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Karamor {Sign Ups}

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Note: This is just something I came up with, it has nothing to do with any game, series, or moving or anything. It is an original idea I have come up with.

What is Karamor

Karamor is the abilities and powers of this world. Not everyone has one and not everyone knows how to use it but it is something that can be harnessed and can be learned how to be controlled.

A Karamor and be a wide verity of things; it can be elements like fire, water, or ice or it can be more complex than that like Metal, vines, teleporting or what ever you could come up with. 


About Karamor
The main enemy has the Karamor of darkness/shadows and has the Karamor of tribute(the ability to use a ritual to take someone's Karamor and give it to whom ever he wants) on his side. His goal is to use my character(Karamor of kai) to gain control of his power and blast the sun out of the sky and cover the world in darkness.

Rules for Karamor

  • Every character is allowed on Karamor.
  • Every player is allowed four characters.
  • No killing off other characters without first having consent from said character's player.
  • No controlling other character's without first having consent from said character's player.
  • Once you have consent from a player to control or kill said player's character, both you and said player must inform me of this information.
  • No god-modding or being over powered.
  • Be creative and have fun. 

I will give everyone three chances for rule breaking. After you break the rule the forth time you will be exiled from the roleplay.


Character Sheet


​Karamor Description:
Alliance (good bad neutral):
Theme (optional): 



My Character Sheets

Name: Kid

Karamor: Kai

​Karamor Description: Can use kai energy in any fashion shape or form.
Age: 14
Gender: male
Alliance (good bad neutral): good
Appearance: shorts, red tee, brown spikey hair, black gauntlet on his left hand, shin guards, blue eyes, normal tennis shoes.
Bio: when he was 8 yrs old his parents died in a fire. He was adopted by a man named, Levi. Ever since he was adopted his life has been nothing but training for a tournament for youths with Karamor, that you can only enter if your between the ages of 14 to 18. Now that he is old enough he doesn't think he can take thus harsh life style any more and he is about to make a break out of this prison that people around him call home.
Weapon: sword w/ blade on the other side
Theme (optional): 



Name: Seth
Karamor: Shadow

Karamor Description: (not darkness) Can travel through Shadows as a means of transportation and can control others shadows. 
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Alliance (good bad neutral): Bad
Appearance: Black cloak over a black suit with a top hat. Black hair combed all civilized and 5 o'clock shadow and black eyes.
Bio: Unknown
Weapon: Pistols that change into swords
Theme (optional): 



Name: Hugo

Karamor: Tribute

Karamor Description: Can use his tribute to take the Karamor out of one and into another.
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Alliance (good bad neutral): Bad
Appearance: Beige cloak over a complex battle outfit colored red and black, long brown hair that cover his face. Green eyes, if you ever see them. 
Bio: Unknown
Weapon: Chains
Theme (optional): 



Name: Sid

Karamor: Concrete 

Karamor Description: Can turn his body concrete but doesn't instead he turns his blood to concrete. Thick and liquidity in his veins but once it hits the air it dries and covers the wound to stop the bleeding. 
Age: 25

Gender: Male
Alliance (good bad neutral): Good
Appearance: Blue jacket over a black shirt with lots of belts and buckles across his body. Blue jeans. Black gelled back hair and a green eye and a brown eye.
Bio: Was part of group of people able to control Karamor but his friends were killed off by Seth and his gang.
Weapon: Hammer
Theme (optional): 

Edited by Sukai

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Name: Sora Sekai
Karamor: Air Magic
​Karamor Description: Can use air to do almost anything he wishes (mostly to lift stuff up, and to bring stuff to him. but he can also cause very hard wind, and stuff like that.). If there is plenty of debris, he has a advantage.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Alliance (good bad neutral): GOOD


Bio: Sora had grew up with a single parent, being his dad. His mom had died from cancer. He also grew up with a older sister, which he called onee-chan throughout his life. He was a very smart boy, and sometimes was at the top of his class. Not only that, but he is very athletic, which also help because of his air magic. To him, it's kinda a workout to use it, since you have to control the air to lift something up. He had used his ability alot throughout his life too. He was often helpful to the teacher if something was trapped too far down somewhere.
Theme (optional): 

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Name: Ravio Rocecrant

Karamor: Super Strength

​Karamor Description: As the name applies his strength is much more than normal for a kid his age,pretty much inhuman.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Alliance (good bad neutral): Neutral



Posted Image


Bio: Only son to a noble family Ravio has been raised with the finer tastes of life and used to getting whatever he wants. Exhibiting unusual strength from a very young age he was made to take swordsmanship classes in order to learn to control his strength. Due to his strength,in all the fights and competitions he has entered,he has never lost. He will do anything to get his way. He is spoiled,arrogant and quick-tempered,and can have a bit of a god complex. This just covers up his darker side,which many have seen while he fights. He is sadistic and loves to see others in pain,which is becoming a growing concern. The ones who have suffered through this the most have been competitors against him and servants. There has been a death of a servant because of him years ago,but it was never brought to light and he got away with it. Aiko being his most prized servant due to him being a Karamor,he makes sure to keep Aiko in line whenever he sees fit.

