooden Ark. See these relations?


Aman!! All religions have part of the truth! they can be link back to christianity

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It's been quite a while since I last was in a serious discussion, but I've been thinking about too many things lately and some questions ended up in my mind. Now sorry if the theme isn't a very good one (it's my mothers fault!) I'm sorry but I guess most of them are polemics and people don't like when I start talking like this.

Ok, here I go, those are the questions that I'm always trying to answer;

1- What really is God? (seriously, all the religions try to explain but we never get to a complete answer)

2- What is The truth?

3- What is really good and what is really bad? (another controversion)

4- What is death and what happens after it?

5- Which religion is really right? (I think it's because I'm tired to see this fights between religions trying to prove their right and the rest are wrong)

I think that's enough for now, I have some more but I don't know how to write them down. Just pay attention to this, I'm not trying to saY that anybody's religion, or philosophy, is wrong or that what you think is. As I already said those are my thought and no one's else.

Here are the answers that I came up untill now:

1- A superior being that we might never know, religions try to prove His existence everytime but no one will ever get to a definitive answer. (notice that I put His with caps because if I say I don't know what it is how can I come saying that He is a male?)

2- Good and Bad are things that depend too much on the person who is talking, for me good is an action that won't interfere with my life or those of any living being (humans) or if possible will even make it better. Bad (again in my opnion) is an action that will harm or damage anyone or myself, unless I'm doing it for the good of others.

3- Another thing that I can't say for sure, what is true for me might be a lie to somebody else.

4- In my opnion death is just another part of life, for me after the death of the body the "soul" (I'd reather say spirit or living conscience but I guess everyone will understand me this way) is released of it's vessel and continue with it's life, but what will happen in this other life is soemthing that I can't say.

5- None of them, we can't prove if they are true or not, so for me, the truth lies within every being, we (at least me) don't need a religion to believe in God or to find a reason to live.


Just if someone haven't noticed yet, these are my opnions, so don't go getting ofended because I said something against your religion, my objective isn't anything like that.

Now everyone is free to answer as they like.


Such a sensitive topic. Well I am for one, feel every religion, as Sorage and maybe some others have stated, share some common details and ideals. It is common knowledge that all monotheistic religions claim "God" created the entire universe by him/her self. This God has awesome power and controls everything. Including human lives. He/She is supposedly divine in every possible way. The truth these and various other claims is shrouded in fog and the only way(maybe?) to learn the truth is to depart from the world of the living.

Good and bad, also known as morality is based on a person's ideals and general outlook on life. In my opinion, good is when you help someone and protect people whereas bad is the opposite, hurt people and kill for no reason. Although I do not think there is truly a reason for killing anyone. Even killing someone because they killed someone close to you seems wrong to me. The truth does not exist, as anything can be true as long as you believe it. In order to prove something, you have to believe in what your trying to prove and that is in its own way, the truth itself. Human imagination.

Death is when someone dies. The only way to know what happens after death is to die. According to the "religious text" known as the Holy Bible, death is the same thing as being condemned and if you die, you have not experienced Death unless you have gone to Hell. No religion is right as it is up to those who believe in it to decide for themselves, have faith or leave it. No religion is wrong either as there is only one way to prove it, disappear from the human world. There probably is only the human world and there may be a world such as Heaven and Hell. Or maybe there is only one of these. Or maybe none.


To sum everything up, no one can actually answer these questions for you, its up to you to decide. Whats right, whats wrong? What's true?, whats false? The answer to all your questions lies within your imagination really. Your beliefs.

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It's been quite a while since I last was in a serious discussion, but I've been thinking about too many things lately and some questions ended up in my mind. Now sorry if the theme isn't a very good one (it's my mothers fault!) I'm sorry but I guess most of them are polemics and people don't like when I start talking like this.

Ok, here I go, those are the questions that I'm always trying to answer;

1- What really is God? (seriously, all the religions try to explain but we never get to a complete answer)

2- What is The truth?

