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Karamor {Sign Ups}

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Name: Nagura Bito

Karamor: Atomic Manipulation

​Karamor Description: Can construct weapons or create explosions by forcing together atomic compounds.Age: 17Gender: MaleAlliance (good bad neutral): NeutralAppearance:

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Bio: Nagura had it rough in his childhood. He never did well in combat school because he couldn't activate his Kramor and was told over and over again that he wouldn't amount to anything and slowly faded into the shadows. However, at around 9 years old, he gained a happy-go-lucky friend, who disregarded the fact that no one acknowledged him. Nagura's friend protected him from the torment he got from others, and sometimes even assaults by other kids. But one day, the assaults went too far, and luring Nagura and his friend into a trap, the latter was killed when a blade sliced his body in two. Right then, he destroyed the trap and killed everyone within 15 meters.


Nagura then was called in by his parents to a special police force, and he had to fend them off, blasting them and running away from home. With no one to trust, he trudged the streets, homeless for years, until he was given shelter by an old man. He'd treated him like a grandson, taking him to school and caring for him, until he got extremely ill and died. Living alone for until this point, he just had wanted to fade away, until he remembered his friend's words: "I had almost given up one day because all my friends didn't like me anymore, but look at me! I'm keeping my head up high! And one day, I'll become greater than they ever were!" Although the messaged he claimed seemed childish, he took it on as his will to keep living.

To this day, he still visits the grave of his friend and guardian, praying over the graves he dug himself.Weapon:

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I think karamor may be a little over welming. I mean atomic explosions?

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Awww. I was thinking that he wouldn't use it much because it consumes a ton of energy.Welp, I can change it.

Better, accepted

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Okay. Kid, Cid, Krigor, Aiko, and Ravio defeated the three soldiers Devon, Lucas, and Mitchelle. Now they headed east towards the entrance of town. Ren is in the east. Sora and you are in the southeast. Nothing has happened there but I don't even know if Sora is playing anymore. :/

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Name: Clear Zesiro

Other names: The Venomous Spider Karamor,Zesiro Twins (when with his sister).

Karamor: Poison Host

​Karamor Description: His body is immune to all types of poison,but once he does ingest a poison,his body memorizes it and is able to recreate the poison into a part of his body (spit,blood,pee,etc.) for his advantage,making himself a poisonous hazard if angered. Example would be that his body knows of rat poison, in order to use it because it is a poison that needs to be ingested or have contact to be effective, he will focus on that one material and have his spit become such poison. If he spits at a person's eye, the person would feel the same sensation it would as if it was actual rat poison.

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Alliance: Bad



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Bio: The youngest twin of the two,though it is easily confused that he is the oldest. Born to an unknown mother who abandoned his sister and he in front of an orphanage. He lived a relatively normal childhood,always with his sister. At the age of 5 the orphanage nun found him after he had eaten an entire box of rat poison. She hurried him to a doctor,but strangely enough,he seemed to be immune to the considered deadly amount he had ingested. Upon further investigation it was concluded that he was a Karamor immune to poison. He along with his sister were shortly adopted by a doctor of a military base who wanted to develop their Karamors beyond their limit. Over the years Clear has eaten every possible poison,man made and nature made. Even poisons that have been extracted from animals such as spiders and snakes. Through the training put by the doctor that adopted him he was able to develop the ability to spread poison that his body has memorized from consumption. The earliest example was when he bit one of the test subjects,leaving a nasty bite mark covered in batrachotoxin saliva. The subject,left without any treatment,died of cardiac arrest 30 minutes later. Clear and his sister are always seen together.

Weapon: Double-edge scythe




Sibling theme:


Personal theme:






Name: Clara Zesiro

Other names: Daughter Nature,Zesiro Twins (when with her brother).

Karamor: Nature Bender

​Karamor Description: A Karamor that allows her to manipulate plants and trees around her. She can also talk to animals and understand them,which she uses as an advantage.

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Alliance: Bad



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Bio: Oldest twin of the two. Born to an unknown mother who abandoned her brother and she in front of an orphanage. She lived a relatively normal childhood,always with her brother. Around the age of 5 she started to show signs of Karamor activity when she started to manipulate the growth of plants in the orphanage's backyard,and talking to animals more than she would to people. She along with her brother were shortly adopted by a doctor of a military base who wanted to develop their Karamors beyond their limit. Over the years she has managed to increase her power over her karamor. By now she uses plants and trees to her advantage in battle. The earliest example would be when she wrapped a test subject in large roots from a tree. Clear and she are always seen together.

Weapon: Whip




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Name: Clear Zesiro

Other names: The Venomous Spider Karamor,Zesiro Twins (when with his sister).

Karamor: Poison Host

​Karamor Description: His body is immune to all types of poison,but once he does ingest a poison,his body memorizes it and is able to recreate the poison into a part of his body (spit,blood,pee,etc.) for his advantage,making himself a poisonous hazard if angered. Example would be that his body knows of rat poison, in order to use it because it is a poison that needs to be ingested or have contact to be effective, he will focus on that one material and have his spit become such poison. If he spits at a person's eye, the person would feel the same sensation it would as if it was actual rat poison.

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Alliance: Bad



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Bio: The youngest twin of the two,though it is easily confused that he is the oldest. Born to an unknown mother who abandoned his sister and he in front of an orphanage. He lived a relatively normal childhood,always with his sister. At the age of 5 the orphanage nun found him after he had eaten an entire box of rat poison. She hurried him to a doctor,but strangely enough,he seemed to be immune to the considered deadly amount he had ingested. Upon further investigation it was concluded that he was a Karamor immune to poison. He along with his sister were shortly adopted by a doctor of a military base who wanted to develop their Karamors beyond their limit. Over the years Clear has eaten every possible poison,man made and nature made. Even poisons that have been extracted from animals such as spiders and snakes. Through the training put by the doctor that adopted him he was able to develop the ability to spread poison that his body has memorized from consumption. The earliest example was when he bit one of the test subjects,leaving a nasty bite mark covered in batrachotoxin saliva. The subject,left without any treatment,died of cardiac arrest 30 minutes later. Clear and his sister are always seen together.

Weapon: Double-edge scythe




Sibling theme:


Personal theme:






Name: Clara Zesiro

Other names: Daughter Nature,Zesiro Twins (when with her brother).

Karamor: Nature Bender

​Karamor Description: A Karamor that allows her to manipulate plants and trees around her. She can also talk to animals and understand them,which she uses as an advantage.

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Alliance: Bad



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Bio: Oldest twin of the two. Born to an unknown mother who abandoned her brother and she in front of an orphanage. She lived a relatively normal childhood,always with her brother. Around the age of 5 she started to show signs of Karamor activity when she started to manipulate the growth of plants in the orphanage's backyard,and talking to animals more than she would to people. She along with her brother were shortly adopted by a doctor of a military base who wanted to develop their Karamors beyond their limit. Over the years she has managed to increase her power over her karamor. By now she uses plants and trees to her advantage in battle. The earliest example would be when she wrapped a test subject in large roots from a tree. Clear and she are always seen together.

Weapon: Whip




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