Weapon: Knife-shaped sword

Theme (optional):
















Name: Aiko

Karamor: Gravity Manipulation

​Karamor Description: Cannmanipulate the gravity around him and create small gravitational fields. The effects can vary from items around him starting to float to items crushing themselves down against the floor until they are noting left.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Alliance (good bad neutral): Good



He also has the Rocecrant family crest branded/burnt into his skin located on his back,the left shoulder blade.

Posted Image


Bio: One out of 6 children within a family. Unlike his siblings,Aiko was born a Karamor with the ability to control gravity. His parents didn't think much of it as they struggled with their own problems within the disfunctional family. Around age 9 Aiko was presented over to the Rocecrant family by his parents,made to demonstrate his abilities. Next thing he knows he was abandoned there,sold to the Rocecrant family to become one of their servants. He was even branded with the family symbol incase he tried to escape he would be returned easily. Due to his abilities he was quickly appointed to become Ravio's personal bodyguard and handyman. Given training and torture of being Ravio's personal toy,he has learned to use his abilities rather well,and has excelled in martial arts. Regardless he has lived up to now belonging to Ravio and at his mercy,acting as an accomplice and tool. Though his position he is softhearted and loves to make friends. He's the type who naturally will be willing to stand in front of a gun in order to protect his friends. Loyal to a fault. He only ever cries when no one is seeing him,as seeing someone watching him cry embaressing because his face does end up blushing red. He is very self concious about the brand imprinted on him.

Weapon: Dual Daggers

Theme (optional):

















Edited by Stardustblade358

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Name: Krigor
Karamor: antimatter

​Karamor Description: He can originate antimatter and use it to confront matter, creating explosions. Plus he can create a shield of antimatter which would be used to repel normal matter and energy.  
Age: 16
Gender: male
Alliance (good bad neutral): good
Appearance: Posted Image
Bio: When he was a child, Krigor wasn't able to control his own abilities, what caused him to be left in an orphanage. He grew up alone, being almost unable to establish links of friendship. That because of his inability to understand other people's feelings, despite of being kind. Any type of communication was difficult for him, even though he tried his best. At sometimes, he lost the control of his powers. He couldn't deal with loud noises, bright lights or even a soft touch from other people. That's right, he could not be touched. It was so much for him that he had meltdowns, what caused him to hurt other people. 

One day he decided to ran away from all that. Living totally alone sounded better than living with people who didn't want you there. 
Weapon: twin swords 
Theme (optional): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq9oR9x171w

Edited by Morrisone

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Name: Sora Sekai
Karamor: Air Magic
​Karamor Description: Can use air to do almost anything he wishes (mostly to lift stuff up, and to bring stuff to him. but he can also cause very hard wind, and stuff like that.). If there is plenty of debris, he has a advantage.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Alliance (good bad neutral): GOOD


Bio: Sora had grew up with a single parent, being his dad. His mom had died from cancer. He also grew up with a older sister, which he called onee-chan throughout his life. He was a very smart boy, and sometimes was at the top of his class. Not only that, but he is very athletic, which also help because of his air magic. To him, it's kinda a workout to use it, since you have to control the air to lift something up. He had used his ability alot throughout his life too. He was often helpful to the teacher if something was trapped too far down somewhere.
Theme (optional): 





I like it accepted!



Name: Ravio Rocecrant

Karamor: Super Strength

​Karamor Description: As the name applies his strength is much more than normal for a kid his age,pretty much inhuman.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Alliance (good bad neutral): Neutral





Bio: Only son to a noble family Ravio has been raised with the finer tastes of life and used to getting whatever he wants. Exhibiting unusual strength from a very young age he was made to take swordsmanship classes in order to learn to control his strength. Due to his strength,in all the fights and competitions he has entered,he has never lost. He will do anything to get his way. He is spoiled,arrogant and quick-tempered,and can have a bit of a god complex. This just covers up his darker side,which many have seen while he fights. He is sadistic and loves to see others in pain,which is becoming a growing concern. The ones who have suffered through this the most have been competitors against him and servants. There has been a death of a servant because of him years ago,but it was never brought to light and he got away with it.