3- What is really good and what is really bad? (another controversion)

4- What is death and what happens after it?

5- Which religion is really right? (I think it's because I'm tired to see this fights between religions trying to prove their right and the rest are wrong)

I think that's enough for now, I have some more but I don't know how to write them down. Just pay attention to this, I'm not trying to saY that anybody's religion, or philosophy, is wrong or that what you think is. As I already said those are my thought and no one's else.

Here are the answers that I came up untill now:

1- A superior being that we might never know, religions try to prove His existence everytime but no one will ever get to a definitive answer. (notice that I put His with caps because if I say I don't know what it is how can I come saying that He is a male?)

2- Good and Bad are things that depend too much on the person who is talking, for me good is an action that won't interfere with my life or those of any living being (humans) or if possible will even make it better. Bad (again in my opnion) is an action that will harm or damage anyone or myself, unless I'm doing it for the good of others.

3- Another thing that I can't say for sure, what is true for me might be a lie to somebody else.

4- In my opnion death is just another part of life, for me after the death of the body the "soul" (I'd reather say spirit or living conscience but I guess everyone will understand me this way) is released of it's vessel and continue with it's life, but what will happen in this other life is soemthing that I can't say.

5- None of them, we can't prove if they are true or not, so for me, the truth lies within every being, we (at least me) don't need a religion to believe in God or to find a reason to live.


Just if someone haven't noticed yet, these are my opnions, so don't go getting ofended because I said something against your religion, my objective isn't anything like that.

Now everyone is free to answer as they like.


Such a sensitive topic. Well I am for one, feel every religion, as Sorage and maybe some others have stated, share some common details and ideals. It is common knowledge that all monotheistic religions claim "God" created the entire universe by him/her self. This God has awesome power and controls everything. Including human lives. He/She is supposedly divine in every possible way. The truth these and various other claims is shrouded in fog and the only way(maybe?) to learn the truth is to depart from the world of the living.

Good and bad, also known as morality is based on a person's ideals and general outlook on life. In my opinion, good is when you help someone and protect people whereas bad is the opposite, hurt people and kill for no reason. Although I do not think there is truly a reason for killing anyone. Even killing someone because they killed someone close to you seems wrong to me. The truth does not exist, as anything can be true as long as you believe it. In order to prove something, you have to believe in what your trying to prove and that is in its own way, the truth itself. Human imagination.

Death is when someone dies. The only way to know what happens after death is to die. According to the "religious text" known as the Holy Bible, death is the same thing as being condemned and if you die, you have not experienced Death unless you have gone to Hell. No religion is right as it is up to those who believe in it to decide for themselves, have faith or leave it. No religion is wrong either as there is only one way to prove it, disappear from the human world. There probably is only the human world and there may be a world such as Heaven and Hell. Or maybe there is only one of these. Or maybe none.


To sum everything up, no one can actually answer these questions for you, its up to you to decide. Whats right, whats wrong? What's true?, whats false? The answer to all your questions lies within your imagination really. Your beliefs.


You win. So much.

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Indeed, we all have a choice, we all can make our own. As in example in Cherokee Indian history when the white man came to our land, they brought Christianity along with them, now with the Cherokee's monotheism already, it wasn't difficult to switch to a new belife. In Cherokee mythology, the God they prayed to was known as "Yowa". A name so sacred only a preist could say it. There were also spirits though, the lightining spirit and his family, the ghosts that seemed to have stayed after death. Plus, there is one Cherokee word I am interested in. "Hadionyageonon". This word means "Sky People." Now what would they mean by that? Aliens? Angels? I wonder...

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Did somebody say mythology? 8) If anyone wants anymore info on mythology, I suppose you can look into my personal database:


www.mdiw.weebly.com I'm currently researching Heaven and Hell so theres some fresh info on God, Angels, and of course, Lucifer (The Devil). With the information I had gotten in researching, you will not believe what your gonna read.

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