Weapon: Knife-shaped sword

Theme (optional):







Name: Aiko

Karamor: Gravity Manipulation

​Karamor Description: Cannmanipulate the gravity around him and create small gravitational fields. The effects can vary from items around him starting to float to items crushing themselves down against the floor until they are noting left.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Alliance (good bad neutral): Good





Bio: One out of 6 children within a family. Unlike his siblings,Aiko was born a Karamor with the ability to control gravity. His parents didn't think much of it as they struggled with their own problems within the disfunctional family. Around age 9 Aiko was presented over to the Rocecrant family by his parents,made to demonstrate his abilities. Next thing he knows he was abandoned there,sold to the Rocecrant family to become one of their servants. Due to his abilities he was quickly appointed to become Ravio's personal bodyguard and handyman. Given training and torture of being Ravio's personal toy,he has learned to use his abilities rather well,and has excelled in martial arts. Regardless he has lived up to now belonging to Ravio and at his mercy,acting as an accomplice and tool. Though his position he is softhearted and loves to make friends. He's the type who naturally will be willing to stand in front of a gun in order to protect his friends. Loyal to a fault. He only ever cries when no one is seeing him,as seeing someone watching him cry embaressing because his face does end up blushing red.

Weapon: Dual Daggers

Theme (optional):








Both great characters! Accepted! 



Name: Krigor
Karamor: antimatter

​Karamor Description: He can originate antimatter and use it to confront matter, creating explosions. Plus he can create a shield of antimatter which would be used to repel normal matter and energy.  
Age: 16
Gender: male
Alliance (good bad neutral): good
Appearance: 2ic71hf.jpg
Bio: When he was a child, Krigor wasn't able to control his own abilities, what caused him to be left in an orphanage. He grew up alone, being almost unable to establish links of friendship. That because of his inability to understand other people's feelings, despite of being kind. Any type of communication was difficult for him, even though he tried his best. At sometimes, he lost the control of his powers. He couldn't deal with loud noises, bright lights or even a soft touch from other people. That's right, he could not be touched. It was so much for him that he had meltdowns, what caused him to hurt other people. 

One day he decided to ran away from all that. Living totally alone sounded better than living with people who didn't want you there. 
Weapon: twin swords 
Theme (optional): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq9oR9x171w




Amazing unique Karamor, i like it! Accepted! 

((Pulling myself out, Sorry D:))

Sorry to hear that.

Edited by Sukai

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So this is it? Kind of disappointed but hey :/

It's cool, well in order to keep the story interesting I will probably be making more characters throughout the story. You all may as well. 

I will keep the sign ups open for one more day before starting, just in case.

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Name: Sora Sekai
Karamor: Air Magic
​Karamor Description: Can use air to do almost anything he wishes (mostly to lift stuff up, and to bring stuff to him. but he can also cause very hard wind, and stuff like that.). If there is plenty of debris, he has a advantage.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Alliance (good bad neutral): GOOD


Bio: Sora had grew up with a single parent, being his dad. His mom had died from cancer. He also grew up with a older sister, which he called onee-chan throughout his life. He was a very smart boy, and sometimes was at the top of his class. Not only that, but he is very athletic, which also help because of his air magic. To him, it's kinda a workout to use it, since you have to control the air to lift something up. He had used his ability alot throughout his life too. He was often helpful to the teacher if something was trapped too far down somewhere.
Theme (optional): 




Name: Ravio Rocecrant

Karamor: Super Strength

​Karamor Description: As the name applies his strength is much more than normal for a kid his age,pretty much inhuman.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Alliance (good bad neutral): Neutral





Bio: Only son to a noble family Ravio has been raised with the finer tastes of life and used to getting whatever he wants. Exhibiting unusual strength from a very young age he was made to take swordsmanship classes in order to learn to control his strength. Due to his strength,in all the fights and competitions he has entered,he has never lost. He will do anything to get his way. He is spoiled,arrogant and quick-tempered,and can have a bit of a god complex. This just covers up his darker side,which many have seen while he fights. He is sadistic and loves to see others in pain,which is becoming a growing concern. The ones who have suffered through this the most have been competitors against him and servants. There has been a death of a servant because of him years ago,but it was never brought to light and he got away with it.

Weapon: Knife-shaped sword

Theme (optional):







Name: Aiko

Karamor: Gravity Manipulation

​Karamor Description: Cannmanipulate the gravity around him and create small gravitational fields. The effects can vary from items around him starting to float to items crushing themselves down against the floor until they are noting left.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Alliance (good bad neutral): Good





Bio: One out of 6 children within a family. Unlike his siblings,Aiko was born a Karamor with the ability to control gravity. His parents didn't think much of it as they struggled with their own problems within the disfunctional family. Around age 9 Aiko was presented over to the Rocecrant family by his parents,made to demonstrate his abilities. Next thing he knows he was abandoned there,sold to the Rocecrant family to become one of their servants. Due to his abilities he was quickly appointed to become Ravio's personal bodyguard and handyman. Given training and torture of being Ravio's personal toy,he has learned to use his abilities rather well,and has excelled in martial arts. Regardless he has lived up to now belonging to Ravio and at his mercy,acting as an accomplice and tool. Though his position he is softhearted and loves to make friends. He's the type who naturally will be willing to stand in front of a gun in order to protect his friends. Loyal to a fault. He only ever cries when no one is seeing him,as seeing someone watching him cry embaressing because his face does end up blushing red.

Weapon: Dual Daggers

Theme (optional):







Name: Krigor

Karamor: antimatter

​Karamor Description: He can originate antimatter and use it to confront matter, creating explosions. Plus he can create a shield of antimatter which would be used to repel normal matter and energy.  

Age: 16

Gender: male

Alliance (good bad neutral): good

Appearance: 2ic71hf.jpg

Bio: When he was a child, Krigor wasn't able to control his own abilities, what caused him to be left in an orphanage. He grew up alone, being almost unable to establish links of friendship. That because of his inability to understand other people's feelings, despite of being kind. Any type of communication was difficult for him, even though he tried his best. At sometimes, he lost the control of his powers. He couldn't deal with loud noises, bright lights or even a soft touch from other people. That's right, he could not be touched. It was so much for him that he had meltdowns, what caused him to hurt other people. 

One day he decided to ran away from all that. Living totally alone sounded better than living with people who didn't want you there. 

Weapon: twin swords 

Theme (optional): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq9oR9x171w

RP has been posted! Make sure to follow it! http://kh13.com/forum/topic/77918-karamor-roleplay/ 

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Name: Ryonne Mors

Karamor: Speed

Karamor Description: Gives him super speed (for point of reference, think The Flash)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Alliance: Good

Appearance: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=52ywpi&s=6#.U-l-WNq9KSM

Bio: A strong boy who has been dreaming of joining the army for years. However, when he showed them his Karamor, he was rejected. Feeling betrayed, Ryonne went on to become a solo swordsman, using his Karamor for good. He prefers to work alone, simply because this is how he has trained. Having to worry about others in a battle might cost him the moment that he needed to dodge the next attack.

Weapon: Long, sturdy, slightly curved blade with a weighted sheath that is also used in combat.

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Name: Ryonne MorsKaramor: SpeedKaramor Description: Gives him super speed (for point of reference, think The Flash)Age: 19Gender: MaleAlliance: GoodAppearance: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=52ywpi&s=6#.U-l-WNq9KSMBio: A strong boy who has been dreaming of joining the army for years. However, when he showed them his Karamor, he was rejected. Feeling betrayed, Ryonne went on to become a solo swordsman, using his Karamor for good. He prefers to work alone, simply because this is how he has trained. Having to worry about others in a battle might cost him the moment that he needed to dodge the next attack.Weapon: Long, sturdy, slightly curved blade with a weighted sheath that is also used in combat.




Edited by Sukai

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Name: Nexter Fornigan, (AKA otherplace: Nexter Jade, Emerald Shadow, Razor Nexter); Nexter Jade around Rydel's area.
Karamor: Leaf

​Karamor Description: Has complete control of leaves and can cut people and do other stuff.
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Alliance (good bad neutral): Good
Appearance:Posted Image
Bio: Loyal to his military commanders and the land he fights for. He is known as a legend to his parts under several different names in different parts. He is well known for his signature attack, Shattered Emerald, which as the name implies in looks like a Shattered Emerald shinning and dancing with the wind around him ready to like glass.
Weapon: just the same as the image as the blade was forged to resemble a leaf.
Theme (optional): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1blSxGTs-5o 

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Name: Verenor Thrognar
Karamor: Ink legacy

​Karamor Description: Can inscribe runes onto any form of matter (can even write on air) to do certain things such as Creating a barrier or "judgement". Also he can use the ink into his pen that turns into a sword
Alliance (good bad neutral):neutral
Appearance: Posted Image
Bio: In his youth he was always obsessed with justice and righteous judgement even tho it went to far at times. At a very young age he started to dream about a world in which everything is fair and just. He left home very early due to the fact his own family had become corrupt and he wished not to involve himself with people who brake the laws or are corruptible. This led him to become a sort of goody goody two shoes who wouldn't brake any rules at any time. When he realized what abilities he has his almost fanatic belief only grew and at times it seemed to be much like a religion to him. Later he did some things he now deeply regrets and his so called faith started to dwindle. At present his mental state is more ... screwed up ... and that's putting it mildly. Once a  gentlemen now a crazed maniac. He wanders the world seeking only a use for his power fora cause he sees "just" which could turn out to be madness.
Weapon: his pen but it can turn into this  https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT3UUFRbVySHjqQVpFPc2ls80oBSA7f_HnZkOaPeGwqxMGdNees
Theme (optional): 


-in thought 

-in a fight 


hope its ok i experimented with the character a little

Edited by savus1909

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Name: Verenor Thrognar

Karamor: Ink legacy

​Karamor Description: Can inscribe runes onto any form of matter (can even write on air) to do certain things such as Creating a barrier or "judgement". Also he can use the ink into his pen that turns into a sword



Alliance (good bad neutral):neutral

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: In his youth he was always obsessed with justice and righteous judgement even tho it went to far at times. At a very young age he started to dream about a world in which everything is fair and just. He left home very early due to the fact his own family had become corrupt and he wished not to involve himself with people who brake the laws or are corruptible. This led him to become a sort of goody goody two shoes who wouldn't brake any rules at any time. When he realized what abilities he has his almost fanatic belief only grew and at times it seemed to be much like a religion to him. Later he did some things he now deeply regrets and his so called faith started to dwindle. At present his mental state is more ... screwed up ... and that's putting it mildly. Once a  gentlemen now a crazed maniac. He wanders the world seeking only a use for his power fora cause he sees "just" which could turn out to be madness.

Weapon: his pen but it can turn into this  https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT3UUFRbVySHjqQVpFPc2ls80oBSA7f_HnZkOaPeGwqxMGdNees

Theme (optional): 


-in thought 

-in a fight 


hope its ok i experimented with the character a little


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Character Sheet

Name: Renko 'Ren' Kurokaza

Karamor: Blaze

​Karamor Description: Pyrokinsesis.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Alliance (good bad neutral): Neutral


Posted Image No hat, Black Hair, Gold eye, cape is white.


Bio: The whereabouts of Ren's parents are unknown, she lost her left eye to a disease when she was young. Ren is a rebel at heart, and smokes at her age. She loves using her Karamor.

Weapon: Daggers

Theme (optional): Will post. Eventually.

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Character Sheet

Name: Renko 'Ren' Kurokaza

Karamor: Blaze

​Karamor Description: Pyrokinsesis.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Alliance (good bad neutral): Neutral


Posted Image No hat, Black Hair, Gold eye, cape is white.


Bio: The whereabouts of Ren's parents are unknown, she lost her left eye to a disease when she was young. Ren is a rebel at heart, and smokes at her age. She loves using her Karamor.

Weapon: Daggers

Theme (optional): Will post. Eventually.

I like her, accepted!

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I'll sigh up in a bit :3 If you're still allowing...

Go ahead we haven't gotten to far yet. I'll PM you a quick summary of what's going on.

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Name: Nagura Bito
Karamor: Polarity

​Karamor Description: Has power over magnetism, allowing him to push, pull, and bend metal objects.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Alliance (good bad neutral): Neutral

Posted Image

Bio: Nagura had it rough in his childhood. He never did well in combat school because he couldn't activate his Kramor and was told over and over again that he wouldn't amount to anything and slowly faded into the shadows. However, at around 9 years old, he gained a happy-go-lucky friend, who disregarded the fact that no one acknowledged him. Nagura's friend protected him from the torment he got from others, and sometimes even assaults by other kids. But one day, the assaults went too far, and luring Nagura and his friend into a trap, the latter was killed when a blade sliced his body in two. Right then, he destroyed the trap and killed everyone within 15 meters, destroying the metal around him.


Nagura then was called in by his parents to a special police force, and he had to fend them off, blasting them and running away from home. With no one to trust, he trudged the streets, homeless for years, until he was given shelter by an old man. He'd treated him like a grandson, taking him to school and caring for him, until he got extremely ill and died. Living alone for until this point, he just had wanted to fade away, until he remembered his friend's words: "I had almost given up one day because all my friends didn't like me anymore, but look at me! I'm keeping my head up high! And one day, I'll become greater than they ever were!" Although the messaged he claimed seemed childish, he took it on as his will to keep living.

To this day, he still visits the grave of his friend and his guardian, mourning over the graves he dug himself.

 Posted Image

Theme (optional): 

Edited by Sun Wukong

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